Wang Yugang changed his clothes and sat next to Zhang Tiejun: "Why are you so early today?" "

It's early, and the door didn't open when I came." "

Did you go with them?"

"Well, it's all done." What do you say?"

"My sister means that she is capable, but she wants to sell in the mines, and she doesn't want to go to the market. If you want a few dollars, it's close to home. Can it be done?"

"It's okay, now it's okay in the mines, it's okay in the streets." I walked around the street in the afternoon. Just do it, just get the place and get the goods from me, anyway, it's definitely better than going to work.

Wang Yugang nodded and patted Zhang Tiejun on the arm.

Xu Da also changed his clothes and sat in the front, nodding with Zhang Tiejun.

"Come, sit down, don't talk in the back, let's have a meeting." Small high roll call. "Liu Sanzi's throat is tired today, and he doesn't even want to call names.

Xiao Gao smiled and drew by name.

Liu Sanzi drank half a jar of water and pinched his throat: "My throat is uncomfortable today, let's make a long story short."

Yesterday, Xiao Leng's internal digestion was there, don't spread this matter nonsense when you go out, and there is no big deal for people.

Let's emphasize the safety issue again, yesterday Xiao Leng is an example, old workers, there are still times when they don't pay attention, this matter should not be. Those rules and regulations are all exchanged for life, you should listen to it, you should remember it, don't wait for something to happen too late.

If there was no Tie Jun'er yesterday, it wouldn't be anything, and everyone would have to go to the banquet tomorrow. You know,

there's no trivial matter, it's all about it.

In addition, I would like to tell everyone, Foreman Xing, Lao Xing, has completed the resignation procedures, and will not come in the future, what about me, replace Foreman Xing to be this foreman, and I hope that everyone will support and take care more.

After discussion, it was decided that Comrade Shang Zhonghua of the crusher would cooperate with me and serve as the deputy foreman of our fourth shift. Lao Shang will say a few words. Everyone

slapped their faces for a while, and Comrade Shang Zhonghua, the first strong man of the slightly fat team, stood up with a little excitement, nervousness and excitement, and waved at everyone with a red face.

"What, I won't say anything, it's not a day or two in the fourth class, what about me, everyone understands, and I need your support in the future."

I'm anxious, loud, sometimes I don't pay attention to what I say, I apologize to everyone here, and in the future, try to correct it, and try to cooperate with Engineer Liu to do a good job.

In the future, everyone will squeak when they have something, and what should be done must be unambiguous. That's it.

"Say a few more words, and be a leader on the first day." "Big Xu, they're giggling and joking down there.

The deputy foreman is the same as the foreman, and the salary and bonus are on par with the foreman, in the most basic front-line workshop, this is the leader of the eight classics, although in fact there is not even a level, not even a clerk.

In fact, those who work at the grassroots level, who understand technology and have experience, are not worthy of being cadres, and they must be people who don't know anything and can only brag about it.

In the laughter of half-truth, half-envy and half-jealousy, the pre-class safety meeting was over, and everyone got up in a hurry, carrying lunch boxes and shovels to blow out to take over.

Zhang Tiejun saw Zhang Hongwu in the crowd walking out.

Zhang Hongwu is the one who opened a wholesale department in Nanshan, and Guo Chongliang and Xu Xiaofeng are in the same class, not tall, very thin, with a knife face, small eyes, single eyelids, and a high nose bridge.

It's not handsome or ugly, it's very characteristic and easy to remember.

He was not the first to do business, but he did a better job, seized the opportunity, and the business of the wholesale department was very hot at this time.

By this point in the 90s, opening a commissary was no longer a business, that is, it was only slightly better than going to work, and there were very few people who could make a lot of money.

Those who make money are those who run restaurants, engage in wholesale, sell clothing, and maintain trucks. Sports cars and building materials also make money, but ordinary people can't do it, and the investment is too great.

Of course, no matter what era you are in, no matter what kind of business you do, there are those who make money and those who can't. This is not surprising.

There are also people who make building materials and decoration materials at home, but at this time, the decoration is just popular, and it has not yet caught fire, so it is not so noticeable.

In recent years, there are those who specialize in selling glass, and there are also those who specialize in aluminum alloy counters.

After talking to Wang Yugang, he would go to the night dormitory after work, Zhang Tiejun went to the post with his lunch box and went around, hid the shovel in the corner, and went out to the lounge.

Today, the people in the lounge are relatively even, a little too much, the four people of crushing and sieving can't move, the belt road of the new factory, and the hand-selected belt are also here, including Zhang Hongwu. A lot of them are on the flower class.

Shang Chinese and Xu Da, Lao Kou, Lao Shao four people below, Liu Biao, Zhang Hongwu, Erte, Zhuang Hongwen, plus Zhang Tiejun slept on the hammock, and seven people could sleep on it, so it was not crowded.

Zhang Hongwu and Zhuang Hongwen both saw Zhang Tiejun for the first time in his life, they both went to the flower class, and Zhang Tiejun was seconded for another month and a half, and then they diverged.

Zhuang Hongwen is also from the factory propaganda team, he is quite handsome, about 178 in height, but his voice is a little hoarse. loves to play and make trouble, and laughs and laughs every day, but he doesn't work well, he doesn't have any strength, and he has a lot of strength to deal with his sister.

