Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 081 Be So Handsome [66 Please Subscribe! 】

Everything starts from the first step. After all, people and horses are strangers. If you are not familiar with the relationship, it is not easy to start. If you want to cooperate tacitly, you need to be familiar with each other. First get along with the horse alone, and then put on the bridle, rein and other saddles for the horse. Tool.

After "Lucky Charlie" is a famous horse, all the indicators are outstanding, which means that it is easy to be arrogant and has a temper. Sheikh instinctively felt that this guy was a little dissatisfied with himself.

Not convinced? Then pull it out and practice!

Hearing that the prince was going to train the horse, the number of people around the training ground in the sand suddenly increased. When his brothers saw that it was Charlie, they sweated: "This is a strong horse. I almost got caught when I wanted to ride it last time." bite."

"You're alright, have you ever experienced falling off your horse?" There were still lingering fears in people's hearts.

"The horse is a good horse, but it is too strong."

"Do you think Sahil can handle it?"


"It's probably going to be a bit of a pain."

"He will definitely do it!" Only the little fan girl was unwavering.

On the field, Sheikh stood on the left side of the horse, stepped on the stirrup lightly, held the rein with his hand, turned over and rode on the saddle with a little force, but at that moment, the bandit ran wildly in fright.

The scene of 31 on the back of a galloping horse is unimaginable for ordinary people, just like riding a mad cow. Sheikh, who had expected it for a long time, sat firmly in the saddle, and it was impossible to stop him. Let the panicked horse go crazy for a few minutes.

When it was tired and wanted to stop, Xie He purposely swung the horsewhip in front of it and continued to drive it mad. The horse is running and jumping in the arena, trying to get rid of the person on its back with large movements.

Once, Xie He didn't pay attention to balance and didn't grasp it well. When his brain recovered, his hands instinctively grasped, but his buttocks had already left the saddle, and the whole person just threw himself on the horse's neck.

Everyone outside the fence couldn't help sweating. Aliya covered her heart with her hands and didn't dare to blink her eyes. This situation was very scary. If she fell off, she might be trampled by a horse's hoof!

But experience and reaction stabilized Sheikh. He couldn't let go, hugged the horse's neck, tried to move himself back to the original position with his arms and one foot still on the stirrup, and sat the baby on the saddle.

Xie He, who had regained his seat, let out a heavy breath, almost falling to his death!

The people around also applauded spontaneously like stones falling from their hearts, and Aliya jumped on the spot: "That's great! Brother Sahil!"

Xie He, who was sweating all over his face, smiled and waved to everyone. He didn't feel ashamed, it was enough for Ben to brag in front of the girls! I want to say that being a brother is so good!

It was easy after overcoming it, and the fierce horse gradually became tired, but when it wanted to give in and stop, Sheikh gave physical commands to make it continue to run until it lost its temper.

During this repeated command and conquer process, the fierce horse continued to go mad for more than ten minutes, and finally ended up panting and sweaty. The Sheikh on the horse was not much better, and his back was already soaked.

"Naughty! Enough is enough!"

He scratched the mane of "Lucky Charlie". After this kind of wild training, he finally understood that the guy on his back was not easy to bully, and he had to obey orders.

Although the horse training was thrilling, the sense of accomplishment was also extremely high. Xie He ordered it to come to the fence, turned around and dismounted gracefully, handed the reins to the horse trainer, and then took off his hat to greet everyone, and there was another round of applause.

"It's amazing! I want to learn from you!" The little girl was so excited that the crazy horse that could throw off the experienced horse trainer was trained by the big brother. The scene just now was so handsome !

Compared with this, his figure is even taller... The elder brother who is in a particularly good mood also nodded her head and promised: "Don't worry, I will teach you the trick."

"Okay!" Aliya cheered, "I will come every afternoon in the future!"

Laviere teased her: "Aren't you going home?"

"In the name of my brother." Aliya found a coup, "I said it was Sahil's invitation. You are the crown prince, and they dare not object."

Sheikh was left speechless: "Is it really okay to do bad things in my name?"

As long as you master the targeted method of horse training, people and horses can quickly establish a cooperative relationship. Xie He could feel the cleverness of the horse under him, and when he trained again the next day, it only took half a minute to obey.

In order to cultivate the relationship between horses and people, Xie He was required to do everything by himself, such as getting up early in the morning to shovel horse manure, feed and comb the hair, and then lead it for a walk.

The friendship between man and horse is established in this kind of practice. Horses have spirituality——this is not an exaggeration of art.

After the tacit understanding was established, they began to prepare for the endurance race training. The required mileage in the Doha Asian Games is 120 kilometers, which means that people and horses need to work together and fight for five or six hours.

There are too many examples of running dead horses over such a long distance.

Although the competition stipulates that there will be rest at intervals, once the heartbeat of the horse does not return to the specified value, or the horse's hoof has obvious trauma, or the racer cannot support the exhaustion, he will be eliminated.

The only way is to practice more and become more familiar.

Bring dry food, water and GPS, get on your horse, and start galloping along the established route. The scenery of the countryside is beautiful. Sitting on horseback and galloping, breathing the oncoming air, all you can see is green grass and blue sky.

When Xie He was not in a hurry to race against time, riding a horse to tour the British countryside was a pleasant thing to do. After running a circle of thirty kilometers or so, the whole person was indescribably comfortable.

Then slowly increase the amount, from 30 kilometers a day to 60, 80, 100...Charlie's horse has shown extraordinary vitality and endurance, giving people the illusion of a bloody horse , I’m excited when I talk about it on Sunday.

[Hot-blooded horses are mostly used for short-distance races and are very fast]

Day after day, twenty days passed.

Princess Lavier, who is in charge of recording and analyzing the performance of the players, congratulated: "You have selected a good horse. It is willing to show its strength and cooperate with you to perform."

"Although this good boy was naughty at first, he became more and more appetizing." Sheikh combed it with a soft brush, and Charlie would make a sound when he was happy.

"If you win the game, how many girlfriends will I find for you?" Sheikh said to the horse indecently, and then Charlie shook his head, showing a row of teeth in a grin.

"What? You want five?" Sheikh Khan.

Charlie continued to grin, showing his teeth.

"Hahaha! You should change your name to Big Beard | Horse..."

"Brother, that's enough!" Hassani, who was also taking good care of his racing horse, laughed. After having him in the boring training days, laughter is always indispensable.

"Come, come." Xie He fed it a carrot, then scratched its neck with his hand, "Naughty, don't worry, I will find it for you even if you don't win!"

After Lavier went to answer the phone, he came back to inform them: "The horse race will be closed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and your horse selection training is almost over."

"Finally I can rest." Xie He breathed a sigh of relief. He would be tired after training all day long, but he couldn't do without training. He had made a bold statement to fight for the family.

"Alia will be happier." Hasani did not forget to tease that since the big brother established a mighty image in the hearts of fans, his world has added a lively girl.

"Blame me." Xie He shrugged and said that there is no way, the charm is too strong and you can't refuse, and the girl is a cute girl, so it's worth the effort.

PS: [When asked about the update time, it is usually updated at 0:00, 12:00 noon, and 6:00 p.m.

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