Class C is from 4:20 p.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Generally speaking, Class C will not sleep, and it will be about the same time to have a meal and play poker. Of course, you can sleep when you want, and no one cares about you.

Today, the whole class went smoothly, nothing happened, that is, Shang Chinese went to weld for half an hour, which is nothing.

At 10:45, the new factory stopped, and the factory suddenly became quiet, and the sound of quiet dripping water was heard clearly.

Xu Da stretched his waist and yawned: "It's good today, nothing happens, it would be nice if it was like this every day."

"Damn, don't talk about it. "A few people with belts all had an expression of I didn't listen to me, got up and wore masks and shovels to go out to sweep the road and clean the post.

Zhang Hongwu, Liu Biao, and Zhuang Hongwen were all hand-selected, including Zhang Tiejun. Erte's big leash road is going to be a little more tiring. The more than 100 meters long will take some time just to use the water pipe.

Zhang Tiejun skillfully cleaned up his post, and returned to the lounge with a shovel and a lunch box. Although there were no accidents, I was still sweating, and my face was black and gray.

That's the environment.

Come back early, and the people who come back are sitting at the gate with hard hats as stools and blowing, as well as about wine and mahjong.

"Tiejun, do you want to drink?" Xu Xiaofeng looked at Zhang Tiejun and greeted.

"What kind of wine?"

"Just get off work, eat a little bit, and go home and sleep after eating." If you can drink it, you can drink it, and if you don't want to drink it, you can't drink it, that's what I said. I can't drink it either. "


"Ang, you know? Zhang

Tiejun must know that place, where he once had a year's salary in his previous life.

That place was opened in the middle of the night, it was opened by the master of the canteen in the factory, and it was aimed at the workers who got off work in Class C, and the young people couldn't find a place to eat after getting off work in the middle of the night, and some liked to drink, and then the small restaurant came into being.

And it's not one, it's two, on both sides of the mouth of the sandwich ditch, opposite each other. There is also a small store that is open until midnight.

Xu Xiaofeng is the master who likes to go to dinner in the middle of the night, he is not fat, do you say that he is angry?

It is not expensive there, seven or eight people eat and drink well, it is dozens of yuan, you can sign a white slip, and wait for the salary to be counted together. In fact, this kind of person who can sign a blank slip is scary, and once the salary is paid, it is not enough.

I usually don't pay much attention to it without giving money.

"Can you get up tomorrow morning after drinking?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter. Let's have a drink together?"

"Forget it today," Zhang Tiejun shook his head: "I'm not hungry, and I don't drink." One day, I'll invite you next shift. "

The next shift here is the next C class, and only the next C class will go to eat. Five C classes a month. I don't feel much, if I go to eat in every class C, I will have to pay three or four hundred in a month.

Usually, everyone is a joint venture, evenly shared, and occasionally someone will have a treat. It's all young people who join in the fun, and the old people don't go, and they are reluctant to pay.

In a plain class, I took a shower and changed my clothes, and went to the night dormitory with Wang Yugang with my lunch box. Liu Biao rode a motorcycle today, didn't go, and went to drink with Xu Xiaofeng.

There are three beds in the room opened by Aunt Tao, a large solid wood bed of one meter and a half, and a Simmons mattress, the bedding on the bed exudes the fragrance of the sun, to tell the truth, it is quite clean and comfortable.

Zhang Tiejun gave Wang Yugang a key: "Just two keys, one for each of us, sleep in this room in the future, it's best not to bring others over, and bring the girl to say it in advance."


Well, the foreman here is my mother's sisters, and I asked her for the key in the afternoon." "

The dormitory belongs to a section of the welfare department, and the person in charge is the foreman, and in some places it is called the squad leader.

"Awesome, it feels much cleaner when you do it. "

In fact, it is really psychological, the room and bed are fixed, and the bedding is not washed and dried together. Zhang Tiejun made such a room for convenience, and he could use it whenever he wanted, without worrying about colliding with others.

The two took off their clothes, turned off the lights, and lay on the bed smoking and talking.

"My sister doesn't have much money in her hands, so it's a bit risky to go to the city. I don't have any money. Wang Yugang said: "I don't dare to tell my father about this." I can only take credit from you.

"It's okay, just do it, just do it, don't have any ideas." I don't have to deliberately help you with anything, it's easy.

"Okay, I'll keep it in mind. Then when my sister finds a good place, I'll take him to your place. Are you going to go then?"


“...... I'm a real kiba now who envy you, really. If only I could have such a day.

"Take your time, when you have the strength yourself, your father will not be like this, now he has been treating you as a child, you have to learn to resist moderately, let him know that you have grown up." "

“...... I don't dare. What are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow...... It's nothing, let's go out into the street.

"What are you doing on the street?"

"My mom wants to tidy up the house and lay tiles and lay a floor or something, I'll go and see it, isn't this my business?"

