Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 301: A Moment With Eight Faces 【1/5】

For this important ceremony, Dubai and even the whole kingdom are busy, and the officials will also broadcast live to a certain extent through TV stations, and will save the images for future generations.

When Sahil finally had enough fun and came back, the royal family was taking action for the coronation in all aspects, including the invited guests, the venue, the form, the route, the clothing, etc.

The corresponding guard of honor and cavalry are also rehearsing repeatedly, and the police and army are also rushing to deploy in order to maintain security. Because the threat of AIE exists, no accidents are allowed.

Sahil, who is the protagonist, has to rehearse when he comes back. The familiarization process over and over again, even the princess must be together. Aliya was looking forward to trying on her beautiful dress, but Sahil was not too happy about the white robe.

Speaking of which, he has never felt that white robes can be associated with formal occasions and solemnity. At most, it is a tool for pretending to be a local tyrant. It is usually easy to say, but this is the coronation of the king!

To say that the Arabian dresses are quite simple, and the coronation ceremony is even less organized. It is absolutely irrelevant to look good. The new king's displeasure is written on his face.

I don't want to go to the coronation wearing such an ordinary white robe!

His unhappily complaining voice was heard from afar.

"Believe in the same god, go to see the coronation of the Pope in Rome, the pope also has a little white cap and white robe, but why are we so shabby when we play so grandly?"

They are all little white hats, but the pope is extravagant and grand, with a triple crown, gold and silver, cross scepter, supreme ring (fisherman's ring)... In contrast, green and green have no legal system.

It was agreed that everyone is a descendant of Israel? Why is there such a big gap between Mao and Lujiao!

Here I want to popularize science. The Green religion and Christianity, which seem to be incompatible, are actually of the same origin! The God of Christ and the God of the Green religion are the same, but Christ calls it Jehovah, and the God of the Green religion is Ann. pull.

They also have many of the same religious figures, such as Jesus (Green Cult is called 'Isa'), and their ancestors are also Abraham (Ibrahim), and Green Cult recognizes the "Old Testament" (the first part of the Bible).

Speaking of the topic, Sahil also wants to be grand and flashy! This is the kingdom he conquered. As the first king, shouldn't he set an example for future generations?

"Don't like it?" Aliya pressed her chin on his shoulder, looked at him and said, "I also think it's a little bad, let's change it while there is still time!"

"It must be changed!" Sahil doesn't like this kind of thing. "I'd better wear a military uniform. The white robe doesn't look like the Pope in Rome. I want to break out of the routine!"

"Military uniform?" Aliya thought for a while, "It's very good! It's not without precedent, that's how the king of Jordan was crowned, it's more grand!"

"Heroes see the same thing!" Sahil decided to switch.

Although things were a bit abrupt, the king's words were orders, and his subordinates hurried to prepare. The king wants to wear a military uniform for the coronation, either white and black or red and black, and finally the designer chooses white and black.

The Arabs still like white, green, etc., but the king is very disgusted with green, especially hats... No one, oh, I'm afraid Lisa may know something.

After the design drawing of the dress came out, the king was finally satisfied. Finally, he still had a weapon --- the sabre, which had been handed over to the most traditional craftsmen in Arabia.

The coronation was chosen to be held in November when the weather is cool. The king has announced a five-day holiday. The royal family will fund the celebration, which will be held in every corner of the capital, with a budget of as much as one billion dollars!

The wealthy country is rich, and when the coronation ceremony approaches, Dubai has been reduced to a sea of ​​flowers. The coronation ceremony is scheduled to be held at the Emirates Palace, which was originally a church, but was opposed by the king.

The princess also objected, because they want to build a secular country, and they will separate politics from religion in the future. Religion must not interfere with politics, so they chose to be in the palace.

When it was still daylight, more than 200,000 people took to the streets. They spread newspapers and brought their own benches on the only way the king's motorcade must pass.

The temperature in the early morning is still a little low, but it can't drive away the enthusiastic people. The TV station took to the streets to interview, and the people were extremely lively, joyfully expressing that they wanted to see their prince who had witnessed the growth be crowned as king with their own eyes.

Not only the locals in Dubai were extremely enthusiastic, but residents from other franchise territories and people who worshiped Sahil came spontaneously. Luxury cars completely blocked Dubai, but they still kept pouring in.

This city, decorated with flowers and colorful flags, is now extremely congested, and even the police are on the verge of an enemy, and a large number of police forces and volunteers have been dispatched to the streets. Military police wearing exoskeletons are even more serious.

...asking for flowers...

In order to prevent terrorist attacks, the Kingdom has adopted the most advanced high-tech. Now, when entering Dubai, they have to go through multiple procedures including scanning irises, fingerprints, facial data, and voice.

The law enforcement team is also equipped with advanced metal scanning equipment, which is displayed on tactical glasses, and drones are constantly patrolling overhead. Artificial intelligence firmly grasps these millions of data

The security is already airtight, and anyone who wants to make troubles will be dealt with immediately. Soldiers wearing exoskeletons appear to deal with this situation.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, guests entered the palace where the coronation ceremony was held, mainly the nobles of the kingdom—they were once the royal families of various small countries; there were also quite a few foreign royal families, most of them were from Europe.

There are still many exchanges between the royal families of various countries. The United Kingdom is now recognized by the West, and members of the Western royal families will naturally send people to participate. Fifteen royal families from Europe alone have come.

People from the Arab and Asian regions also sent people; and then there were also some foreign dignitaries, ambassadors, etc., as witnesses of important ceremonies, and all countries gave face.

At half past eight, the TV station started the live broadcast.

From the other end of the road came the loud cheers of the people. Under the opening of the cavalry team and the motorcycle team, a total of three cars drove slowly. They were convertible cars specially built by Faraday for the coronation ceremony.

The prince, wearing a white jacket and black trousers military uniform, stood up and waved to the audience on the road; the princess beside him was also waving. She was wearing a carefully crafted Arabian handmade long dress embellished with gemstones, which was generous and solemn.

There is also a big screen broadcasting the grand occasion on the road, and those who sit in front of the TV can also see this grand scene. The king and queen's dresses are up to date and yet generous, which has won praise from many people.

As a kingdom that was defined as taking the secular route at the beginning of its establishment, the king and his wife have undoubtedly played a very good leading role. With this grand attire, the scenery is definitely not weaker than that of the European royal family.

The cheers and applause along the way also proved the strength of the popularity. Sahil's military strength and the contribution of the Propaganda Department have won the admiration of the majority of the people and made today's scene extremely lively. .

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