Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 106 The Eagerness Of "Forbes" 【56】

Because the big boss got into trouble with the outside world, he was extremely eager to let Iron Man start filming as soon as possible, preferably before the Christmas schedule, so the filming team began to be busy.

As a character, Charlize Theron also had to adapt to the script, which meant that their days of living together came to an end. Before parting, Theron kissed him: "Don't forget me."

"Don't forget what I taught." Of course the prince also had something to say.

"You should hug me tightly at this time and give me sweet words instead of saying such nasty words." Theron pressed his forehead against his forehead and grinned.

"You have my mark on you, don't you?" Sheikh put his hand into her skirt, his name was tattooed on her lower abdomen, and it was still a little bumpy to the touch.

"You are bad." Theron did not resist him, she had been tamed, "but I hope you are not heartless, otherwise I will hate you forever."

Sheikh wanted to say: "I have four places..."

"How can there be such a straight "four six seven" answer!" Theron made him feel angry and wanted to laugh, and pinched him, "I won't tell you anymore, I will miss you."

"Goodbye." Sheikh kissed her again.

After sending the man away, the prince also concentrated on his work for a period of time.

Investing in Hollywood is more fun, and his most important task is to awaken intelligence.

His subordinates have been looking for locations across the United States. First, there is a nuclear power plant nearby to ensure sufficient energy; second, the surrounding technology is advanced, making it easy to hire scientific researchers;

The good news has not yet come, but in March he encountered a new thing, "Forbes" magazine sent an invitation saying that it wanted to conduct an exclusive interview with Prince Sahil, intending to let him be the cover character of the new issue.

Forbes' interest is said to be very strong. They explained that they have been paying attention to the prince last year, when he made frequent moves in the Asia-Pacific region, invested heavily in China Internet, and led the army into Asia;

He aimed at the entertainment industry in the United States, invested a lot of money, and coupled with the effectiveness of Internet investment, both Facebook and YouTube have ushered in huge development.

The projects he focused on have all achieved good returns. "Not bad" may be overly cautious. In terms of the Internet, his investment is simply a weather vane, almost double the return!

The staff of Forbes made an estimate of his worth, including his investments all over the world. Although the offshore company does not disclose information and the registration information of Dubai Holdings is kept secret by the authorities, it is impossible to find out the details.

But they can infer the weight he owns through the holding method and the prince's right to speak in the company, and then calculate the companies he holds shares one by one to make a rough assessment.

Let’s start from the very beginning. Face’s previous valuation was 10 billion U.S. dollars, and he holds 10% of the shares. YouTube and Google’s asking price reached 2.5 billion a while ago, and they are absolute holdings.

There are also a number of Internet companies in China, and the current valuation of the three BATs has steadily exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars. There are also his gaming and real estate industries in Singapore, which also cost billions.

Although it is difficult to check the number of the US stock markets that will enter later, they have all set up branches in Manhattan, and the investment will definitely not be small. Finally, the entertainment industry, several major companies add up, and it will safely exceed 5 billion.

After Forbes made a very conservative guess, it still came up with an astonishing value: Prince Sahil’s net worth is at least 8 billion US dollars, and most people are willing to believe that his personal assets exceed 10 billion, or even more.

Looking at his information again, he is only 26 years old this year, and he was still in the limelight at the Asian Games a while ago, making the whole world hear about this handsome, rich, and sports-loving Prince of Dubai.

With so many bright spots added up, "Forbes" finally couldn't hold back.

He is definitely the focus of this year. He has a distinguished status, a lot of success, an eye-catching age contrast, and he also has the conditions of an idol.

How can I miss it?

So "Forbes" sent an interview invitation. In the letter, they carefully wrote their praise and interest for the prince. They were sincere and full of sincerity. They just waited for the prince to agree.

Sheikh was quite surprised when his assistant told him about the enthusiasm of Forbes.

I didn't expect that I would be noticed so soon... The memory habit of my previous life still maintains an attitude of admiration for the classification of rich people in "Forbes".

Those who can be interviewed are all bigwigs, and those who can be on the cover are all powerful tycoons in the business world. There are seven billion people in the world, and every year there is only a small group of "definitely the winners among the winners.

Didn't expect you to take the initiative to find me today?

After thinking about it, Xie He felt that it was necessary to be invited for this exclusive interview, which would benefit him a lot, and an appropriate high-profile would help increase his reputation in the world.

And because of his identity, he is the prince of Dubai, the chairman of Dubai World, the largest group in the Middle East, and the minister of publicity and development. Promoting himself is tantamount to marketing Dubai.

How could such a good opportunity to pretend to be missed?

The prince's assistant responded to Forbes and accepted an exclusive interview, but the content must be communicated with them in advance, and there must be regulations on what should not be discussed, what is not interesting, or what cannot be involved...

The content published in the magazine cannot damage the image and reputation of the prince, or the national image of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, or political and religious issues.

"Forbes" didn't feel that the other party was showing off, because his official status is very scary. Although he plays more of a businessman at present, in the future he will be the No. 2 figure in the UAE, and caution is a must.

So the interview was prepared by personnel from both parties, and the location was chosen at the headquarters of the Dubai Holding Group, in the chairman's office. The prince changed his usual routine and put on a suit, combing his hair back in high spirits.

There is a light beard that has been carefully trimmed on his face. Focusing on the light, the image of the whole person becomes clean and neat-this is what he wants to publicize to the outside world, the promotion of the prince's secularization.

A well-known reporter from Forbes, James Flannery, had a warm-up exchange, and then began to ask a lot of questions about many topics, because the prince's investment covers a wide range of fields and there are many successful examples.

It is mainly divided into two categories: domestic and global. Domestic is the construction of Dubai, the future market trend, and his views on this miracle in the Middle East... It is equivalent to advertising for the prince for free.

With the audience and number of "Forbes", the prince's well-prepared response will make the outside world better aware of a Dubai full of vitality and opportunities, and investment and tourism will be improved.

In return, the prince also brought a lot of dry goods on the issue of his investment in the world, talked about the Internet and smart phones, 4.9 But the reporter will obviously not let him go easily

"It has been reported that you have made a $5 billion bet on US real estate and derivative financial instruments. Is this a big risk for you?"

"A big adventure?" The prince shook his head again and again, "There are adventures, but they are not that big. Of course it can't be called a small adventure, so it's too crazy, isn't it?"

The reporter smiled, and the prince continued: "Even if it's a moderate risk. I have some concerns about the US housing market, and I hope to use your platform to remind the group☆..."

But what the reporter grasped | is this key point. An investment of 5 billion US dollars is only a medium risk? If it doesn’t feel too crazy, this should be a small risk?

When I contacted him again to say this calmly and as a matter of course, this boss, your use of the technique of pretending to be forceful should be very proficient!.

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