Reborn Dubai As A Prince

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Specially take her to ride a horse to the beach, so that the princess can wear a skirt on the horse without following the rules, and let the photographer on the side of the road take handsome commemorative photos.

Aliya likes to break all the rules at this age, and she likes to oppose everything that she obeys and obeys, but now her elder brother lets her play freely, and I take the responsibility. This is the happiest thing in the world.

"Hey!" She reined in her horse and turned her head, "I drew a sketch for you in front of you crossing the finish line in an endurance race!"

"Is he handsome?" Sheikh asked with a smile.

"Look!" She changed the painting from her body, "Now I give it to you."

"Let me take a look." Sheikh took it, and it was a pencil sketch on the drawing paper, which happened to be the moment when he reappeared in the Asian Games [restored a bit of his concentration and the flying of the horseshoe.

"How is it?" She was expecting "three seven three", and what she said was casual, but the truth is that she spent a lot of effort, especially to grasp the artistic conception at that time.

"It's amazing. Both the man and the horse have come back to life. It's a wonderful memory." Xie He gently folded it up and put it away, "I accept it! Thank you dear!"

She is happy: "Where are we going next?"

"Hmm..." Sheikh thought for a while, "It's still early for dinner, why don't we go and see Charlie? He's on vacation at the racetrack."


With a goal, they rode away from the beach and hit the road—this way is much cooler than riding a car. The expensive racehorses are galloping on the road, and the mighty horses and knights are eye-catching.

It’s just that there are several roads to cross to go to the city of horse racing. For the sake of safety, the bodyguards still called the police, and several police cars followed, beware of the excessive speed around and disturb the horses.

"Look over there!" Sheikh pointed at the front, a piece of green was revealed in the desert surrounding, it is the horse racing center built by the sheikh of Dubai, the endurance horse racing city.

After the Asian Games, the horse racing city was officially opened. Including the racing horse Charlie who made great contributions to him, there are hundreds of precious racing horses gathered here from all over the world.

I came here today to see his buddy "Good Luck Charlie". After the last World War I, the horse racing of the Grand Prince of Dubai was as popular as its owner's.

Many people attribute Sahil's last-minute lore to his amazing recovery ability, although this kind of view is one-sided, because without the rhythm control of the racer, no matter how good a horse is, it is useless.

But Charlie's special physique is indeed a plus point. Many horse lovers are interested in him, and some even offer five million dollars to buy him.

Of course, it is impossible to buy something from the prince of Dubai, especially his favorite racehorse, and it is just a gimmick—the real possibility is breeding.

Today is Charlie's Concubine Selection Day.

As the owner who fights side by side with it, of course he can't be absent. Last time, he promised that as long as he wins, he will be rich and handsome, and there will be no shortage of women (mares).

When he arrived at his destination, he couldn't wait to visit his friends. After the Asian Games, Charlie has been taken care of by the staff and has recovered to his best condition.

When it saw Sheikh coming, it also screamed excitedly.

The staff let go of the rein, and it ran over. Sheikh hugged its neck, scratched it, and said with a smile: "That's interesting, I brought you the best mares in the world, which one do you like? "

Charlie called again.

"Oh? You like the harem?" Xie He made up the meaning with a smile, and the group of people beside him were sweating... Alia laughed even more.

But today it is true that there are a lot of mares to be "drafted".

As a champion horse and the mount of a prince, it has the right to enjoy love, not just breeding. Just after Sheikh arrived, Charlie's concubine selection began.

The staff will lead the mare past in front of it, as long as Charlie becomes interested or excited, the mare will stay and live a happy life.

"Look." Sheikh stood next to Charlie and accompanied him to choose his concubine.

"There will be a baby horse soon." Aliya's caring angle is unique, but from a female perspective, cute little animals are really cute.

Of course, Charlie is also picky. Not all mares will arouse his interest. After several horses passed by, he behaved mediocrely, until a white horse passed by, and he suddenly became active.

Sheikh took off his sunglasses and patted Charlie: "Bai Fumei? Good eyesight!"

"It likes this horse!" Aliya also found out that her family background determined that she was proficient in equestrian sports, and she could tell by eye movements...

"Well, we can prepare for them to spend the spring night alone." Xie He said with a smile, and asked the staff: "How much will it cost for this time?"

The staff replied: "We offer a price of 150,000 US dollars to the outside world."

"Excellent." Sheikh admired it too. Others want to pay for the guns, but Charlie is fine. He will have fun with the beautiful filly for free, and the owner of the mare will have to pay for it in the end.

Because its genes are highly anticipated, the same excellent mares, coupled with Charlie's excellent genes, have a high probability of breeding excellent racehorses.

You must know that this kind of thoroughbred horses cost tens of millions, and those who have achieved race results will double their worth. Like Charlie, it is possible to increase from one million to five million.

Of course, it is also to ensure the excellence of the bloodline, and we cannot allow Charlie to continue to breed for the sake of making money... So this is the reason for choosing the concubine.

In the end, Charlie fell in love with five mares, causing Sheikh to say that the boy was courageous...and also made those who knew him look blankly.

"Dude, do it well." Sheikh chatted with Charlie for a while. No one could understand how one person and one horse communicated, but it seemed that there was a meaning connected between them.

As for the moment when Charlie wants to enjoy the Spring Festival on 5.2, Sheikh will not bother, at least he has fulfilled his obligation as the host, and let him choose whatever he promised at the beginning.

When I came out after the visit, I happened to see a racehorse training outside, and Aliya became interested: "Do you dare to compete with me in the endurance race, the champion?"

"Is there any consolation in losing?" he asked.

"How about a kiss?" She put her hands on her hips and held her head high [the appearance of winning away with ten strokes.

"Deal!" Sheikh smiled and gave her high-fives, picked two endurance horses on the spot, turned on them, and Aliya rushed out while he was not paying attention.

"You're lying!"

Xie He followed behind and did not overtake her. Playing without protective gear is actually very dangerous, but the royal family likes to practice equestrianism since childhood, and she also has this courage.

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