Reborn Mantis, devouring flesh and blood to start infinite evolution

Chapter 215: I am not afraid of the beast being too brave, I am afraid of the beast having a plan

The reason why Guqiao Shuren, the commander-in-chief of the south, did not immediately inform the guards of the news from the north was because he knew how to use troops.

Telling him now would make the originally excited guards even more excited.

This news should be used in the most difficult times, such as when the artillery shells cannot support and the morale of the army is weakened.

At that time, this news will become a reassurance, stimulating everyone's desire for survival, condensing it together, and bursting out with overwhelming power.

But what Guqiao Shuren didn't know was that he had no chance to use this news to revive his morale!

In the morning, the sky is bright.

Lu Qing, who has fully recovered, is ready to start today's charge.

According to the plan, he will charge several times first, and then wait until he has completely attracted the attention of the tribe, and then let the leaders rush in. In this way, Amano City can be broken!

He looked at a group of praying mantises lying on the ground.

These mantises that Lu Qing regarded as cultivators have also made great progress.

With the nourishment of the flesh and blood of the descendants of the Gods and the incredible help of parasites, these mantises are about fifty meters tall, and some of the juveniles are already several meters long, and the tallest one has already reached half-step to reach the gods.

They were originally eager to try and 'make contributions', but Lu Qing refused.

Feeding them with delicious food and drink is not for them to charge into battle!

It was related to the channel to become a demon. If there was any accident, it would be extremely distressing for everyone to die.

"You guys go back and exit ten kilometers!"

The psychic cannon does not always fall within a hundred kilometers, but occasionally appears from a super distance. If it happens to fall on this group of mantises... it will be a big loss!

This group of praying mantises backed up ten kilometers very obediently.

After they retreated to an absolutely safe place, Lu Qing took off.

Destroy the city, only today!

He flew quickly and flew into the detection range.

In the human testing room.

This work is the most important, so there are more than a dozen people paying attention to it at all times.

When the flashing signal appeared on the display, the early warning officer pressed the button immediately.

The moment the red light appeared, sirens sounded throughout the city.

Everyone knows that the evil beast has started again!

The attack command was transmitted within a second.

Then the huge cannon on the city defense made a deafening sound.

Cannonballs shining with white light and fire pierced the tranquility of dawn.

After Lu Qing saw the rapidly approaching cannonball, he decisively teleported back.

There were violent explosions.

Waves of dust swept over a large area.

The dust at the center of each explosion was torn apart by the terrifying spiritual energy and turned directly into fine flying dust.

The deafening explosion and the dust in the sky made Da Shui tremble while hiding in the pit.

"My dear, the power of this psychic cannon is indeed ridiculously strong!"

"I was able to resist the psychic cannons of those small cities before, but this thing... once fired, it will tear me to pieces. Even the divine power cannot withstand it!"

Now Dashui already has preliminary divine power: perfect defense.

After its divine power is activated, it can form a divine armor that covers the entire body. It can be said that its defensive power is absolutely ridiculously strong.

Just then, after seeing the power of the psychic cannon, I couldn't help but feel chills.

"After seeing Brother Qing's charge command, I must rush within ten kilometers as soon as possible, otherwise give me a try, I won't be able to hold it, I won't be able to hold it."

Most of the other leaders also heard the deafening sound of shelling.

Just by listening to the sound, you can tell how terrifying the psychic cannon is.

Fortunately, they have some bunkers within ten kilometers.

Don't be afraid of being hit by this cannon!

Lu Qing's advance continued.

Each time, it triggered a bombardment of more than a dozen artillery shells, and then calmly teleported back.

This went on until nightfall, thousands of times.

Lu Qing already felt a little tired again.

The human race is even worse.

In the past two days, all attacks have been in one direction, which has made the humans think that Lu Qing will continue to advance in this direction.

A large number of shells had unconsciously moved to the direction of Lu Qing.

This is an inevitable deviation under inertial thinking, but it is also the most fatal!

That's almost it!

Lu Qing is preparing for the last charge!

He quickly rushed within a hundred kilometers again.

Sure enough, the cannonballs of white light and fire arrived as expected.

Lu Qing teleported directly to the straight air this time.

The foot of the knife ignited instantly, the wind helped the fire, and the flame rose up to a hundred meters above the foot of the knife.

This special kind of fire instantly became the most shining thing in the night sky.

After receiving the signal, Dashui and other leaders began to rush towards the city wall quickly.

The anti-aircraft gun fired again, aiming at Lu Qing in the air.

Facing the sudden anti-aircraft shells, Lu Qing teleported to the ground.

In just a few seconds, Dashui and the others had successfully reached three kilometers away from the city wall.

In the dark night, the human race's limited vision still discovered these giant beasts!

"A giant beast attacked the northeastern city wall..."

"A giant beast attacked the southwestern city wall..."

"Southeast wall..."

Sirens are blaring.

News of giant beast attacks from almost every direction reached the command room.

Don't be afraid that the giant beast is too brave, but be afraid that the giant beast has a plan!

Organized, targeted raids are the most deadly, especially when everyone's attention is attracted by the giant mantis.

Commander Gu Qiao Shuyi's face turned pale instantly.

This wave of giant beast raids was beyond expectations.

The main reason is that they didn't know that the giant beasts had already joined together.

And because they couldn't leave the city, there was almost no intelligence organization.

As a result, the dormant giant beasts launched an attack and caught them off guard.

Gu Qiao Shuyi forced himself to calm down.

"Hold the city wall, and the martial saints will fight the enemy separately!"

"All the weapons of the guards, open them at full speed, regardless of ammunition, and stabilize the situation for me!"

"Pay attention to the position of the giant mantis, the early warning team is keeping a close eye on it, and once it is found, it will still be the main target of firepower!"

He was not confused. The giant beasts were intruding, and the ninety nine-star martial saints could still hold on!

The most terrifying giant mantis was the key!

It must not be allowed to advance any further, otherwise everything will be over!


Command is one thing, but the battlefield is another.

The martial saints fired their shells to stop the giant beasts, and they had to carry the three thousand dense shells again!

"Hold on, as long as we are not broken by the giant mantis, we will be stable!"


The early warning officer was stunned for a moment.

Because three fluctuation points suddenly appeared on the display.

Isn't it one? Why are there suddenly three?

Three martial god-level monsters?

He was stunned for a second, and in this second Lu Qing had already advanced ten kilometers.

The early warning officer who reacted hurriedly reported the position.

However, just after he reported the position, one of the bright spots directly moved ten kilometers horizontally.

[Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happy, be happy! On such a nice day, it’s not too much for the little author to ask for a cup of milk tea (poor guy)]

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