Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 232 I hope they are just passing by! (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

One scene after another, memories poured into Qingyu's mind.

These memory fragments are the memories of the prisoners just read.

through their memories.

Qingyu saw the current situation of Konoha Village at this time.

Because the war is coming.

People in the village were panicked at first, but later it turned into something else.

People began to calm down gradually.

Accepted this matter.

Because people discovered that the Third Ninja War was no different from the Second Ninja War.

The fighting was outside the village.

It did not spread to the village.

If you are a relative of a ninja, you may also be troubled by the loss of your loved one.

But as an ordinary person in the village.

The vast majority of people don't have this problem.

They don't need to go to the battlefield, they just need to be protected by the ninjas in the village.


Some people's hearts began to move.

This was also a key factor in the increase in crime rates during this time.


These were about to be suppressed by a person in the torture department known as the cat-faced devil.

"Is there someone missing again in Konoha Village?"

The face behind Qingyu's mask frowned slightly. He discovered that one of the recent things that happened in the village was the problem of missing people again.

Only this time it's on a small scale.

It was not ordinary people who disappeared, but the chuunin of individual families.

They didn't cause as big a stir as ordinary people, but were forgotten by people.

Some people even felt that they fled the village on an unknown night because they were afraid of the war.

About the disappearance of the chuunin.

All of a sudden.

Opinions vary.

It can only be said to be a conversation piece, but it has not aroused real public opinion.

"This matter is not that simple. I hope it won't be contaminated by me."

Qingyu murmured to himself lightly, and then he opened his eyes. He had briefly checked the memories he had read just now. They mainly focused on the changes in the village during the war, and not many big things happened. .

There is no way to compare it with the turmoil caused by the remnants of the old era a few months ago.


Aoyu walked out of the torture department's cubicle and returned directly to the ANBU dormitory.

Not long after he walked out.

He saw a man wearing a black windbreaker. Judging from this figure, he knew the identity of this man was Morino Iton without even seeing his face.

"Brother Eton."

Aoyu immediately waved to Morino Iton and greeted him. He vaguely felt that Morino Iton was waiting for him here, and it didn't look like the route he would normally take after get off work.

"Aoyu, did anyone from the ANBU directly under the Hokage look for you this morning?" Iton Morino stared at Aoyu and asked straight to the point.

"Yes, you have looked for me. It seems that someone is missing. Come to me to find out the situation. I don't know!" Qingyu said directly, as if nothing had anything to do with him, he said Very simple answer.

"The ANBU people directly under the Hokage have investigated the entire ANBU. During the recent war, the ANBU was not very peaceful. I am waiting for you here to remind you that you must be cautious in everything and put your own safety first. Never Try to be brave!" Iton Morino said seriously. For him, Qingyu is a very important person. He is not only Tsunade-sama's direct disciple, but also the author of "Ninja School Shiro-sensei". Nothing should happen to him.

"Brother Yidun, don't worry. I'm fine. No one else knows me. Any trouble can't be found on my head." Qingyu shook his head and said.

"That's good..."

Morino Yiton nodded, but still felt uneasy. After thinking about it, he added: "During the war, people from other villages may lurk in the village. No matter when, you don't want to Let your guard down.”

"I see!"

Qingyu took a deep look at Morino Iton in front of him. No matter what the purpose was, he could see that Morino Iton's concern for him was indeed from the heart. This still made him feel warm. .

"As long as you understand, I have nothing else to do. I am here to remind you that the village is not peaceful right now. I have no intention of urging you to update. Please write slowly. I am not in a hurry, not at all." Morino Yiton waved his hand to explain. He said, he pretended not to care at all, it was just a cover-up.


The corner of Qingyu's mouth behind the mask twitched slightly, and the hint was too obvious.


It's true that I can update part of it for Morino Itton.

You can't wait for Morino Iton to remind you every time.

In this case.

He wasn't sure when Morino Iton would run to his dormitory.

