I don't know what Liu Sanzi and the foreman of the first class said, anyway, the successor didn't come to Zhang Tiejun.

There were several posts in this class that failed to sweep the road normally, but fortunately, only two were injured, and a few fell but were not injured, and most of them were just startled.

The injured were Jiang Yanhu and an old worker.

The old worker was scraped because he couldn't trot away from the space, Jiang Yanhu is more legendary, he desperately wanted to catch the straight water pipe, but he was hugged by the water pipe and fell into the dry ditch.

"No, I didn't figure it out, why do you have to hold it desperately?" Liu Sanzi sat there sweating profusely and looked at Comrade Jiang Huzi, with a puzzled face, the question mark was about to flash.

Jiang Huzi smiled innocently: "I don't know, it's not working, it suddenly became disobedient and earned out, so I tried to grab it, but I didn't expect it to be so strong, and it picked me up directly." "

You won't let go of

it?" "Pick it up, how can you loosen it? Can't you catch it?"

everyone laughed, bringing some pleasure to the lounge, which was already a little nervous. This is a talent, proper.

"You're a talent. Liu Tianzi gave a thumbs up and stamped it: "Lao Guang will rest for a round, Jiang Yanhu...... Take a break for half a month and go to the hospital for yourself.

Go to the hospital and bring your work permit, Bekiba forgot.

"That can't be forgotten. Jiang Huzihan smiled and touched the back of his head: "I forgot that I can't spend money." "

One round is four days, exactly three classes A, B and C, and half a month is four rounds, and you can take twelve shifts. Salary, bonuses and benefits are not affected by anything, which is also quite good.

"Huzi, don't you want to take this opportunity to take an early break from your marriage leave, right?"

"You can pull it down, he has to have that heart, and he can't fight with the water pipe today." "


There was no need to pick up Xiaoliu, Zhang Tiejun rode Wang Yugang to the second factory, and then went to pick up his father.

"Dad, did you practice today?"

"After practicing, it's not difficult to learn when you learn, I just didn't like to tinker with these toys before, otherwise the little jeep would have been on the road a long time ago." "

How does it feel?" "Is it difficult?"

"Difficult...... It's not difficult to get there, so what's so difficult? Hang up the gear and step on the accelerator, it's just that the 141 is a bit big, that seat is too high, and I have a little hard time getting enough throttle. It's very numb, and the legs are short.

Zhang Tiejun laughed and was slapped twice on the back by his father.

In fact, Zhang's father didn't afford to buy a bicycle or couldn't learn it, just because they were all two-eight bars at that time, and his legs were short enough to reach the pedals, and Zhang's mother told Zhang Tiejun about this as a joke.

"It's okay, you insist on insisting, the main thing is to adapt to that feeling to form a Xi, the car is easy to drive, the seat height can be adjusted front and back, you drive the 141 well and there is no problem."

"Can you tune it? That's really good, it drives the same as the 141, I think it's similar to the Jeep, but it's a little bit more." "

The 141 is a seven-position manual gear, six forward and one backward, and the old Jeep is a four-position manual, three forward and one backward, and the gear shift is the same.

"It's not the same, there are a lot of things in the car, air conditioning audio, radio or something, you have to get used to it slowly, and the feeling of driving is the same. That's an automatic gear, which is infinitely variable gear, and you just need to step on the accelerator when you drive. "

Don't need to change gears?"

"Do you need to drive normally, just change it when you park, there is no clutch."

"Is there a clutch in the car? It's amazing, what can it look like?

"It's not idle, the normal clutch position is the handbrake, this car handbrake is pedaled with the foot, stepped on when parking, and lifted up when driving again." "

“...... Ouch, that can't be stepped on as a clutch, that good foot can be obtained. It's a little awkward, what do you say?"

"The design of a good car is still quite common, slowly get used to it, just get used to it Xi, you can't drive someone else's car anyway." "

Yes, too. It's really evil, and the handbrake is stepped on with your feet. Tsk, this little Japanese thing is not serious when you hear it. "

In fact, the foot brake is more convenient than the hand brake, and it has to be hard to feel after this is opened, and it is useless to say anything, and Zhang Tiejun has not explained anything.

Back in my mother's shop, my mother was cleaning up the house.

A few days ago, I cleaned out all the goods that were pressed inside, and I just cleaned it up in order, and I also swept the dust on the wall and under the counter, and checked it by the way.

"Are you back?" Seeing Zhang's father and Zhang Tiejun, Zhang's mother greeted him with a smile.

"Is this, picking up money?" Sure enough, it's my father, and I know my mother too well.

"Well," Zhang's mother laughed: "I thought about cleaning by the way, and took out more than 200 yuan from under the counter and made a small fortune." "

Oh, a lot, haven't you looked for it anywhere else?"

"That's what you said, where can there be money everywhere?" Zhang's mother laughed: "It's not that you can make money by yourself, and you can find it in this house and drop it by yourself before, which is quite a surprise."

"Today the water pipes in our workshop are overpressurized. Zhang Tiejun said. Sooner or later, my parents will know about this, so it's easier to say it myself.

