After a big circle and repeated watching it for two hours, the three families decided to do it.

The three of them all picked the counter they wanted to take over, and they didn't know what they thought or meant. Zhang Tiejun didn't ask.

Liu Sanzi has a foundation at home, took over two counters, and asked Zhang Tiejun to go back and don't say anything.

Shang Chinese and Xu Xiaofeng both took one, and the three families had to pay Zhang Tiejun a total of 19,002 rents, and Liu Sanzi accounted for half. At this time, the rent of the counter has gone up, and this is the price of renting from a private person.

This is just rent, the counter is still someone else's, if you want to transfer the ownership, it will be more, but no one is selling at this time, they are waiting for the price to rise.

In 90 years, this is a desperate gamble to smash the pot and sell iron, and it takes more than guts.

Zhang Tiejun accompanied the three families to order the goods one by one, fortunately, there was no need to move, just point out a number and sign on both sides, they took over the sale directly, and slowly wanted to transfer the goods, then discuss.

Zhang Tiejun's vision for loading goods must be there, and there will be no goods that cannot be sold. Even if he wasn't reborn, he had been working on costumes for several years.

At noon, Zhang Tiejun invited the three families to a meal in the hotel restaurant, introduced Xiaohua to them, and told them that their lunch box was ordered here, and if they could, they would just add the number of servings.

"Just sell it like this first, and when I go to Shenyang in the future, you can run with me a few times, feel the way yourself, and then you can buy the goods yourself." Next month, the new market will open on the other side of Wuai, and it will be more convenient to load goods in the future.

"I feel like that's fine. Xu Xiaofeng said with big white teeth: "I can't do it in this regard, I still have to go to work, my daughter-in-law is too tired to go by herself, I still get it from you, you calculate the travel expenses."

Zhang Tiejun didn't bother to earn the difference from them, and directly showed them the bottom list, which was naturally trustworthy.

Shang's Chinese daughter-in-law said that she didn't want to go to Shenyang to run, so it was good, and she agreed to pay for the journey. Liu Sanzi and his family didn't say anything, and it was estimated that they would have to go back to discuss and have a look.

They don't run and bump on their own, and they don't know how the bag on their head got up. After the new market was put into use, it was not so easy to buy goods there.

One is to get up early, starting at half past three in the morning, the other is that there are many people, those tens of thousands of people are crowded together to argue, and there are many thieves, which is really the start. At this time, it is still a cash transaction.

And then there's the problem of transport, squeezing out of the market, from the market to the train station, and from the train station back to the city, tossing to the stalls. Special buses that go to Wuai from various cities to get goods will not appear until more than half a year later.

In summer, the clothes are a little lighter, but in the winter, they are all heavy, and two or three people can't carry them without going.

At this time, Zhang Tiejun's purchase was just to see the sample, and he decided to send Lingdan directly over there. With the August fire sale, the channel is now quite stable.

And his current purchase volume is not low, and it is the largest one in the underground mall.

Thirty-five counters. (Ten in the shoe area)

When Wuai moves into the new market, his channels will not be greatly affected, and they will still be unblocked, but there may be some fine-tuning, or add a few varieties or something, after all, the goods are not complete at this time.

Those bosses who only have one stall and two stalls want to buy goods like this, the purchase volume is too small, who will take care of you when you go to Shenyang?

Zhang's mother is one of them, and every time she goes to buy goods, it is quite hard.

Zhang Tiejun now doesn't let Zhang's mother buy the goods, let her get rid of what she has in her hand, and then sell her own.

Of course, Zhang Tiejun will definitely not mix or persuade him, think about it himself, everyone is an adult. You persuaded him and he thought you just wanted to make him some money.

The human heart is quite complicated, it doesn't mean that you just have a good heart, and most of the time good intentions will not be rewarded.

The three families went to work after lunch and started a new chapter in their lives, and Zhang Tiejun returned to the hotel. Then there is a little resentful woman who needs to be satisfied.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the small couple next door called Zhang Tiejun, Zhang Tiejun went to get the money to pay for the house and recover the IOU, even if the house was bought, and arranged with the second brother to install the phone, and took the carpool back to the mining area.

I first went to the post and telecommunications bureau to find Xiao Tian to express my gratitude, and then went to the management office of the shopping mall in front of the station. Rent a counter.

the farmer's trade hall, don't

look at the mining area, there is such a large shopping mall, or in the center of the most prosperous place in front of the station, but the investment situation is not good.

On the one hand, the department store in the mining area is opposite the shopping mall, which is quite prosperous, and the second is that as mentioned earlier, most of the people here go to the city to consume, so those who want to do business here are a little hesitant.

Those who are brave and dare to do it have already gone to the city to find a place to rent a counter and a store, and there is no need to repeat the construction.

This is talking about the garment area on the second floor, and the non-staple food haberdashery on the first floor is almost full at this time, which is still quite good. So the downstairs was lively, and as soon as I went upstairs, I felt quiet and quiet.

In turn, this desertion has made it more difficult to attract investment.