Combined with what happened this morning, the Hokage was directly under the ANBU's inspection.

If you leave in the future...

There must be at least one shadow clone left in the dormitory.

It's best to keep the main body in the dormitory and the shadow clone to do things outside.

After Aoyu combined the Shiki Paper Dance and Shadow Clone Technique, and then combined it with the Divine Paper User Technique, he was able to achieve a quite terrifying disguise, a change that even the Sharingan could not see through.

With this change, he can realize the interpretation of many scenes.

What's more, if something unexpected happens, those paper clones of God can also turn into waste paper all over the sky, disappearing in the eyes of others.

"Brother Eaton, I will go back and write right now, and I will give you the latest chapters in the next few days."

Qingyu nodded and said, he felt more and more that the technology of modern society was still relatively far away. The novels taken from the modern forum, after some slight modifications, had already achieved a dimensionality reduction attack on the authors of novels about the ninja world.

"That's what you said!"

Morino Iton's eyes suddenly became excited when he looked at Qingyu. Thinking that he had a book to read again, he could no longer conceal his happiness.

"Hahahaha, yes, that's what I said. Brother Eaton, just wait. I'll show it to you after I finish writing it." Qingyu nodded and said with a smile. He found that Morino Eaton was also quite interesting. At least one of them belonged to His hobbies can be adapted to his liking, and he can control this leader to death.

"Qingyu, I knew you could do it!"

Iton Morino raised his hand, ready to pat Qingyu on the shoulder, but when his hand was hovering in mid-air, he suddenly retracted it.

The whole movement is very smooth.

Apparently it has been repeated countless times.

"It's a pity, now is the war era, otherwise if your book is published, more readers will definitely like it, and you have missed a good era." Morino Iton sighed, now whether it is Konoha Village or Kumogakure Village , are all in a very delicate situation. This situation directly affects the war situation of the entire ninja world and will have a great impact on the publishing industry.

"It doesn't matter. This book is good for you to read for yourself, Brother Eton. Besides, the war will eventually end." Qingyu shook his head lightly. He actually had no intention of publishing these books. After all, he might become famous that way. Yeah, it’s hard for this kind of book not to be popular.

This feeling is quite strange.

If placed in modern society, authors would almost use up all their strength for the sake of fire.

But Qingyu now has such an opportunity, but he can give it up very casually.

The main reason is that he doesn't want people in the ninja world to know too much about his existence, especially his talent. He doesn't want to expose even a little bit of it.

The more exposed.

The more trouble.

He hates troublesome things very much...

"You're right, the war will end sooner or later. When the war is over, it can be released!" Morino Iton's eyes flashed with anticipation. As the saying goes, it's never too late to eat a good meal. He had already foreseen " Ninja School Shiro-sensei" appeared out of nowhere and swept the ninja world.

"Let's talk about it then..."

A helpless smile appeared on Qingyu's face behind the mask, but he felt that he could change his identity and publish it. After all, he could use a pen name.

Come to the ninja world for yourself.

A bit of cultural invasion.

Let’s see then.

If you are in this mood.

"There's nothing else. I'm mainly here to remind you that this war will continue for a while, and there are undercurrents from all parties. You must pay attention to your own safety." Morino Iton warned again.

"Brother Eaton, let me ask one more question, how is the war situation now?" Qingyu asked curiously. He has never been to the front line, so naturally he doesn't know the situation on the front line.

By reading the memories of the suspects, nothing was found from them.

There was no intelligence about the war.

No good news.

There is no report of defeat.

It felt like there was no war going on outside except for the panic in the village.

Very strange!

"This war is now in a tentative stage."

Iton Morino took a deep look at Aoyu. If another person had asked these questions, he would definitely not have said anything.

But the person in front of him is Qingyu.

Then it doesn't matter at all.

"Still testing?"

The brow behind Qingyu's mask twitched fiercely. It's been more than ten days since the war, and the two sides still haven't gotten to the bottom of it?

