Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 300 Searching For The Wealth Of The World [5/5]

Immortality is what human beings have been striving for since ancient times.

Although the current technology cannot achieve the tens of thousands of years in the fairy tales, living to two hundred years old and being young to more than one hundred years old is absolutely achievable with the proven stem cell technology.

Before participating in the meeting, the rich people present have done a lot of research, including the technical principle of longevity, and since the application of stem cell technology, they have conquered leukemia and solved many cancers.

These successful examples are giving them confidence.

Wang Lisha also made it very clear that the human life span can be extended to 200 years! And fifty years, one hundred years later, maybe there will be immortality technology. What everyone needs is the time difference of the technological society.

Compared with these implementations, the price of 100 million US dollars is affordable. And it is added in the terms that it doesn't have to be funds, but it can also be equity or influence.

For example, this influence is what she specifically emphasized. The politicians of a certain country want to have this technology, but they don’t have so much money? Easy, implement your political influence and favor the United Kingdom.

If the Communist Party and politicians with real power do this, will there still be objections to the rise of the United Kingdom 593 from the outside? They have already penetrated into the interior of the US Empire, and these rich people and politicians are all their own people.

Even if it can't be said that it is completely biased towards the kingdom, it will not be easily opposed. When the fate of the rich is in their hands, how dare they mess around?

This item promoted by Wang Lisha will bring a stable political environment to the kingdom.

Occasionally engage in something, as long as it is not too much, I believe that the United States can turn a blind eye to it... The network resources it has mastered are the largest in the world.

In the end, Lisa Wang also brought some great news: "This project, accompanied by the experiment of customizing genes, means that we can freely choose offspring, appearance, skin color, height and so on.

"Since last year, we have carried out experiments in Africa and Asia, and dozens of cases have participated every month. Up to now, the first batch of experimental babies has been born."

Artificial intelligence displays photos and videos.

What they saw was two black couples who gave birth to a white-skinned baby; there was also a mixed race, one yellow and one black, who showed the characteristics of completely yellow people, and the two yellow people had blue-eyed children.

"All of this is on record. If you are interested, you can go and watch it in person. We will provide DNA to verify the relationship."

There was a burst of intensive discussion in the crowd. This technology is magic. Is genetic manipulation already so powerful?

"If you or family members need it, we also undertake a small amount of VIP business here." Lisa posted an advertisement by the way.

They really can't keep calm!

This technology must be needed. Isn’t earning so much money just to live longer and have more perfect offspring? This is human genetics or instinct in the bones!

This exchange meeting took more than four hours, and Wang Lisha and the senior staff and core technicians of the laboratory explained the doubts of many people.

In the end, no one knows how many places and how much funds were obtained.

But Lisa had a rough idea in her heart that the effect of this project would be astonishing, and at least 500 billion U.S. dollars could be obtained. This money can be invested in sciences such as genes, life, and brain domains.

After putting everything in, there will be more than half left, how should I use it?

Lisa, who has always been black-bellied, discussed it with Sahil—use it in military technology! When she wants to repent in the future, no one will dare to approach them to settle accounts.

"But at that time, we had to emigrate to outer space to escape the wrath of these people." Sahil joked—how is this possible?

"But how can we fail." Lisa is quite confident, because she and McGidd both want to use this technology, after all, they are not young.

Maijid, the oldest among them, was about to turn 40, and she was looking forward to this scene the most. Sahil decided to do the surgery himself and check every step for her.

Back to the present, Sahil looked at her: "You still have a conspiracy."

"Hey." Lisa Wang laughed, "The current group of rich people is top-notch, but after the cost of technology is reduced in the future, we can still target millionaires and launch secondary exhibits, such as living to 150 years old and being young to 20."

"In the end, decades later, when the technology is popularized and there are competitors, we will price it at the price of cabbage, develop it into a beverage, and sell it to everyone in the world."

"Let me do the math, how much money can be earned here... Well, for those at the level of the rich, at least give us one or two trillion yuan, and for all human beings, that would be terrifying.

"So honey, don't worry about our family running out of money in the future, and you can't mock me for buying a bag from a prodigal family, or I'll make life difficult for you!"

"Sure enough, there are no profiteers or businessmen." Sahil was completely convinced by her.

This is the rhythm of searching for wealth all over the world!

After the private banquet ended, rich people from all over the world moved frequently.

Saving money to buy longevity has become a norm. The entrance fee is at least 100 million US dollars, and those who dislike the slow speed will be given 500 million directly. If there is not enough money, they will implement contacts and political influence.

Both money and contacts are very important to the developing United Kingdom. Hundreds of billions of wealth are pouring in, and traditional and high-tech industries continue to settle in the kingdom

As the prime minister, McGidd also gave the green light to foreign investment. Under the blueprint for a strong country she created, the industrial foundations that were once in short supply are being quickly made up for.

The ultimate goal is a self-sufficient system that does not need to depend on the outside world - and the Kingdom is moving towards this.

At the same time, Sahil also paid attention to the investment in military science and technology, and the overall quality of the army has been improved... Recently, the public can often see that the prince and the princess are moving around the country, inspecting and visiting the people.

His beautiful princess accompanied him to every occasion. The princess did not receive any religious restraints, and she was also leading people towards secularization.

The outside world's evaluation of the princess is good, she has a good image and temperament, she is also full of love, and supports women's fair progress... Her positive image has won a very good approval rate.

People all agree with this princess, and people from all walks of life think highly of her... The entire kingdom has developed to the present, and both internal and external are stable.

Time passed slowly, and the day of the king's coronation was approaching. .

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