Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 092 Say You Are You, You Are【15】

This wave of publicity in Dubai has earned enough attention.

Inspired by the Qatar Asian Games, the chief thought about it. Qatar, a country as small as Qatar, can have such a good time. Why can’t we, the United Emirates, do it?

Didn't you see that Qatar is going to host the World Cup? The sheikh is also practical. With the speed of development in Dubai, it can completely host heavyweight events, such as the World Expo.

Sheikh supports this idea, because later generations of Dubai won the right to host, but he wants to say at present: "Dubai not only needs fame, but the foundation of its development must be funds, and I need more budget."

The blueprint for the development of Dubai he hoped for has already been laid out, exaggerated enough, and eye-catching enough. At this stage, the reputation has already been established, and it is waiting for the construction to be completed in the future.

Basically, he developed the prosperity of Dubai in his previous life, and now he needs to deal with several points: survive the financial crisis; earn enough money to pay off debts; wake up smart technology.

There is still more than a year before the financial crisis. As an unscrupulous businessman, he must take the opportunity to steal other people's money, and at the same time defend himself. For example, Dubai's excessive real estate development and loose loan policies must be changed!

As for making money to pay off debts, this is a matter of course. Whether it is borrowing from investors or using the funds of the consortium, it needs to be paid off, otherwise bad debts will be formed, and he will also be damaged.

The last point is what he is most looking forward to relying on. No matter how the advantage of rebirth is used, Dubai can only become a wealthy local tyrant, not a domineering kingdom, but technology can!

So the main purpose of Sheikh's chat with the chief this time is money.

Last time I misappropriated the 10 billion from Dubai World...... Hehe!

But the sheikh still has a question: "Have you ever thought about Dubai itself when you invest too much money overseas?"

Sheikh reassured Hao Dad: "Dubai does not need so much at present, nor does it need to be so fast-conversely, isn't the money earned from overseas investment also for the long-term development of Dubai?"

The two fathers and sons discussed this issue for a long time, and finally the sheikh agreed: "I will approve the rest of Dubai World except for the maintenance of the original infrastructure funds, but the responsibility lies with you."

So 10 billion is stable.

With this amount of money and the previous bank loan, the prince's debts reached 20 billion yuan, and the rest of the money, except for investing in the future, can already be prepared to wake up his intelligence.

First, it requires huge energy, and second, it must have a powerful energy storage device. With regard to these two issues, Xie He wants to find the most suitable location in the world, and first arrange for his subordinates to find it.

The excuse he used was to study new energy sources... His excuse is very legitimate. When pure electric vehicles are born in a few years, the demand for and research on batteries will prevail all over the world.

The energy storage material used to wake up intelligence, or batteries, if properly researched, can also bring about a revolution in new batteries.

Killing two birds with one stone feels so cool.

Now he was going back in the car, and he suddenly thought of something on the way, telling the driver to turn around and go to Prince Khalid's mansion, he almost forgot what he had promised.

There have been too many competitions and post-match celebrations recently, until now he came to the Prince's Mansion to visit and asked the servant: "Where is the princess?"

"Drawing in the backyard."

"I'll go and have a look." Sheikh walked through the house to the backyard, where a girl in a long dress with shawl and curly hair was sitting on a swing, fascinated by a pen on a drawing board.

The demure girl, the swaying swing, and the scene like an oil painting made people unbearable to be disturbed, so he quietly came behind and covered her eyes: "Guess who I am?"

"Brother Sahil!" She moved her hand away.

"Hi! My beautiful angel!" Sheikh opened his arms towards her, and the girl threw herself into his arms, and lifted her feet off the ground with a light hug.

After turning her around a few times before putting her down, Aliya snorted: "At least I haven't forgotten me!"

"My number one big fan, how can I forget?" Xie He took her hand and went for a walk, "How much free time does my little fairy have?"

"I'll be free for a while after the new year." Her excitement just now left a touch of blush on her face, "You promised it before.

Xie He used to be a little girl, but she almost forgot when she diverted her attention. I didn't expect... Of course, I must be mighty in my mouth: "I also went here to finish all the things, and to spare time--"

"I don't blame you now." She looked up and smiled, "Thank you!"

Xie He has reaped the full happiness of being an elder brother, and he promised this happiness: "In a few days, elder brother will take you abroad for a transfer?"

"I like it!" She said without thinking, "It's interesting to play with you, otherwise all kinds of rules and taboos will be boring all day long.

I have to say: "Freedom does not mean that there are no rules. Everyone must abide by the rules. Follow the rules or make rules, that's what you want."


"I'll listen to you." She acted obediently.

The cute girl is super lethal, and Xie He's exhaustion was driven away. He went to chat with the prince and concubine for some homework, and then pulled the little fairy: "Let's go to the beach to play!"

"Long live!"

With the prince around, no one will interfere with her behavior. This is probably why the girl likes it. Being with the eldest brother means being free.

Running to the beach with bare feet in a skirt, wearing a headscarf, and the Green Church teachings that forbid revealing, have all been left behind [now is the time when the master decides.

I ran all the way to the beach, where a group of people were surfing and playing. The hot weather in Dubai is also a bit of a benefit, and you can still play in the sea in winter.


Let Alia, who was released into the air, run in front, and Xie He followed her with his hands in his pockets. He was infected by her innocence and liveliness, and the warmth of life made him feel at ease.

Aliya ran to the beach and stood still, letting the waves wash over her ankles. Sheikh followed: "Do you want to go surfing now, or do you want to go for a walk?"

"Surfing?" There was enthusiasm in her big eyes.

Sheikh looked at the people around, she was disappointed: "I know it won't work..."

"Shh!" The eldest brother made a booing gesture, "It won't work here, I'll take you to another place later, just like those American girls, go as crazy as you want.

"Really?" She ran and hugged his arm, "Long live!"

"Calm down, let's go for a walk now." Sheikh took her for a walk on the beach, and then a group of riders passed by, including horses and camels.

Aliya, who saw this scene, picked him up heartily: "I want to too."

"No problem." Sheikh beckoned to a bodyguard, "Go prepare two horses for the princess and me, we will run here for a while."

"Understood." The bodyguard went to work.

After finishing speaking, Alia was found smiling: "I'm not a princess."

"This prince says you are who you are." Xie He pinched her face. If it was in accordance with the rules of "brother end brother and brother", her father is also qualified to be a chief.

But at present, the crown prince is herself, and she has already missed the opportunity to become a princess... But if it is based on the calculation of the Saudi Arabia next door, she can certainly be considered a small child. .

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