"There are so many things involved in this battle, and the emotions on both sides became less intense after the first day."

Morino Yiton shook his head. He originally wanted to say it briefly, but the words had reached this point, and he felt uncomfortable holding it in any longer, so he simply explained a few more words.

"It stands to reason that the level of ninja wars is often a chaotic battle between multiple forces. During the battle, they still maintain a balance with each other, and neither side is completely beaten to death."

"Now because of the attack on Konoha Village by the invaders from Cloud Hidden Village, the balance between the forces has been directly broken. However, there are only two forces on the battlefield, Konoha Village and Kumo Hidden Village. It is difficult to have a fierce battle like this. .”

"I don't know if you can understand what I mean..."

"Behind Konoha Village, Sunagakure Village is watching, and next to Kumogakure Village, Iwagakure Village is watching. If a large-scale battle breaks out rashly, it will be easy for others to take advantage of it."

"There have indeed been several small-scale team battles between the ninjas of Konoha Village and Cloud Hidden Village, but both sides have taboos on each other. They just point it out and retreat immediately if they are at a disadvantage. The one who has the upper hand is not In an exhaustive pursuit, both heads have something to be wary of, so they don’t use all their strength directly.”

After Morino Iton explained this sentence to Qingyu, he raised his hand again and wanted to pat Qingyu's shoulder, but he took it back again.

"I won't tell you more about these things on the battlefield. As long as you know what's going on, I think the confrontation will last for a while, maybe ten days or half a month."

"The opportunity for the real fight is definitely not Konoha Village or Kumogakure Village. I guess it is the Iwagakure Village that covets next to it."

"If Iwagakure Village does not move, everything will be in balance. If Iwagakure Village moves, then this balance will be broken, and all chaos will come."

After Morino Iton said this, he waved his hand to Qingyu, turned around and walked directly towards the back.

"Stop talking!"

"Qingyu, go back and rest early!"

"I still have to work tomorrow!"

Morino Iton didn't want to tell Aoyu too many details. Knowing this kind of thing would not help the war, but would bring some trouble to Aoyu.

Simply know something.

It was enough for Qingyu.

"Goodbye, Brother Eton."

Qingyu looked at Morino Iton's leaving figure and nodded slowly. He already understood the general situation.

"It seems that both sides are afraid!"

"The person Yunyin Village is afraid of may be Iwagakure Village, or Uehara Ruri who was caught."

"What is the Leaf Village afraid of?"

"It's just that the Third Hokage doesn't want to start a war at all."

Qingyu shook his head helplessly, even he could see that now was the best time to fight Yunyin Village.

Now that Konoha Village has Uehara Ruri in its hands, it can take action against Kumo Hidden Village under the fear of Kumo Hidden Village.

To know……

Iwagakure Village will not help Kumogakure Village easily.

There is a big feud between these two sides.

If Konoha Village had the upper hand from the beginning, Iwagakure Village would probably invade Kumogakure Village and take advantage of it.

There is no need to be allies at this time.

They have a common enemy.


Qingyu felt that the third generation was going to miss this opportunity little by little.

By the time Kumogakure Village slows down and attacks Konoha Village, it's time for Iwagakure Village to come in and take a share of the pie.

By that time.

Iwagakure Village is also competing with Kumogakure Village.

It's just that it's not a battle between the two of them, but a competition to see who can tear off a bigger piece of fat from the Leaf Village.


Aoyu was deeply helpless towards the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. He felt that it was almost time for the Hokage to change.

Otherwise, wait until the third generation has destroyed all the high-quality resources of Konoha Village.

All that was left for Minato was a mess.


Qingyu doesn't want to meddle in these nosy matters now.

Qingyu walked along the dark underground road towards the ANBU dormitory, and soon returned to the dormitory.


Qingyu wondered whether he should leave a shadow clone here to avoid any problems later.

But think about it.

If he uses his shadow clone now, half of his chakra will be taken away.

