Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 318 The Strongest Country In West Asia [3]

Regarding Xiaobai's popularity on the Internet, they didn't expect it to be so fierce. Now the channel's subscriptions have almost reached one million, and people are clamoring to watch videos of tigers and leopards every day.

The king asked his entourage to keep updated. During the half-month vacation in Africa, Xiaobai became an Internet celebrity on video networks and news. People were talking about him and marveling at the powerful performance of tigers in Africa.

The inseparable leopard is also indispensable. So far no one understands how they can coexist harmoniously, but this tiger and leopard gradually revealed their funny attributes.

They work together to take away the crocodiles basking in the sun, climb up the trees to scare the giraffes, and stir up the cows. The fierce cows in the past will run away reflexively when they see a tiger or a leopard.

The audience was amazed, they had never seen that the herd would be afraid of their opponents, but these two guys did it... When their figures, one big and one small, ran in the sunset, it had become legend.

Xiaobai and Huahua have lived their lives in vain. They have experienced wildness and conquered nature. This holiday is perfect for them.

Members of the royal family who are on vacation in Zanzibar, basking in the sun, are also thinking about the next larger-scale vacation...but the vacation in front of them is coming to an end.

The new year has arrived, and both the king and the queen have a lot of work. After the days of isolation are over, they return to the United Kingdom one after another.

Xiaobai and Huahua enjoy a massage on the lawn, reminiscing about their vacation. The rest of the people perform their own duties. McGide will be in charge of government operations, and Wang Lisha will be in charge of the business empire.

The king also needs to supervise the progress of military construction. The air force and navy are currently lacking, but the aircraft has made good progress and will be mass-produced soon.

The navy is still working hard. He wants to build an unmanned warship, all controlled by robots, and change the traditional propulsion method so that its speed can reach 100 knots.

Compared with the 30 knot speed of the US destroyer, he is going to break the watch! But if he wants to break the watch, he must not lack nuclear technology-nuclear energy, and there are already nuclear power plants in China.

However, the X laboratory and the Royal Academy of Sciences are aiming at controllable nuclear fusion, and the biggest problem they want to achieve - superconductors have been successfully used in the military. In the superconducting state, the strong magnetic field generated is enough to restrain the reaction at high temperature.

After all, nuclear fusion requires a high temperature of 100 million degrees, and no material in the world can withstand it. Only through the confinement of a magnetic field to keep high-temperature materials out of contact with the surroundings can it be safely implemented.

At this point, it is only a matter of time before nuclear fusion technology is controllable. The prime minister has approved the investment of additional funds, which will continue to invest 50 billion U.S. dollars.

With the comprehensive guidance of black technology, 50 billion is enough, and this money is not a heavy burden for the government, because the economic development of Kaiguo is very good.

After the arrival of February, the government released its financial report.

First of all, the GDP that everyone cares about has achieved a total output value of 1.9 trillion, an increase of 20% year-on-year, a total output value of nearly 2 trillion US dollars, and a terrifying growth rate of 20%, which once again shocked the outside world.

The reason why the economy is so strong is that high-tech accounts for a large proportion. Wang Lisha intends to put some high-tech enterprises of the group in the kingdom, such as anti-aging projects, which can easily bring tens of billions of output value.

But 1.9 trillion U.S. dollars. Looking at the entire Middle East, there used to be 600 to 700 billion Saudi Arabia. Due to internal divisions, they have no combat effectiveness. The only Persia that can stand up has only 400 billion U.S. dollars, but it ranks second .

The United Kingdom can be said to be more than the sum of the entire Middle East region. Even at the level of Asia, it is second only to China, Japan and India.

The super economic and military strength makes the surrounding countries that are either in turmoil or at war drooling with envy. In recent years, the number of illegal immigrants has increased rapidly.

If it weren't for the use of artificial intelligence + Skynet monitoring, the United Kingdom might become Europe—refugees flock in one brain.

But they are not the fault of the refugees, of course it is unacceptable—the only thing you can have is talent, as long as you prove your talent and accept a secularized country, you will be a resident.

In order to be able to join in, the United Kingdom has become a "paradise" in the eyes of the people of the Middle East, and there are countless people who have sharpened their heads.

Even Persia, which is the deadly enemy of the sect, has a good foundation in the past, and although it has retreated in an all-round way, it still has a lot of talent reserves, and they all came to the kingdom one after another.

The Kingdom does not pay attention to factional entanglements. Whether it is the king or the prime minister, they have emphasized secularization. If anyone uses religion to speak and compare the government's behavior, the end will be very miserable.

Mejid maintains strict control over this aspect. Religion must never interfere with politics. This is a high-tension line. Whoever touches it will die! Resist? Die faster!

The kingdom's robot army can become a meat grinder if necessary!

Someone tried this way when the kingdom was established, but now the grass on the grave is three meters high.

Therefore, the kingdom with excellent environment and economy has become a paradise in West Asia.

The Kingdom has also been implementing the King's elite immigration policy last year. Up to now, the resident population has reached 30 million. The United Kingdom, with its strong military and economic strength, has become the immigration choice of more people.

The benefits brought by immigration have also begun to manifest. Vacancies in various industries—especially industries with high knowledge and technical requirements have been filled, and the machine operation rate of the entire kingdom has risen to a higher level.

Next year, the Prime Minister's request is to catch up with the old powers such as Britain and France 077 in GDP, and officially enter the ranks of the world's first-class economy.

In fact, it is not difficult, as long as more biotechnology and battery manufacturing technology are released, it is easy to surpass.

What is scary is their population base, which is only 30 million, but they can have an output value of nearly 2 trillion yuan. If you only talk about per capita, they are definitely highly developed countries.

However, in terms of living standards, education and health systems, there is still room for improvement. The per capita is very high, and there are many high-tech countries. They have become developed countries.

The prime minister's mission to the cabinet is to become a developed country within five years.

The task the king gave to the army was to dominate Europe and Asia within five years. Of course, Russia and China must be eliminated, because they have no nuclear bombs yet...

Nuclear bomb? Sahil thought about it for a while. He has already cooperated with SpaceX to launch rockets in the United States, and has repeatedly achieved success. This step is coming soon.

What is the relationship between launching a rocket and a nuclear bomb? It has a lot to do with it! If the satellite of the rocket is changed to a nuclear warhead, then it is called a ballistic missile.

This is also the reason why the three fat countries will be protested and sanctioned by various countries every time they launch satellites. They are only using the excuse of launching satellites to test ballistic missiles.

Now the United Kingdom is also doing the same, and the super cunning one is not doing it at home, but doing it in the United States in the name of science and development, no one would have thought of it?

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