Hearing that Zhang Tiejun was going to rent a bunk, the buddies in the management office smiled, as if they had met their long-lost brothers.

Zhang Tiejun followed him around upstairs, and saw that the stall of the Yu Lao Wanjia sisters had already been set up at this time, but his son's had not yet.

In their previous lives, their sisters also sold clothes here early on, they were rich and courageous.

I just don't know why I don't go to the city, maybe it's too far to toss, after all, it's quite tiring to run back and forth every day.

What to say about this shopping mall, it can't be said to be popular, but it can't be said to be very bad, it has been stable and stable, and it has been like a day for 20 years. As long as you don't sell things that are too expensive here, you can't sell them.

Earning money is still earned, it is definitely better than the workers.

"Sister, how are you doing here?"

Zhang Tiejun didn't care about the buddies in the management office, and went over to greet Yu Jiajuan. Their family is Yu Jiajuan, Yu Jiahui and Yu Jiafeng, and their names are still quite good. The boss is the prettiest.

Zhang Tiejun knows several companies in the mining area that are in this situation, that is, the boss is the most beautiful, and then ranks down, one worse than the other.

I don't know what the situation is, it may be similar to the black cat giving birth to cubs and finally coming out of the ink. (Actually, because the relationship between the two people is fading)

Zhang Tiejun and Yu Jiajuan are not familiar, but they know each other, Yu Jiajuan was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhang Tiejun, probably thinking about it for a while before remembering who this person was, and then smiled: "Are you coming here?"

"It makes a little bit of sense," Zhang Tiejun said with a smile: "I don't know how the business is here." "

Let's make peace," Yu Jiajuan stroked her hair: "We can't keep many people here, can we come here...... In general, those who are willing to spend less ...... It's just that you have to think about the purchase, and the rest is fine.

Isn't your mother selling clothes in the factory?

"No, I'm planning to set up a stall myself, and I don't have time, so hire someone to sell it, and I can't lose anything." I have a few counters in the underground mall, and they sell them over there anyway, so try this one. "

I actually want to go to the city, and if I want to make money, I have to go over there," Yu Jiajuan pouted: "My family doesn't agree, and it's really troublesome to run back and forth every day."

"It's all the same, and your family is not short of this money.

"How is it possible, I'm married, even if my parents are willing to give it to me, I'm embarrassed to take it, and I have younger brothers and sisters." My family also got one, over there, that. This girl can't stay for a day. Are you two classmates?"

"No, Jiahui and I are classmates, but not in the same class. "

Oh, then I'm mistaken, I remember that you and Jiafeng seem to be about the same age. "

Yes, I am the same age as your family Yu Jiafeng, but I was in the first grade with Jiahui, and I was still playing together in elementary school. "

Oh, I don't know," Yu Jiajuan laughed: "I knew that your family had set up a stall, and later sold clothes, and I didn't usually talk much." What are you doing now?"

"I went to a technical school, I was just assigned, and I was in the shredding workshop, and I had time for shifts anyway, so I was looking for something to do.

"That's good, big people, you can still come out and make money. Yu Jiajuan glanced at Zhang Tiejun seriously: "It's okay here, the rent is not high, just don't make anything expensive, it's definitely not easy to sell." "

Are you going to buy the goods yourself?" Zhang Tiejun looked at Yu Jiajuan's slender body. Whether this sister should say it or not, it is all on the aesthetic point of men.

"What if I don't go in by myself? I don't want to go, I go and lie down for two days at a time, I'm too tired. You know that one in my family, right? He can't help me. "

Recognize. Zhang Tiejun nodded, thought for a while and said: "Otherwise, sister, you can go to my side to have a look, if you can do it, you can take it directly from me, I have men's clothing, women's clothing, and children's clothing, and all grades are quite complete."

Anyway, I'm also in, not missing a few pieces.


Tiejun smiled: "I got twenty counters and hired more than thirty people. "

Damn," the big beauty burst into a foul mouth: "You're too awesome." "Yes

, you don't have to carry it, so I said you can go directly to me to get it, and it won't be troublesome." I'll just add a few more when I send it. "

Okay, I'll take a look someday," Yu Jiajuan was tempted. The main reason is that it is too sinful to go to Shenyang to buy goods, and people who have never done it can't imagine the taste: "When the time comes, I will pay some freight."

"No, Jiahui and I grew up as children, and I went to your house to play when I was a child, and I blushed when you brought it up for a few dollars." "

Are you usually there?"

"I don't go often, my sister is there, you can just go to her when you arrive."

Zhang Tiejun wrote Xiao Hua, his pager number, and home phone number to Yu Jiajuan: "You can watch it directly, just talk to her, or call me for page." Or when you want to go, you can call me and I'll accompany you. Look at you. "

Do you still have a sister?" I remember that your family is not a brother?"

"My aunt's family, her family is in the city, in Cainan." "

Oh, I said, startled. I'm actually okay here, if you have time to take my sister in the future, okay?"

Zhang Tiejun shook his head directly: "Forget it, you two sisters are too good-looking, I'm afraid she will be jealous." "

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