Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 233 This tower is so weird! (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

As three balls of chakra energy entered the fence in the tower area where Qingyu was.

Qingyu's expression gradually changed.

"How come I can find someone here even though I'm here?"

Qingyu feels that these people's ability to try their luck is really poor. No matter where he is, he will always meet him.

Qingyu still doesn't know what these three groups of chakra energy are going to do now, but what he is most worried about is what kind of lives they will cause here.

If it was just an arrest or something else, and you would just leave after it was done without leaving any traces, then everything would be fine.

I'm afraid of killing people and attracting the security department or something.

This way.

That's when things got tricky.

If it were before today, Qingyu would have evacuated this tower without hesitation. After all, it was just a secret stronghold.

But after the ANBU captain directly under the Hokage conducted a round in the ANBU dormitory.

Aoyu has understood that the ANBU dormitory is not a safe place, and he needs a secret small area of ​​his own.

as far as I can tell.

The tower is the best place.

Before he found a better location, he would never give up the tower easily.


Qingyu raised his perception ability to its peak.

Relying on the power of perception of the immortal body's return, the surrounding woods are covered in all directions.

After repeated confirmation by him.

It is true that only these three groups of chakra are chasing.

He must have gotten in here accidentally while escaping.

Then hope they run away to other places.

Within the area of ​​the tower.

A girl wearing a Konoha Village ninja costume was running quickly in front of her. Every time she ran a few steps, she would look back to see if anyone was chasing her.

This girl was wearing a red lining under her ninja costume. Her auburn hair only reached her ears, and she looked quite panicked.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The girl quickly passed between the branches. Her speed had reached the extreme, and she was getting more and more tired from running fast.


There was a sense of despair on the girl's face, and she could clearly feel that the two people chasing her were getting closer and closer to her.


Just at this time.

The girl's feet suddenly felt light.

The branch she just stepped on broke because it couldn't bear the force of her step.

The whole person's body balance was immediately broken, and he fell instantly from the running state, lying directly on the ground, with a large scratch on his face.

All of a sudden.

Blood began to flow from the girl's face. Because of the sudden stop, the two people chasing her immediately caught up with her.

"It looks like I might die here."

The girl turned her head. She was still lying on the ground. After falling down, her legs were a little painful and she couldn't get up immediately.

in her sight.

Two figures immediately caught up with her and stopped in front of her.

"Fujieda Juno, you finally can't run anymore."

The two figures were both wearing black robes and masks on their heads. They had no distinguishing features at all. They spoke in a solemn voice without any emotion. It was not even possible to tell which of the two people was speaking. of.

"Hahahahaha, is this how you eradicate dissidents?"

The girl named Fujieda Juno sneered and shook her head. Her eyes were filled with a look of death. At this point, she already knew that there was nothing she could do.


The two ninjas wearing black robes and masks looked at each other, and neither of them continued talking nonsense to the girl. The two of them rushed towards the girl quickly.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Accompanied by two cold lights passing by.

The girl named Fujieda Juno was instantly killed by kunai slitting her throat.

The girl fell to the ground. .

Blood flowed from the wound on his neck.

Dyeing the surrounding grass red.

"mission completed."

The tone of the two men in black robes and masks was devoid of any emotion, just like robots.

One of them reached out his right hand, reached into his ninja bag, and took out a small bottle.

He opened the vial.

Then he poured the droplets from the small bottle onto the girl's body.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee...

Lines of white gas instantly emerged from the girl's body, and her flesh and blood began to melt. In the blink of an eye, she was reduced to skin and bones.

After a few more seconds.

This girl, including her clothes, all turned into a puddle of black water.

This black water mixed with the blood on the ground, and finally turned into dark red blood, seeping into the ground together.

If Qingyu were here.

See this scene.

You will definitely recognize what liquid is in this small bottle.

It was the corpse-transforming water that he found very useful.


The man in black robe and mask who finished pouring the corpse-turning water nodded to the other man in black robe and mask.


The two masked men in black robes walked towards the direction they came from.

On the tower.

Qingyu felt all this silently.

The ball of chakra that was in the escape state disappeared in an instant after experiencing violent fluctuations. It can be said to be dead.

The remaining two balls of chakra were returning.

"It's still a dead person after all."

Qingyu shook his head helplessly. If someone died here, it would still be a hidden danger after all.


Fortunately, those two people are leaving.

They are together.

There is no way he would just tell anyone about the killings here.

