Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 299 Longevity Technique! 【4/5】

McGidd appreciates Lisa from the bottom of her heart. Her business thinking has been able to integrate into politics, and they support and influence each other... This is what a good businessman should have.

One of them is in charge of a commercial kingdom, and the other is a real kingdom. Now they have found a lot of common topics, and the high-energy battery alone is extraordinary for economics and politics.

They were discussing advanced content, but Sahil and the youngest girl in the family were laughing and laughing all day long, and Alia was still holding the latest third-generation bananas, squeezing into the middle of them to take a selfie—


Self-portrait is very important for women—stop all topics, put down all actions, look up at the camera together, put on the most beautiful side, click.

"Pretty." Aliya checked the photo album with satisfaction.

Mejid smiled and hugged the girl: "Do you want to be a qualified princess?"

"Teach me." But she was born to be pleasing, squeezed into her arms, hugged her neck, and after a few kisses, no one could resist.

"Formal introduction," McGid put his arms around her and looked at everyone, "This is my daughter, she is a bit naughty, if she does something wrong, I apologize first.

Aliya was very happy: "Then I called it that?"

"I've wanted to raise a lovely daughter for a long time!" McGidd became more alive, and kissed her face, "It's you, baby!"

"Just a kiss!" Arya demanded.

"It's an inch!" Majid smiled and touched her lips, "Little baby stay with me at night, I have to do my duty.

"Okay." Aliya played with her in the play.

But given their age gap, it’s really okay to play... A certain king is imagining again, this kind of plot of mother and daughter... I can’t refuse you when you come to my door, can’t I?

Family time is a rare and relaxing day. They vacationed in the Mediterranean, went shopping in France on a whim, and took a trip in Western Europe, dominating everyone's free time.

Because we all know that in a period of time, everyone will be very busy, the king, the prime minister... Even now there are many things.

A phenomenon led by Faraday Motors, and the more important high-energy batteries behind it, prove that it is changing the economic structure—the first year of pure electric vehicles has officially arrived.

Before the Faraday F2014 was released, only 350 units were ordered. Although the price was as high as 3 million US dollars, it could not stop the enthusiasm of the fans.

After the first batch of F2014 was delivered to customers, various uses and evaluations frequently hit the headlines. The performance of the high-energy battery has also been verified. Afterwards, Faraday will strike while the iron is hot and launch a luxury car.

Aiming at the $100,000-200,000 level, the competitors at this level are the BMW 7 Series and the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, but as an electric vehicle, it will of course be more powerful, and if there is a disagreement, it will lose its horsepower.

Even if it is not a sports car, the characteristics of the electric motor can make it have amazing acceleration performance, breaking through a hundred in three seconds, and the battery life can reach seven to eight hundred kilometers, which is not weaker than gasoline cars!

The characteristics of the battery also determine that the power of super charging can be very large, and the dedicated charging station can replenish the power to 70% within 15 minutes.

With all these conditions laid out, the era of electric vehicles cannot be stopped.

In response to cooperation with energy groups, even the US government has summoned company executives several times to discuss economic and business development.

The breakthrough battery technology has a huge impact on the global auto industry. Even if the energy supply is limited in the next ten years, it can only occupy 40% of the auto market no matter how optimistic it is, but should it?

At the political level, the world's worries about the United Kingdom monopolizing Gulf oil and controlling oil prices have begun to fade. With battery technology, the unshakable dominance of oil will gradually loosen.

Although the aviation industry is still inseparable, it will be much easier once the car is solved. The royal government took advantage of this advantage to ease the external pressure.

After the marriage leave ended, Wang Lisha's third plan was to keep up with her.

This trick is more for the stable future of the kingdom. She held a private banquet for global billionaires in Dubai, and the participants were all billionaires (Tian Yi) level.

You can participate on-site or remotely through the latest commercial holographic projection technology. A total of thousands of rich people from different countries and races in the world have gathered.

Their purpose is the same - longevity technology.

It has been news many years ago that stem cells have made major breakthroughs. Over the years, they have conquered many cancers and solved many problems in clinical experiments.

However, what attracts the most attention of the rich is the temptation of stem cells for longevity. Inject stem cells into the body to replace aging cells and obtain a longer and younger life cycle. Who can refuse?

The largest investor in this project is also a world-renowned billionaire female billionaire. Ms. Wang Lisha personally introduced them.

"Based on our current technology and the data of tens of thousands of clinical trials, this technology can extend the lifespan of human beings to 200 years old, and allow human beings to maintain the appearance of forty years old when they are 100 years old."

"々. In terms of biology, being as young as 100 years old, or living a lifespan of 200 years is not the limit. Stem cells can change more, and I would like to remind you that the status quo is only the first step."

"But it is enough for everyone to develop their own careers and manage their own property younger and more freely, without worrying about the ability of future generations and the hard work of their careers in vain.

Having said that, no one present is indifferent.

Especially seventy and eighty-year-olds, rich people with half a foot in the coffin, their own huge property, but no qualified heirs, and their children are prodigal sons. They are afraid of this situation.

There are also people with billions or tens of billions, and they are reluctant to abandon such a large amount of property. If they can live to be one or two hundred years old, it will be enjoyable.

"Until now, through the observation and experiments of tens of thousands of examples, we can confirm that this technology can be used in humans safely and effectively."

Wang Lisha's words ignited their dreams.

How much will it cost next? When will the service start? Can multiple purchases enjoy discounts (the King’s)... Questions like these keep coming.

Lisa Wang answered their urgent questions: "The cost of this technology is very high, so only everyone present can enjoy it first."

"We will provide two kinds of services|services, standard and priority. The specific content and terms have been sent to the PDAs in your hands. Please refer to them freely.

The standard and priority fees are different, the standard is 100 million US dollars for each quota, and there are different effects and guarantees for different age groups;

The priority is that each quota is 500 million U.S. dollars. As the name suggests, it is fast and ranked in front of others. You don’t have to wait until you are about to die, and it’s not your turn yet.

Is $100 million or $500 million worth it if you are 100 years younger and can live to 200 years old? It depends on who you are looking for, and it is unthinkable for the poor.

But for these billionaires, 100 million is not too difficult to accept. Many people spend decades and earn billions. If life expectancy is doubled, it will not be easy to earn back.

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