"My dad is also talking about decorating the house and laying the floor or something." After

chatting for a while, smelling the sun, soon the drowsiness came up, and both of them fell asleep. The night shift dormitory was quieter, except for the rustle of the wind blowing the treetops outside the window, like a lullaby.

Early the next morning, the two of them woke up refreshed to the sound of birds, washed their faces and locked the door of their rooms, and came out of the factory to go home with their things.

The bus stop to the mountain was here in Building 11, and the two of them were separated here, and Zhang Tiejun staggered home.

Zhang's father, Zhang's mother, and Zhang Tiebing have already left, and the old lady is sitting at the window with a cigarette and looking outside.

"Grandma, let's go out for a walk, our house is in the shade, and the sun can't even be exposed to the sun in the house for a day.

"Why can't you get sun? There's sun in the big house, you don't care about me."

"This old lady, if it weren't for my grandmother, I would have cut you a long time ago." Why are you so tough?"

The old lady glanced at Zhang Tiejun: "Is the object yellow

?" "Well

, yellow, yellow, okay?" "It's not good, your mother is bullshit, you can't have an object when you go to work?" Hurry up and find another one, find a beautiful one.

"Okay, find a pretty one. If I find a beautiful one, I'll let her go out with you every day, okay?"

"Okay, I'll go out for a walk then." The old lady nodded: "Go and eat, don't you have breakfast?" Go eat.

Zhang Tiejun went to the old lady and pinched her face, turned around and ran before the old lady got the cigarette bag and pot, went to the kitchen to brush out the lunch box first, looked at the pot, and ate the breakfast with his parents.

After eating, Xu's big black face appeared outside the courtyard and looked inside: "Tie Jun, are you at home?"

"Yes, Brother Xu." Zhang Tiejun answered and went to open the door.

"Have you eaten it?"

"Just finished eating."

"I figured you should come back by now, come and have a look.

Zhang Tiejun let Xu Da into the house, came to the big house, sat on the sofa, and poured cigarettes and water. Although there is a brother, in fact, Xu Da's age is not much younger than Zhang's father, and the etiquette should not be less.

"You say, can you just get a place here?" Xu Da lit a cigarette with Zhang Tiejun's hand and asked: "I discussed it with your sister-in-law of my family, and it is not realistic to go to the city."

I have to go to work, even if she can't go to work, she has to take care of the children, go to the city for a day, it's not ten days and a half months, then I have to run all year round, and the house has to be thrown away. "

It's the truth, it's the truth. It was because of this that Zhang's mother had to give up the good situation she had just laid in the city.

Adults don't do what they want, and what they pursue and yearn for is just irresponsible scumbag quotes. Adults can only compromise and bow to reality, and if they can't go down, they can only break their heads.

"Okay, let's go to the station, I just walked around there yesterday, and my sister-in-law is better than you at work when she makes a stall there, even if it's a thousand yuan a month, right?

"How much money can you earn for a piece of clothing?" Xu Da asked.

"Look at what kind of clothes, some hundreds, some dozens, and at least dozens. This has to be divided into places and terrains, and if you sell it in front of the station, you can't engage in those particularly high-profit ones, that is, go to the public.

"That's okay, a dozen or ten pieces is hundreds, and you should be able to sell a dozen or twenty pieces

a month, right?" "If you don't have any high requirements, you must be able to meet you, you can earn 1,2000 a month, the key is to be able to say, if the goods are nothing, just take them from me, if you can't change them, don't bury them."

In this case, my sister-in-law will go to the station every day, and it will not be far to come back if she has something to do temporarily, at most it will be ten days and a half months to go to the city. It's pretty good, too.

Xu Da nodded and thought about it: "Are you free now?" Why don't we go around the street?"

"Okay, I happen to be going there too." Zhang Tiejun nodded, went to the house, put on a dress, took the key, said hello to the old lady, and the two of them came out of the house together.

"Where's your car?"

"No, I've got a garage at the top of the building, down there." Zhang Tiejun pointed to the west, and the two walked over. There is no one outside the window today, so they should all go to work.

"The garage you built

?" "Well, why don't you get it?"

"You're so awesome right now, I really don't see you being like this. Xu Da patted Zhang Tiejun.

When he came to the top of the building, Zhang Tiejun went to open the garage door, and Xu Da followed and looked inside: "Fuck, make it so big? This must be seventy or eighty square meters, right? The house is enough." What are you doing with such a big deal?"

Zhang Tiejun rode out of the car and locked the door: "There is also a trolley." How do you ride a motorcycle in winter?

" "Don't tell me you still buy a sedan chair?"

"Well, that's right. I ordered an Audi and drove it back after a while. "

It's the same as

the one in our factory?" "Do we have an Audi in our factory?"

"Yes, there is one, is it used by the secretary or the factory director, it is not new, I don't know where I got the broken car." "

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