Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 305 Creating A Tiger King【5/5】

Let’s not talk about how far away, in reality in 2012, some American scientists conducted experiments: memory tests of different mice in different environments, using optical fibers to release signals to stimulate the brain, and the environmental stimuli would also be transferred.

That is, mice that have not experienced this environment will also respond. This proves that the memory has been transplanted, and this is also the simplest verification method. The technology given by intelligence is much more advanced.

It can transmit electrical signals to the human brain through electric current, and then convert them into nerve signals that can be interpreted, which is equivalent to writing new information in the brain, and will regard it as its own memory.

Going a little further, the level of brainwashing. Implant the memory of assassinating the president into the mind of the agent. When he meets the president, he will reflexively produce this memory, and finally carry out the assassination!

Even more frightening is changing cognitive thinking. People must drink water, no matter how they are changed, the biological instinct will be driven to replenish water, but if it is changed at a deep level, people will think that water cannot be drunk, even if they die.

This person will never go to drink water again.

The method has changed living beings, even souls, and is the "thought weapon" introduced by intelligence.

"If it acts on people, wouldn't it be unsolvable?"

Sahil was particularly surprised by this kind of thing, writing new memories, brainwashing and saying, changing the level of the soul, this is the duty of God, right?

"Basically, there is no solution." Zhizhi said, "This is a strategic weapon used by civilizations such as Gao 687, but I can't do it yet, so I can only come at a lower level."

"Writing into memory is also very powerful." Sahil said——grab a group of people, let them no longer believe in Green religion, only believe in secularization, and let them spread secularization.

Then the Green Church, which is known as the "cancer of the earth", will be changed. If it is used to deal with this land, he wants to promote secularization, it is quite easy.

"Relevant technologies can be transferred to the artificial intelligence database." Smart's answer affirmed the feasibility of this technology, and Sahil implemented it without hesitation.

In fact, memory writing is a double-edged sword.

The bad side is like the memory of assassinating the president, but the good is the comprehension of knowledge. Think about it, learn a new language, no need to delve into it, just write it into your head and master it immediately.

To learn a new course, you don’t need to gnaw dead books, write it into the memory of a genius scholar, you can master it, even if you don’t understand it 100%, but 70% is definitely qualified.

On a high level, this will subvert the future education method—go to school to study for more than ten years? In the future of information explosion, it is too slow! (dbff) Only by writing into memory can we keep up Knowledge is changing with each passing day. The knowledge learned by modern humans in more than ten years may be fully written in only one or two months in the future, and the mastery is even better than you.

It's a pretty cool technology.

King Sahil personally approved the establishment of the "Royal Academy of Sciences", which has dug enough talents from X Laboratory and King's University to start research on the probability of memory events.

From the mouse test to the animal memory writing test, the classic rabbit walks the maze, let a rabbit that does not have the memory of walking the maze, write the route to go out, and it can walk out in one go!

The IQ of experimental animals is also getting higher and higher. From rabbits to monkeys to orangutans, memory writing has made the expected progress, because it has strict guidance on the correct plan, and it can be wrong if you do it manually?

During the process, Sahil had a sudden idea——so, can we also write the consciousness of being obedient and not hurting people, but maintaining animal nature and being as smart as a dog, into the head of a tiger?

He thought of his Xiaobai, who was the prince's favorite pet and lived a good life, but now he is a useless cat... The tiger's instincts have been suppressed, but it has lost the domineering it should have

He thought about it more than once, if Xiaobai could also be like a hound, and accompany him to hunt and catch wild boars, that would be great! Or take Xiaobai to Africa, let him return to nature, and go with lions heads-up?

It's doable, isn't it?

When the memory test was about to be developed to the point where human beings were in bed, the king played a guest role as a scientist. With his fine-grained control, the operation should not be too simple.

To be on the safe side, he repeated the test many times, and finally found out that there was nothing wrong with it, so he caught Xiaobai—a cat he had raised for almost ten years. Now he is 3.5 meters long and weighs more than 460 kilograms.

If it weren’t for its cuteness, seeing it rushing towards you would surely make you pee in fright. For such a big tiger, its arm muscles are two or three times thicker than a human’s thigh! A single slap can kill an adult, as long as it is serious !

But now Xiaobai is a useless meow... Sahil pointed to the laboratory countertop: "Go up."

The Tiger King obediently jumped up and got down. Sahil came to it, smiled and rubbed its face: "Do you want to experience the life of a real beast king?"

Xiaobai's front body suddenly stood up and stared at him—after so many years of getting along, they were able to communicate easily, and now Xiaobai felt the expectation of its owner.

"Keeping you as a pet is not a tiger king." Sahil scratched it with his hands, and Xiaobai opened his mouth to bite.

But it won't bite hard... Sahil continued: "When you are young, you have to hook up with some handsome guys and fight with lions. It's easy to brag when you are old?"

It doesn't understand complex sentences, but it can feel the expectation from the master's tone, it rubs against him with its big head, Sahil finally asked: "Are you sure?"

"Ao." It called.


Then the Tiger King Project.....has been carried out!

Memory writing requires very precise control, and the correct signal is transmitted through a micro-current. The engineering to be processed here must be carried out with a large computer or even a supercomputer.

But what the king needs most is money, a supercomputer with 100 billion times? He has five computers here, and five artificial intelligence users "Several generations of Hal play a role in the post.

The memory part is easily completed, and it will write the content that Xiaobai can understand: I am a loyal tiger, have the loyalty of a hound, the strength of a tiger, the SUA of a cheetah...

He is customizing a tiger, which is also the technology of memory writing.

The whole process took a week, and Xiaobai finally woke up a little dazed, his eyes were slack, but he quickly focused—Sahil held a bone in his hand.

Put it in front of it and smell it, then throw it out forcefully, and at the same time command: "Go! Tiger King!"

The order came down, and a yellow lightning bolt flew out. The lazy little white in the past seemed to have disappeared, replaced by a nimble tiger. It caught up with explosive speed, even before the bone hit the ground, it jumped up and bit it accurately. .

It fell to the ground with a plop, rolled to remove the impact force, and then ran back with the bone in its mouth, and put it in front of it, squatting on the ground like a house cat, looking at him with its tongue out.


This effect also surprised him!.

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