After the store was demolished, the warehouse built by the non-staple food itself was the top cover of an asbestos tile on the first or second walls, which was quite simple.

When Zhang Tiejun rode over with Xiaoliu, the warehouse was all gone, and the bricks and asbestos tiles were removed and placed under the back window of the grocery store. The director of the non-staple food stood there with a bitter face.

In fact, there is really nothing for him, this store is not much time away from the yellow shop, and there are not many employees now.

At this time in the nineties, there were farmers' markets on and off the mountain, and the commissaries were opened one after the other, and the five large grocery stores were all dying, and the countdown began.

It turned out that the non-staple food workers who were coaxing didn't know where to cry at this time, but it wasn't the time to cut two catties of meat and stuff them with cigarettes.

Time goes by, the times change, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, no one can laugh until the end, and the end of not thinking of danger will be quite tragic.

"Why don't you leave me two meters? Seeing Koyanagi, the director of the non-staple food came over.

Zhang Tiejun took out a cigarette and handed it over: "Uncle, you also know the situation of non-staple food now, what's the point of keeping it? I can directly help you build it, and save the garbage stored behind it in the future."

"I can't say that, I'm also in the unit, even if it's the front and back of your factory's turf, there must be this rule

, right?" "Director Gao, I remember that this building belongs to our factory, right?" Koyanagi said: "I already entered the factory when it was built, and it seems to belong to our labor union." Wait until I go back and check the files. "

This building is indeed a factory concentrator, a building built by a concentrator factory, and a staff activity center is also here, just to solve the living problems of the workers and handed over to the department stores, non-staple food and grain stations.

Director Gao scratched Huabai's head and smiled bitterly: "Yes, in principle, this building belongs to your factory trade union, but this is not for our use, this store belongs to the Commercial Bureau, and it has not been withdrawn."

"That's it, we didn't say to let you withdraw, and now we want to use this land, it won't affect you, right? Try to make it easier for everyone to work hard, and I can't say how it will change later."

Director Gao sighed, his eyes were quite complicated, he looked back at the two-story cement building that once represented the awesome, and shook his head: "Forget it, I'm almost there, you can watch it." "

Then so be it," Koyanagi beckoned to the person in charge of the project, "The back door of the non-staple food is directly built, and the walls are next to each other, and when you reach the top, do a good job of waterproofing both sides." "

Is this ground just cushioned?" the person in charge nodded and asked.

"Yes, pad up, level with the road here, the trench must be done, and the pipes and everything must be in place.

"In that case, this side has to be a little higher than the police station, and the terrain here is lower.

"Okay, you are an expert, anyway, I'll look at the result." "

The building for non-staple food and department stores used to have no heating, water and water, and no toilets, but now they have to be taken over from the police station building, and they need to dig a trench to connect with that side.

The residential buildings of the factory have ditches, which are divided into upper and lower ditches, which are about one meter five wide and one meter six high. The upper ditch is also called the warm ditch, and the heating pipe and the upper water pipe are taken, and the sewage ditch is the sewage pipe.

The gutters are clean, and in the winter they are quite warm, and many children will go into them to play. Zhang Tiejun also drilled when he was a child, and built a secret base in it with his children.

"Sister," Zhang Tiejun looked at the time when things were almost over: "I have to go back to take over the shift." "

Oops, I forgot about this. Xiao Liu took out a brown paper bag from his bag and handed it to Zhang Tiejun: "Then you go quickly, I'll arrange this and go home directly." Something you call.

Zhang Tiejun took the bag and didn't look at it, he stuffed it directly into the tail box, thought about it, took out a BB machine from the tail box and handed it to Xiao Yanagi: "You can use this, it's more convenient." number on the back. "

He bought ten BB machines at once last time, counting Zheng Ying and himself using seven, and there are three more in the tail box. There are two left.

In fact, he doesn't need to give it, and the factories and mining units will distribute this thing to the cadres in the next year.


When Zhang Tiejun returned to the workshop, the time was almost up, and he went directly to the post to work and sweep the road.

As a result, the one who didn't die died had an accident again.

He was washing the ground with a water hose, and suddenly the hose in his hand stopped obeying the call, and broke free from his hand in an instant with irresistible force.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, threw down the water pipe and turned his head to run, rushing outside in one breath, only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, and turned around and leaned on the door to look inside.

Just look at the black rubber water pipe that is usually soft and coiled in the corner, it seems to be fine at this time, it is straight and straight, and it is waving around in the factory, and it is banging.

Fortunately, he parked the car at the door of the factory, and Zhang Tiejun got on the motorcycle and ran to the operation room.

When he arrived at the operation room, he didn't care about others greeting him, and the fire was not extinguished, so he rushed up the iron ladder in one breath: "Water pump, water pump, overpressurized." The water pump is overpressurized. "

What's wrong?" asked Lao Yin anxiously. It's about to get off work at this time, Liu Sanzi and Shang Zhonghua are all checking outside, and only Lao Yin and Xiao Gao, the wage payroll, are in the operation room.

"The pump is overpressurized, the water pipes are straight, hurry up, something is going to happen. "

What the fuck am I," Lao Yin Teng stood up: "Xiao Gao, look, let's go, have you ridden?"

Zhang Tiejun turned his head and ran out, and Lao Yin followed him.

The water pump is an independent post, with its own small building, and the operation room cannot be controlled here, so it can only be processed by running over.

