Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 303 Rapid Development [3/5]

After the establishment of the cabinet, she was busy with various internal affairs and diplomatic work for a while. Sahil didn't want to see her busy from morning to night, so he also shared the responsibility. He can take care of foreign affairs between countries, and he can also preside over important domestic affairs.

Let’s start with the country first. The current situation of the United Kingdom is that the total land area is 350,000 square kilometers, which is larger than the United Kingdom and comparable in size to Germany, but the land is barren and most of it is desert.

The only resource that stands out is oil, with reserves of as much as 290 billion barrels. According to current oil prices, the potential value has reached a frightening $18 trillion.

There is no exact census of the population, but artificial intelligence has counted about 28 million residents based on the amount of activity. Among them, less than 40% are citizens, and most of them are foreign employees.

Just like the previous situation in Dubai, the locals are all local tyrants, and they still receive thousands of dollars a month without a job. The hard work is done by foreigners, and because of the good welfare of the locals, it is very attractive.

Sahil intends to take advantage of this advantage. If he wants to become a big country, he must have both talents! The cabinet government has passed a comprehensive immigration policy, gradually relaxing immigration restrictions [to absorb more groups.

In his big country blueprint, the population should be more than 50 million, and there must be enough technical talents in all aspects! If you can’t absorb it, you should cultivate it yourself—the Nobel Prize-winning Jianguo University in Dubai is even more important.

It will now be renamed "Arab King University", expand its scale, and continue to increase investment. The kingdom's future education and scientific training will depend on it!

And just one university is not enough, we will continue to open more. The kingdom's land is no longer limited to Dubai, which is less than 10,000 square kilometers, and it is a total of 350,000, which must be allocated reasonably

The most important thing is the industrial foundation and technological foundation! Before he became king, or even after he was reborn, he has been laying the groundwork like this, and has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in total.

Last year, Sheikh Farid also signed a 200 billion cooperation agreement with the United States, and a considerable part of it is technical cooperation... Collect all these and build your own system!

Otherwise, if you want to build an airplane, you will lack everything, even a single screw cannot be produced by yourself. This "big country" can only be a daydream!

All of them are not required to be self-produced, but in the core technology industry, they must be independent! Screws are imported, after all, there are few people in the country and the labor cost is high.

But aero engines, high-end materials, and high-precision manufacturing processes all have to rely on themselves!

So Sahil will invest and build all over the kingdom. Incidentally, the crude oil processing technology has been upgraded to a higher level-it is said that the Gulf Petroleum countries have a lot of oil, but no technology.

These processing links and refined oil links are all earned by foreign companies, and the oil-producing countries can only earn a little money for raw materials. After the oil is extracted, there will be no local tyrants.

But not now! It needs to be changed, and they also have to get a share of the processing link. The royal family and private consortia have formed a "National Energy Group" to be responsible for this part.

Its annual output value is tens of billions of dollars, and this money will not be easy for outsiders... Tens of billions are enough for him to form a machine army of 10,000 people!

From the establishment of the new cabinet to the coming of the new year, the world turmoil in the Middle East continued, and the development of the kingdom was very stable. Relying on powerful force, no one could understand them at all.

The Kingdom's army continued to bomb and attack the AIE forces in Iraq and Syria. On the one hand, it was also actively developing itself. It introduced various foreign capital, introduced consortium enterprises, and then distributed them reasonably, and quickly restored the standard.

Various high-tech industries, the tertiary service industry or the tourism industry are recovering. The most dazzling is the field of science and technology. King's University and research institutes have exported talents in this field.

Just a seawater desalination technology has monopolized the world, and there are endless biotechnology, artificial intelligence industry...anything, can make a small country a powerful country.

And when it all adds up, it's terrifying.

The cooperation between the female prime minister McGidd and the female president Wang Lisa has become more and more tacit, improving the domestic economy, which in turn promotes this aspect of political performance. They are excellent teammates.

In February of the next year, the Ministry of Finance counted the economic development of last year. Although there was a war at the beginning of the year, the victorious war has better promoted the outbreak of various industries!

After experiencing turmoil, but after peace, more capital in the Middle East seeks this powerful United Kingdom as a shelter, and funds continue to flow in!

In the post-war recovery, whether it is the Dubai consortium or the Gulf consortium, if they transfer some of their high-tech enterprises to the country, won't the economy keep rising?

In terms of improvement, Dubai has mastered quite a lot of high-tech - desalinated water, green plants, and the most important stem cell technology.

Therefore, the war at the beginning of the year not only did not shake the economy, but it rose sharply.

The female prime minister brought the finance minister to report to the king.

The Minister of Finance briefly summed up that last year, the country achieved a total GDP of 1.55 trillion US dollars! If the per capita is calculated with a population of 28 million, it is 55,000 US dollars per capita!

This is a very powerful statistic, and it is undoubtedly the first in Arabia! It is more than the sum of the second and third places, and it can be ranked in the top ten in the world!

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was amazed! This is the first Arab country that can squeeze into the top ten GDP in the world!

If just looking at GDP can't represent everything, then the kingdom's comprehensive human development index is also good, and education, medical care and welfare are all free.

If you insist on comparing 870, it is the difference between non-citizens. Among the 28 million people, half of the foreigners are lagging behind, which is the main reason for affecting its comprehensive index.

But there are also optimistic voices from the outside world, who believe that the United Kingdom has the capabilities of developed countries, because they have many bright spots in high-tech, such as biotechnology, desalinated water technology, and robot technology.

As long as any one of these aspects is done well, a country with hundreds of thousands of square kilometers can become a developed country! Now they are synchronized in three aspects.

What's more, they still have a lot of oil!

To be honest, this has made some big countries vigilant. They are happy to see chaos in the Middle East, but they are unwilling to see a powerful country in the Middle East.

It's just that they are afraid of the kingdom's mysterious force and the attitude of the United States towards its quasi-allies. At least no one will attack it lightly until they find out the truth.

The fate of AIE and Saudi Arabia is enough as an example.

This also made King Sahil very sober. The Americans cannot rely on it for a long time. As long as the interests of both parties are not equal, the stable situation may be broken!

Maybe the Kingdom will become the next Iraqi and Li Kingdom! The current honeymoon period with the West does not mean that he will relax his vigilance, on the contrary, taking advantage of this opportunity, rapid development is the top priority!.

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