Let's go to the tower first.

Then he threw one of the multiple shadow clones back into the ANBU dormitory to stand guard.

that's it.


Qingyu thought.

Through perception, he locked the mark of Flying Thunder God left on the tower.

He immediately used the Flying Thunder God Technique.


The entire figure flashed away and disappeared, leaving behind an empty ANBU dormitory.

High tower, one-story dojo.

After Qingyu appeared here, he quickly crossed his hands in front of his body and assumed the posture of multiple shadow clones.

He never thought that the ninjutsu he used most in the world of Naruto would be multiple shadow clones.

This is too exciting!

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Qingyu's voice sounded slowly, and in an instant, shadow clones that looked exactly like him appeared in the spacious dojo on the first floor of the tower.


Qingyu looked at the nearest shadow clone and nodded to him.


This shadow branch understood the meaning of Qingyu's mind and body. In an instant, he flashed his figure, used the flying thunder god technique, and returned to the ANBU dormitory.

The shadow clone lay directly on the iron bed, as if going to sleep, in a state of rest.

In the tower dojo.

After Qingyu looked around each shadow clone, he took out a huge scroll in his hand.

"Everyone must know what I think. After all, we are all one."

Qingyu's voice sounded loud and clear, echoing in the dojo and clearly reaching the ears of every shadow clone.

"We are going to study the Book of Water Escape now!"


"The main task today is not research, but recitation."

"Let's all carry it together."

"Everyone memorizes a water escape ninjutsu."

"Let's first imprint the contents of the Book of Water Escape firmly in our hearts!"

Qingyu explained to the shadow clones that even if he didn't say it, the shadow clones would know it in their hearts.

The appearance of the Book of Water Escape.

Qing Yu temporarily changed his practice strategy.

The books that Minato brought to him were postponed for the time being, the blank symbols that had not yet been drawn were postponed for the time being, and the memories that had not been carefully studied were postponed for the time being...

None of these are as important as the Book of Water Escape!

Now that you have obtained the Book of Water Escape, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, you must directly upgrade the Book of Water Escape to the highest priority.

Qingyu just wants to memorize all the contents in the book of water escape, and then practice them all to master all the water escape ninjutsu in it.

By that time.

He has another trump card in his hand.

"Now everyone, let's start cheering!"

After Qingyu finished his last words, the shadow clones in the dojo on the first floor of the tower nodded.

The shadow clone at the front took the scroll of the Book of Water Escape from Qingyu's hand.

Several more shadow clones came over, holding huge blank scrolls in their hands, ready to transcribe the contents of the Book of Water Escape.

Qingyu bought ten such scrolls.

One of them fell into the hands of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The remaining nine are used by the shadow clones for writing. After all, we cannot let so many shadow clones rotate around the same scroll.

That is really a waste of efficiency.

All of a sudden.

These shadow clones began to work together as a team.

Each is in a different position and doing different things. Some are transcribing, some are reciting...

Qingyu nodded with satisfaction, left the dojo on the first floor, and walked towards the observation deck on the third floor.

When he has nothing to do, he will look at the scenery here.

At this moment.

Qingyu sat on the chair on the observation deck, watching the setting sun set and the woods fall into silence.



Qingyu frowned slightly.

The perception he had always raised allowed him to discover that three balls of chakra were moving quickly towards the tower.

One group in front.

Two regiments are behind.

Judging from this posture...

It's like a chase.


It's a chase!

Qingyu felt the surging murderous intent from the two groups of chakra at the back.

"what happened?"

A big question mark popped up in Qingyu's head. This place is already very deep in the woods. How could anyone come here?


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The group of chakra being chased in front actually broke through the barbed wire fence and penetrated into the fence where the tower was located.

Such an accident.

Qingyu's face suddenly became cautious.

"Hopefully they're just passing through."

Qingyu said indifferently, and then increased his ability to sense, and focused on observing whether there were reinforcements within the range.

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