In general.

Things were going pretty well.

Qingyu has been sensing the movements happening over there. He can get a rough idea of ​​what is happening over there, but he doesn't know the specific details.


Just when Qingyu thought things could end like this.

His brows suddenly frowned.

He found……

Those two balls of chakra came towards him!

Outside the tower.

Two men in black robes and masks were returning the way they came.


The man in black robe and mask walking behind stopped.

"Why do I feel like there's something wrong with that tower?" said the man in the black robe and mask behind him.

"The mission is accomplished." The black-robed masked man in front said coldly.

"Why is Fujieda Juno running here? What if there are people from them in the tower?" The man in the black robe and mask behind continued.

"The mission is accomplished." The black-robed masked man in front repeated indifferently.

"If there are Fujieda Shuno's companions there, our mission will not be completed." The black-robed masked man behind said again.

"Our mission is just to kill Fujieda Shuno." The man in the black robe mask in front shook his head and said.

"No, we have to take a look!" The man in the black robe and mask behind ignored the objections of his teammates and turned around and immediately walked towards the tower.

"Our mission is over. If we do other things, it will probably cause unnecessary trouble. Remember, we only have a mission!" The man in the black robe and mask in front said coldly. I have no intention of leaving.

"Trust me once, my intuition has never been wrong." The man in the black robe and mask behind said solemnly, with strong determination in his tone. It could be heard that he would not give up until he went to the tower.

"There's really nothing I can do against you." After the black-robed masked man in front hesitated for a moment, he still walked toward the tower with the black-robed masked man behind him.

Logically speaking.

Their mission is over.

Now you can go back and resume your life.

There is no need to walk towards the tower anymore.


Now that we have arrived at this place.

After thinking about it for a while, the man in the black robe and mask in front simply didn't care about it.

"You've been here not long ago. Forget it this time. It won't be the same next time. If you team up with others to do a task, remember that the task comes first. Let's work together to follow the task. After the task is completed, don't do anything else and return immediately."

The man in the black robe and mask in front said that these things are the rules of the root, and what they are doing now is already breaking the rules of the root mission operation.

"I did come relatively late, so I haven't been completely assimilated by you mission machines. This mission is to kill Fujieda Juno, but if we can find Fujieda Juno's companions, it will be an improvement for the mission." The man in black robe and mask didn't take it seriously at all.

After he said these words.

Neither said another word.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained.

There is not much left to say.

Ten minutes later.

Two men in black robes and masks came to the door of the tower.

They looked towards the door of the tower and found that the lock of the tower door had been opened.

"Someone has come in here!"

The two men in black robes and masks were aware of the problem here.


This tower is used as an examination room for the Chunin Examination.

It's usually closed.

Now that the door lock has been opened, someone must have been here.

Maybe that person is inside!

It is very likely that he is an accomplice of Fujieda Shuno!

When the two of them thought of this, they immediately looked at each other, and they could see solemnity in each other's eyes.


The two nodded.

Together they walked into the tower.

What comes into view is a very clean passage.

Whether it was the floor, walls, or ceiling, it was obvious that they had been cleaned, which was completely different from how it looked outside the tower.

People come here often!

The two men in black robes and masks realized the same thing.

The two men's movements became lighter.

They walked all the way to the first floor of the tower and saw the huge crowd.

The place is cleaner.

There wasn't even any dust on the ground.

This level of cleanliness can be easily determined just by looking at it. In the past hour, there have been many people here.

"Leave this to me and you go report to Lord Danzo."

Among them, the more experienced man in the black robe and mask said in a deep voice that he could now trust his little companion's intuition. It was indeed very powerful, and he suddenly made a very breakthrough discovery.

Who would have thought that there is someone hiding in such a tall tower.


The man in the black robe and mask with very keen intuition nodded. He understood that it was time for division of labor and cooperation, and it was the best choice for him to inform Lord Danzo.


He turned and ran towards the door of the tower.


Just as he ran to the door of the tower.


Pieces of white paper seemed to appear out of thin air, instantly blocking the door of the tower, directly blocking his movements.

These white papers were right in front of him, forming a paper wall.

"There's someone here!"

The man in the black robe and mask suddenly roared, and he was already aware of the danger.

There is obviously someone here.

But when they come in.

Feel nothing!

The man in the black robe and mask instinctively turned around and ran back, but the moment he turned around, pieces of white flying paper flew towards him densely.