"Seriously, no?" Zhang's mother didn't quite understand, but Zhang's father knew what was going on.

"Recklessly six pumps. "

I'm fucking numb, this fuck...... What is the result?" Dad Zhang looked Zhang Tiejun up and down a few times: "How many are injured?" "

Not much, just two, one was hit on the back, and the other fought with the water pipe, and lost." I'm fine, I'm fast.

Zhang's father laughed at what Zhang Tiejun said: "There was a fight, so what the hell is there to win? Hercules is not easy to make, is

it serious?" "It's not serious, it's just a fall." There were a few other wrestling and nothing to do.

"That's okay, it's all good luck. It's not a trivial matter, that guy, six pumps, this can throw people on top of the factory with a little back. "

Is it so powerful?" Zhang's mother understood, and quickly looked at her son: "It's really not hurt?" "

Really no, as soon as it struggled, I ran out when I turned around, I know about overpressure, I am prepared, and I am usually careful." I also have a generous position now. "

Are the clothes going to be sold?" Dad Zhang noticed the situation in the house.

"Say you don't want me to buy goods, I've been cleaning the bottom of the goods these days, almost. Zhang's mother also glanced into the house: "Tie Jun, when will you get me that goods

?" "Do you want to sell children's clothes or

are you elderly?" "There must be all of them, our family refers to children's clothes and half-old people, don't young people run to the city?"

Those bits and pieces can't be thrown away, and now whoever lacks a needle and thread brain comes to our house to find it, and I still count on them to solicit customers, and small things also make money.

Zhang Tiejun stammered: "I don't have these little things, why don't I get a counter in the city?"

"You can pull it down, that's definitely not good," Zhang's mother shook her head: "You can still have all the goods of the joint venture again?

On my side, you have solved the clothes, the little things are not worried, and there are not many toys and they are not heavy, I will go to a trip for ten days and half a month, and I can still move. "

Also, if you don't have to wear clothes, it does save a lot of trouble, and it's much easier not to carry a big bag back and forth.

Zhang Tiejun entered the house and looked left and right, wanting to say clean up, it feels a little dark now, but when he thinks that the houses over there are being built, it is not bad for so many days, it is better to deal with it like this.

"Mom, if our small shop sells it, how much can it sell now?"

"What about this store......? I don't know, I haven't sold it, and no one sells it on this street. In

fact, Zhang Tiejun knows that he can sell for about 780,000 yuan at this time, and if he waits for three or four years, he can sell for about 150,000 yuan. That's pretty good, the house doesn't have a title deed.

After fifteen or sixteen years, this place will be worthless, the technical school will be yellow, the people will be gone, and there will be no foreign population in the town, and if you leave, there will be one less, and business will naturally not be very good.

In the 20s, most of the people went to the city, and the young people flew all over the country. The houses here have dropped back to 50,000 or 60,000 units, and they exist entirely by relying on the factory.

When Hegang was famous all over the country because of its low housing prices, the houses here could be lived in indefinitely as long as they paid the heating bill. The difference is that the minerals over there have dried up, and there are still dozens of hundreds of years of digging here.

"What are your plans?" Dad Zhang felt that there was something in Zhang Tiejun's question.

"It's a little planned, but I haven't thought too much about it, so let's take a look. Zhang Tiejun didn't explain.

"If you want me and your mother to go to the city, then don't think about it, you and your little brother will go in the future, what are we going to do? "

Even if there is a big

house in the city, why don't you go?" "Big house? I won't go if you buy the square in front of the station, what are you going to do? It's not interesting at all, I don't want to find someone to talk to, so I go and stay? "Besides, I'm not going to retire early?"

"But don't say that," Zhang's mother put her hand on Zhang's father's shoulder and shook it: "Isn't that fast? There are still more than ten years, when the iron army was in their early thirties, and the iron soldiers were twenty-eight or nine. Dad

Zhang pursed his lips and looked at Zhang's mother: "We'll all be old for a while, and in a few years, our hair will be gray and wrinkled." "

You're just wrinkled. Zhang's mother was immediately unhappy and glared at Zhang's father.

"Okay, you don't grow pleats, I'll grow them myself. Dad Zhang rubbed his face with a smile: "When will we be able to hold our grandson?

"Dad, I'm only seventeen years old, is your idea a little early?" Zhang Tiejun asked with a smile: "I knew that today, why didn't you give birth to me earlier?"

"You roll the calf," Zhang's mother slapped Zhang Tiejun aside: "Go back to cooking, everything." I'll get off work early tonight, you get out of here.

Zhang Tiejun smiled and went to ride.

When there was Zhang Tiejun, Zhang's father was about to be thirty, and it was really too late to get married in that era, mainly because Zhang's mother was too young, and Zhang's mother was only twenty-one when she gave birth to Zhang Tiejun, just reaching her age.

So what's the good thing about finding a little daughter-in-law? Everyone else is holding their grandchildren, and you are still looking forward to your own children growing up, and you are a generation away from rounding up.

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