Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 080 The Prince's Little Girl【56】

The chief's intention to arrange for Princess Lavier to supervise them is very clever.

If you want to make this group of princes who are either self-important or arrogant and arrogant, it is difficult for ordinary coaches to convince them. Only the princess can convince them in terms of ability and status.

Restoration training also started the next day, and all the brothers gathered in the expensive and luxurious stable to choose their favorite among nearly forty excellent racehorses.

Sheikh fell in love with a pure black horse, which also has an English name called "Lucky Charlie", which was bought by the sheikh for 1.3 million US dollars, which is enough to buy a Bugatti Veyron.

This is the real "BMW" rich second generation. When they are still keen to play cars to show off their wealth, they have already immersed themselves in the low-key luxury horse racing, which is the real aristocratic entertainment.

"Are you sure it's it?" LaVier came over.

"I fell in love with it at the first sight." Xie He had an inexplicable sixth sense, he could feel the explosive power contained in this "zero one zero" horse.

"It has a bad temper and is famously resistant to strangers." Lavier reminded, and that's all, because anyone who is present can participate in the Asian Games and can be said to be a master.

"I just like it." Sheikh trusted first instincts.

The princes are all the same, first choose the favorite racehorse, and let the professional horse trainers and coaches build a data table to record the actual performance in the future and select the best competition breed

During this period, Sheikh began to recover with more full-length racehorses, trying obstacle running, cross-country running or short-distance endurance, so that his state entered the professional athlete mode.

During the training period, he was required to live a regular life, and even his job in Dubai was temporarily put on hold... In fact, he had already thrown everything he could to his subordinates, even if he was not busy, he didn't have much to do.

There is no way to be lazy, I have to get up from the bed at six o'clock in the morning, turn over and want to wrap up in the quilt and continue to squat for a while, this is the third day of training, people's inertia can't be driven away.

"Where did the brat come from so early in the morning!"

In the end, I was awakened by the ghost screaming of the children outside, and I got up weakly, changed my clothes and went downstairs. There were still a few stairs left before I saw a group of children running past in front of me with the wind.

"Salama?" Sheikh seemed to see his other sister.

"Sahil is a lazy pig!" the Salama man ran out, and the voice came back.

"I'll spank your ass later!" Xie He said angrily.

"You idiot, how dare you!"

This scene is the best reality to fight against younger sisters. Xie He was sad: "Don't you know how to respect my big brother? Run slowly, you will be ignored when you cry!"

There was a crisp laughter from the side, and a girl wearing a fairy chiffon dress came, her brown shawl hair was specially tied with a few small braids, very beautiful.

The most striking thing is that she has a pair of light blue eyes, which are rare among Arabs. With her soft face, she has the sense of sight of an Arab princess.

Of course, the Semites with relatively pure blood, they are white and have blond hair and blue eyes genes, and considering that the royal family always chooses beautiful wives, it can still be explained.

"Sheikh Sahil." She curtseyed politely.

"Uh..." Sheikh just couldn't think of the other party's name.

She smiled slightly: "Alia."

"Oh?" Sheikh still couldn't think of it, embarrassed: "Sorry, my memory is confused, is there breakfast? Let's go and sit down first!"

"I don't see you often, and I often live here in Europe." She came to the restaurant and sat down, "Alia bint Khaled bin Zayed Al-Bremi.

The name is very long, but you can tell the parents and grandparents, Khalid? Prince Khalid? He finally understood: "Oh! The little cousin of the Khalid family!"

"Thank you." She nodded ladylikely, "I was the little girl who was always sick and was sent to Europe, and then studied in England."

"You look very alive now." Sheikh smiled.

"It's already done." She looked at him with a bright smile, "My family often talks about you, especially you have done a lot of feats recently, I heard that you are coming to England for training

I just ran over to cheer you on. "

"Aha?" Sheikh was a little surprised.

"Big fan!" She waved her small fist with starry eyes.

Xie He has a feeling of being cute, look at Alia's performance, this is called a cute girl. The Salamana just now is simply the enemy, as expected, there is no harm if there is no comparison

Xie He suddenly said: "I'm so sorry."

She wondered: "Why?"

Sheikh blamed himself: "It's my fault that I didn't know there was such a cute little sister."

"It's okay." She smiled very understandingly, "I didn't dare to meet you right away when I got here last night, and I'm also partly responsible for it, and I'm sorry.

Xie He felt that the sister-control attribute was about to recover: "You really have a kind heart."

"Hee hee..." She smiled, "Too kind would make me timid. I like the scenery on horseback, but I fell badly before, and now riding a horse is so scary."

Xie He comforted her: "Everyone will have a process of transitioning from fear to overcoming fear. Masters fall all the way, and no one dares to say that he has never fallen while riding a horse, unless he is a rookie.

"Huh?" Her beautiful eyes looked at him, "Can you teach me?"

"Of course." Xie He said happily, "It's also my responsibility, isn't it? It just so happens that I'm going to train new horses this morning, so you can take a look."

"I know your horse." The little fan girl seemed to be very attentive, "Crazy Charlie, oh sorry, good luck Charlie! But he has a bad temper, and he even threw a horse trainer off the horse this morning. "

"Huh?" Xie He was a little surprised. Luckily, Charlie is of course the horse he was looking for. He has been checking and vaccinating for the past few days, so he didn't have time to try it.

Hearing what Aliya said, Charlie's temper is very impatient, and the situation is not good... But she is already yearning: "But I have to change a suit first, and you can't ride a horse in a skirt. wait for me."

"Let's have something to eat first?" Sheikh stopped her.

"Oh!" She covered her mouth and sat back happily, "It's all because I'm so excited! Thinking of you being able to teach me horsemanship yourself, this opportunity is so rare!"

"I will be here for a long time, you can learn from me." Sheikh put the napkin on his lap, and ate Western food, without the crude Arabian style of grabbing with his hands.

Although Aliya has a lot to talk about, she still does not lose table manners, and she can chat with him a few words that resonate with him on the 5.6 questions, which warms his heart.

"It's finally finished." She stood up celebrating her victory.

"I'll accompany you back." Xie He was determined to be a role model brother, so he accompanied her back upstairs and helped her choose some suitable protective gear and helmets.

Alia came out ten minutes later. In Sheikh's eyes, the English-style equestrian clothes were very elegant. A well-fitting coat, white trousers and black riding boots matched a woman's heroic appearance.

Sheikh praised: "Don't you see that this is very good?"

She asked expectantly, "Next step?"

"Follow me." Xie He took her to the indoor horse training ground. When the brothers and sisters heard that it was a fierce horse, and had just thrown the trainer, they all came to watch it.

As the protagonist, Xie He looked at Lucky Charlie with no confidence in his heart. He just bragged with his sister, and now he has to bite the bullet even if he doesn't know how to do it.

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