Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 091 The Feeling Of Being Supported By The Whole People【55】

Looking back to the present, after a night of fuss, Xie He dragged his body more exhausted than an endurance race, and got on the plane with great energy. The Asian Games athletes in Dubai will return with honor.

The Dubai airport is already overcrowded. Representatives of all parties, government officials, and news media are all looking forward to the arrival of their biggest protagonist.

In this Asian Games, the United Arab Emirates won three gold medals, two of which were born in equestrianism, that is, the four princes of the Dubai royal family created this proud|proud achievement.

Unlike China, a country with a large population and strong sports, gold medals are self-evident for small countries. Even if they just win a medal, it is worth celebrating.

What's more, the two gold medals that defeated other Middle Eastern countries in the endurance race not only means the championship, but also symbolizes the family and honor of Dubai, the strongest family on horseback.

Warriors have always been admired by people.

When the special plane landed, it was greeted by a crowd of spectators. Standing on the passenger elevator, there were people everywhere. They scrambled to wave and take pictures. VIPs stepped forward to shake hands and hug the athletes who had made great achievements.

The one who received the most attention was none other than the eldest prince.

In the past year, he has made amazing achievements in politics and career, and now he has earned enough honor for the country in sports, and has written about the arrogance of Dubai people. He is a well-deserved national hero

The warmest interviews and congratulations were all given to Prince Sahil. In addition to the brief news interview, someone even prepared photos for autographs.

It was only then that Xie He remembered that it was his first time signing autographs for fans. Originally, he did not plan to go to the autograph session, but the eldest prince smiled and stepped forward, "Signing your name with a brush.

"And me! I adore you!"

"Can I sign it on the clothes?"

"No problem." Sheikh smiled and satisfied these small requests from fans.

"Can I hug you!"

A passionate female fan screamed... Everyone's expressions were weird. This is a formal occasion, but the prince still hugged each other because of Fang.

The act of being friendly to the people won even more enthusiastic cheers from the crowd. The people were so enthusiastic and excited that he stayed for more than ten minutes before he was able to get away.

On the way back in the car, Sheikh also found that the advertisements on the buildings along the way and the billboards on both sides of the road had been replaced with the portraits of him and the princes.

Now not only the locals of Dubai, but also the tens of thousands of tourists who come to Dubai every year can see the bilingual propaganda in English and Arabic, and they will all know the glory achieved by these princes.

The popularity of the eldest prince will reach an unprecedented height after today, second only to the (dbcf) chief, and even for a certain period of time, the limelight completely overshadows the chief.

On the way back, the athlete convoy was once again greeted by enthusiastic people following the car. In the lowered car window, Sheikh smiled and waved to the crowd along the way, which made people scream even more.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to be supported by the whole people.


The voice of the person beside him brought him back to reality, the convoy had stopped, and the Emirates Palace had arrived. As Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Sheikh of Dubai, Sheikh Farid will receive these athletes.

What is commendable is that the royal family has taken the lead. The four princes won two gold medals, and Princess Mesa also won the runner-up in the taekwondo event.

So the reception ceremony is interesting. A father must solemnly issue certificates of honor to a group of his children and brothers' children. You can see the pride on his face.

Sheikh Farid also shared the plan with reporters: "We will also host our own endurance race in Dubai, making it the most influential, popular and luxurious top-level event in the world."

The chief was talking, and Lawiye was also chatting with Sheikh on the stage: "The Grand Prix is ​​divided into 160 and 120. We have considered naming the 120-kilometer race as the Sheikh Sahil Crown Prince Cup Endurance Race. How about it?" ?”

"Isn't it too high-profile?" Xie He certainly wanted to be modest, but he was looking forward to it, naming it with his own name, it's awesome!

But Laviere asked: "Minister of Propaganda and Development, how do you think it will be famous?"

The big guys don’t even need to think about it: “What Dubai has to do is to only strive for the first place and not the second place. We don’t have the background of competitions, so if we want to do it, we must be at the top.

"As the head of the Malay Federation, you will have the appeal, and the Dubai royal family will get involved, so you will have funds. For example, as long as you complete the game, you can get a bonus of up to 100,000 dirhams (about 180,000 RMB)."

"In addition to the accumulative bonuses for the top three, we can also give away luxury cars, and the first, second and third places will give away Land Rover and Mercedes-Benz. We invite famous jockeys from all over the world, and we can provide horse racing

Worthy of being the head of the publicity department, Xie He said casually, and the whole set of strategies has come out - if it is implemented in this way, the endurance race in Dubai will definitely attract attention.

The princess also nodded frequently, and the prince didn't say enough: "I know that after the game, many people regard me as the number one enemy and want to surpass. Although I am very busy with multiple roles, I will probably retire later. But you can still have a final battle with them and start the game with one shot!"

"My God, your brain!" Lavie felt that this guy knew how to use heat too well.

Of course, as a crown prince, political figure, and leader of a state-owned enterprise group, he will have less time to participate in these sports activities in the future, but he can also take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm and fight again a year later.

With Sahil's high enthusiasm, the attraction of another match in Dubai will definitely not be weaker than that of the Asian Games—they want to face the whole world and put on a gimmick to compete for the number one in the world

Afterwards, the chief agreed as expected, because later generations of Dubai did this. As the head of local tyrants, the royal family didn't bother to show off their cars and houses with a high profile. They just played horse racing if they wanted to.

A batch of racehorses cost several million or tens of millions of dollars. To hold a race, you will directly invite the best players from all over the world. As long as you finish, you will get money, and if you win the ranking, you will get money and cars... That's how money is spent.

Taking advantage of the warming up of the Asian Games, the Minister of Propaganda and Distribution arranged for his subordinates to spread the news, "The eyes of the world's horse racing fans are once again focused on the crazy country of Dubai.

In Dubai, ordinary local tyrants play with cars and houses, while top local tyrants only play horse racing. A random horse can buy several Ferraris, and top racing horses can buy ten Bugatti.

They are all hidden low-key in the "Horse Racing City" deep in the desert, and they are very down-to-earth and open to the outside world, and they will be provided to the racers for free every time the game is held.

This kind of local tyrant and atmosphere once again shocked the netizens.

It turns out that the real tyrants in Dubai are their royal family! Horse races worth millions of dollars? They are free for you to participate in, and you will be given money if you finish the race.

Do you want to come?

Jockeys from all over the world are thrilled when they see it. Not only can they ride millions of top racehorses, but they can also have a chance to win bonuses. Why not do it?

But it is hard to force the endurance competitions of other countries. Compared with Dubai, they need to prepare their own horses and teams, and they have to pay for the competition.

If there is no comparison, there is no harm.

This matter continues to ferment on the Internet, and everyone is feeling that Dubai is indeed rich enough. Some netizens even joked, suggesting that Dubai also hold a bicycle competition, and I can complete it!

There is also a suggestion to hold a sleep-in competition. It’s hard to say what the bonus is, and the local tyrants are responsible for the air ticket, food, drink and accommodation. Isn’t this a practice in Dubai?

[Update time: 0:00, 12:00 noon, and 6:00 pm; I hope you don’t raise it, and try to subscribe every day. The grades of this book have improved, and I can explode. 】.

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