The two of them got into the car, and Zhang Tiejun sprang out as soon as he twisted the accelerator, screaming and rushing to the water pump. It is on the slope diagonally opposite the workshop building, but fortunately the road is not far away.

The industrial water for the concentrator plant is pumped directly from the fine river, where there is a large water pumping station, and then the transfer pumping station connected to each workshop is pressurized by the pipeline to complete the production water transportation.

The water pumping station of the workshop is equipped with six pressurized mixing pumps, normally speaking, it is usually two turns, this pressure is enough for production and use, and the additional pumps belong to the standby, replacing the rotation, but also to prevent failures.

Today's situation is an operational error, either four pumps were turned, or six were reckless. In an instant, the rubber water pipe that was draining the water in the workshop would be as hard as an iron rod, and the force was quite large.

This thing can't be found at all if you don't open the valve to give water, but when you open the valve, it's too late, and you can't close it.

rushed to the pumping station, Lao Yin jumped down and rushed in without waiting for the car to stop, and when Zhang Tiejun stopped the car to follow up, Lao Yin had already finished dealing with it, and was throwing a tantrum there with his waist crossed.

Lao Yin's tantrum is really rare to see, it can be said to be a once-in-a-century encounter.

The pump is a single post, there is only one person in each class, this job is quite easy, almost nothing has to be done, to be honest, something happens in this place, it is really a personal death.

"you, you're going to die of drinking, what's the point of living?"

There was a big smell of wine in the room, there were two lunch boxes on the table, a small half bottle of old white dry, and the guy who watched the water pump was sleeping on the table, snoring.

"All six of them are done. Lao Yin licked his lips and turned his head to look at Zhang Tiejun: "It is estimated that many people were injured today, I am watching here, you go to the workshop to find someone, this matter cannot be handled by the team."

Zhang Tiejun nodded, came out, rode on the car and went to the workshop.

At this time, the leaders of the workshop have already left, but fortunately, Sui Shaobin and his father have not left, he has just taken a shower below and is packing up.

"Uncle, go to the water pump and take a look. "

Tie Jun, what's wrong?"

"That dead man drank too much, and just now he gave all six pumps to Mang, Lao Yin is over there, let me come over and call someone." "

How many?" Lao Sui's face changed.

"Six, all reckless, almost killed me. I'm sweeping the road. "

No, I'm

about to run out, right?" "

Let's go, let's go, I'm fucking a special numb, isn't this death?" Lao Sui walked out without saying a word, gritting his teeth hatefully: "Do you know the situation in the workshop?


It's ruined, these two months are. Downstairs

, Zhang Tiejun took Lao Sui to the pumping station, and halfway through, he saw Liu Sanzi running here with a big flashlight: "What's the situation?"

"I drank too much, and I lost six pumps."

"Don't come, go to the workshop to see the situation." Lao Sui waved his hand and shouted, "Hurry up."

Liu Sanzi turned around and ran back, Zhang Tiejun and Lao Sui came to the pumping station, Lao Sui was not at all flat at this time, and he rushed in at a trot all the way.

Zhang Tiejun got out of the car and turned off the fire, looked around the car, fortunately, although a large part of the road here is a dilapidated dirt road, it is relatively smooth, and he is really afraid of bumping into it because of impatience.

Lao Sui's yelling and scolding came from the room, and this voice suppressed the faint noise of the water pump in the semi-underground, which was awesome.

Zhang Tiejun is also a little afraid, if he reacts slowly and lets the water pipe be pumped, it is estimated that he will have to go to the hospital to lie down, which is equivalent to a 1.8-meter-eight man holding a solid iron rod and doing his best to give you that.

Not an exaggeration at all.

Lao Dong, who was watching the water pump, had been woken up by Lao Yin, and he didn't know whether Lao Yin had patted or drunk it on his face, it was red, and Lao Sui was pointing at his nose and scolding. And he smirked.

"it," Lao Sui took a few breaths: "Tie Jun, you are waiting for the successor to come over, Xiao Yin, you hurry back to the operation room." This person asked the third son to be replaced tomorrow and transferred to see the belt.

...... Get a hand to choose for him, usually watch the dots diligently, and find that he doesn't call him to work if he drinks. the special hemp, this is really an uncle. In the future, the pump must be on without drinking.

Zhang Tiejun and Lao Yin agreed, Lao Yin went to look at the control lamp again, and said to Zhang Tiejun: "You don't have to worry about anything, just wait for someone here, don't let him move things."

"Yes, yes, you watch him, wait for Liu Sanzi to come and deal with it." Lao Sui nodded: "I'll go over there and have a look, but don't make any more wheels, my heart, boom."

I'll retire in a few months, so you can't let me go safely?"


In the future, I will come to play at home more, and it will be good for Xiaobin.

"Okay, we're fine, but we don't have much time to go to work now.

Lao Sui sighed, shook and walked out, and his back felt a little old inexplicably.

He is fifty-five this year, at the level of a senior student, and it is actually too early to retire, and now he is an internal retirement. There was no hope going up, and it just so happened that someone needed room for it, and he was happy to take some benefits home.

This kind of thing is quite common in enterprises.

Lao Dong fell asleep again, sitting on the stool and twisting his body, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.

There was a big smell of wine in the room, Zhang Tiejun frowned, lit a cigarette and walked to the door, squatting there and looking outside. Rely on, I haven't finished my post yet, and I don't know if the successor can do it.

These are all kinds of troubles, trouble.

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