Their family originally lived near Zhang Tiejun's house, but later moved to the city.

His father is not a factory cadre, but he started business relatively early, and the family has some money, and the conditions are quite good.

Unlike Zhang Tiejun, their work clothes are all old clothes that were worn and worn before, Zhuang Hongwen's work clothes are a set of denim, which is very awesome, and Zhang Hongwu likes to wear a black suit.

When Zhang Tiejun came in, he saw everyone sitting on Xu Da's bed and talking around the table, and Xu Da was counting there with a sub-poker.

Seeing Zhang Tiejun coming in, Xu Da glanced at the lunch box in his hand: "Have you washed the rice? Just add water and put it on the brick over there."

Zhang Tiejun went to wash rice and add water, covered the lid and put the lunch box on the refractory brick next to the electric stove, wiped his hand on his body, sat on Shang Chinese's bed, and listened to the bragging.

"Your name is Zhang Tiejun, right?" asked Zhang Hongwu.

Zhang Tiejun nodded: "I know you, Zhang Hongwu, I heard your name as soon as I entered the workshop." He nodded to Zhuang Hongwen and said hello, the two knew each other, and they didn't know each other very well before.

"I'm a big name, I'm a personal name, you're a big name," Zhang Hongwu looked at Zhang Tiejun and said with a smile: "Eighty thousand motorcycles, I'm scared when I hear it." Why didn't you ride it today?"

he was a person and everyone who was smiling, but in fact he was quite cold, and there was always some arrogance in his eyes, and he didn't look down on him at all. If you are rich, you have a successful career at a young age.

Zhang Tiejun doesn't like this person very much, but the two of them have always been okay on the surface, and there have been no specific contradictions.

"There is no place to put it in Class C, and I am afraid that people will scratch it outside. Zhang Tiejun took out his cigarette and walked around. didn't give Xu a big one, he smoked dry cigarettes.

"Isn't it over just letting us break room?" Shang Chinese answered.

"I want to sleep in the night dormitory after work, and there is not even a yard over there. I didn't have to go home too late, which affected my grandma's sleep. "

Yes, too. Xu Da nodded: "People are old and sleep lightly, wake up when there is a little movement, and it is not so easy to fall asleep when it is over, my mother is too, I don't dare to walk fast in the aisle at home."

"I'm okay, I've been alone with my daughter-in-law, and I don't have any troubles about this.

Shang Chinese said with a smile: "My brother and the old man and the old lady of the family together, when they come home like kittens, they are indeed careful, and they are not less scolded." Everyone is old and has their ears back, and the older my dad gets, the more smart his ears are. "

What is Tie Jun doing at home?" Zhang Hongwu asked.

"I'm fooling, I'm selling some clothes these days, bastard.

Zhang Hongwu looked down at the desktop and pondered, nodding: "It's good to sell clothes, it's okay to sell clothes now, it's quite profitable to get it right."

"Let's make peace, cats and dogs day by day," Zhang Tiejun didn't want to discuss this issue, and turned his head to look at Zhuang

Hongwen: "When will Hongwen go to the factory to rehearse?" "How do I know to go?" Zhuang Hongwen smiled and said: "I'm not the person in charge, I want to go now, how interesting that day is, it's all girls, it's like this, how can you turn around are old men, stinky and coaxing." "

Aren't you a gentleman?" Xu Da pulled Zhuang Hongwen for a moment.

"I don't stink, you smell the smell on your body, and wash the clothes if they are not good. "

, it's like you're clean. The

topic was opened, and Xu Da also counted the playing cards in his hand, washed them and threw them on

the table: "Upgrade, who will play?" Zhuang Hongwen looked at the folded old poker on the table and shook his head: "I don't play, I'm afraid you will remember the cards."

Why don't you buy a new pair? "Then why don't you buy a few pairs tomorrow and bring them over?" Don't just count those old ladies all day long. "

I should be yours, I won't do it, what's the benefit?"

"Come, Xiaozhuang, let's play chess and let them play upgrades." Erte greeted Zhuang Hongwen on the side. The belt on the top of the table is engraved with a chessboard, and the chess pieces are contained in an iron box under the table.

Soon, a pot of poker and a pot of chess came together, and going to work was so unpretentious.

Zhang Tiejun doesn't know how to upgrade, and he doesn't have much interest in chess, so he just sits on the side and watches the excitement. These people don't gamble money, it's stickers, and the fight is more intense than gambling money, one by one frowning and counting cards there, looking tired.

"Tiejun, don't you play anything?"

"You play, I'll take a look."

"Then you just sit on the stove and open the lid of the box." Be careful not to turn on the electricity.

Zhang Tiejun went to the corner of the wall, turned on the electric stove, watched the red and emitted a hot heat wave, and then put everyone's lunch boxes on top one by one, and lifted the lid a little.

This big electric stove can't afford to pay the electricity bill when you take it home, it is estimated that it will cost hundreds a day, and the resistance wire must be as thick as a little thumb.

It is not a waste of electricity in the factory, and the factory uses electricity from its own power plant. In fact, the dormitory strictly prohibits the use of large electrical appliances, not to save energy, but to simply line it for fear of fire.

Shang Zhonghua and Liu Sanzi, who were newly appointed officials in the middle, came over to look at the house, and gave a few instructions on production problems, as if everyone was not watching poker and chess, and they were Xi to it.

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