After the body of the man in the black robe and mask was shot through by the white paper, he let out an explosion of air.

This is a doppelganger.


The area covered by these papers is simply too large.

It can be said that the entire corridor is covered, leaving no room for dodge at all.

Just after the clone broke.

The body of the man in the black robe and mask fell from the ceiling. He held a kunai in each hand and hacked at the flying paper.

Blah blah blah...

Paper after paper passed through his kunai and stuck to his body.

The whole process happens in just a split second.

It's not that his reaction wasn't quick enough.

But it happened too suddenly.

Plus the paper is just too dense.

After these papers were pasted on the body of the black-robed masked man, black lines appeared on the white papers.

These black lines formed a series of spells on the paper, with extremely strong sealing ability, which directly restricted the movement of the man in the black robe and mask. Not only could he not control his body, he could not even mobilize his chakra. Only the brain is left thinking.


The man in the black robe and mask fell to the ground with a sound after his whole body was wrapped in white paper with black lines.

"what happened?"

Another black-robed ninja wearing a mask hurried over from the dojo.

The moment he heard the sound.

He was already running over as fast as he could.

But things happened so fast.

No chance at all.

When he came here, he saw his companion wrapped in paper and fell to the ground.

All of a sudden.

The man in black robe and mask stood there.

He didn't dare to move easily.

Looking around cautiously.

Now he doesn't even know whether his opponent is a human or a ghost.

A companion next to him was directly sealed.

It really brought him great psychological pressure.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The man in the black robe and mask just stood there and waited cautiously.

But there was no movement at all.

It was as if the whole world had returned to purity.


The man in the black robe and mask spoke coldly, and an indescribable feeling of fear emerged in his heart.

Visible opponents are not scary.

This kind of invisible opponent is terrifying.

From beginning to end.

He just saw his companions surrounded by paper.

"Come out!"

The man in the black robe and mask shouted again, but there was still no response.

Some time passed.

The man in black robe and mask stood here for more than ten minutes.

Still no movement at all.

The teammate lying on the ground, sealed by the sealing paper, was about to fall asleep.

"Is this a mechanism that is automatically triggered?"

The man in the black robe and mask suddenly felt that he had been a little too cautious.

Could it be that the person who closed the tower arranged this before leaving?


The man in the black robe and mask walked cautiously towards the entrance of the tower.

When he walked to the door.

He walked out without any hindrance.

Stand outside the tower.

Feeling the gradually darkening weather, one little question mark after another popped up in my head.

"Are we really overthinking this?"

The man in the black robe and mask returned to the tower. It had been almost half an hour since they first entered and now when they entered again.

He didn't see anyone the whole time.

The only noises heard were the sounds of teammates.

"I'll take you out now."

The man in the black robe and mask immediately squatted next to his teammate and moved his hand towards his teammate, trying to help his teammate tear off the sealing paper.


Just after his fingers touched the paper.

He felt that he had encountered a mysterious force.

On the paper he touched.

Black lines emerged one after another.

These black lines were like living creatures, twisting and twisting in an instant, spreading along his fingers towards his body at a terrifying speed.

"not good!"

The man in the black robe mask immediately realized the danger. He wanted to take his hand out, but he found that he could no longer control his hand.

As long as those black spells spread to any place, he lost the ability to control everything.

At this moment.

These spells had spread to his entire right arm.

"Fell into a trap!"

The left hand of the black-robed masked man quickly reached into his ninja bag and quickly took out a kunai from the ninja bag.

The moment the kunai's sharp blade appeared, his left hand changed its target, swung it without hesitation, and slashed directly towards his right arm.


Accompanied by a bloody light.

The right arm of the black-robed masked man was cut off from the shoulder by himself.

Blood was constantly flowing out from the wound.

The whole process was extremely decisive.

Just when the spell spread on his right hand, he already understood that if the spell on his right arm spread to his whole body, he would become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered without any resistance.


He decisively cut off his own arm.

Free yourself from the shackles of this spell.

The man in the black robe and mask who had broken his arm did not care about the wound on the broken part of his right arm. His right arm that had fallen to the ground was already covered with black charms.

leave here!

Now there was only one thought in his mind. He felt that this was a very strange place.

This tower is so weird!


He rushed towards the tower door.


This time.

He was not able to run out as smoothly as before.

What was waiting for him was a paper wall formed by pieces of paper, completely isolating him in the tower.

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