In this case, the one with the fastest attack speed will always be fine.

The early warning officer immediately sent the location of the target with the fastest movement speed.

The guards who received the message were staring at the big rhino under the city wall.

After hearing the news from the early warning officer, they immediately came to their senses, and the giant mantis was more important, and quickly counterattacked.

Da Zhuang rode on the stone-piercing seabird.

The secondary foot was tightly fixed on the bird's back, and the knife foot clamped the feathers on the neck.

The size of the stone-piercing seabird is not big, more than 90 meters.

Carrying Da Zhuang, who is about 50 meters long, is like carrying a son, at least that's what it thinks in its heart.

"Brother Bird, hurry up, we have received the signal from the boss, we have to speed up!"

The power of the stone-piercing seabird is: extreme speed flight.

Although it is in the primary stage, with the help of divine power, its flying speed has reached 6 kilometers per second.

This speed is a little faster than when Lu Qingchu became a god.

You should know that the stone-piercing seabird is a bird famous for its flying ability.

The divine power is also the ability to fly.

The two situations combined are barely faster than the first god Lu Qing.

And the first god Lu Qing's divine power of heaven and earth, without assistance, is only a little slower than the Piercing Sea Bird blessed by divine power.

In this comparison, the mantis is against the sky.

As for the current extreme god, there is no comparison.

The Piercing Sea Bird exudes a faint golden light.

"Don't scream, my speed has been increased to the limit! If you hadn't insisted on climbing up, I would have been faster..."

The Piercing Sea Bird was furious.

It's okay to be tricked by the boss.

It's okay for you to ride me.

Damn, I can tolerate a few complaints after riding!


Mating and swinging towards my excrement, what do you mean!

If I wasn't in a hurry to rush to the city wall, I would have to stop and peck you 250 holes in two and a half minutes!

"Watma warns you, if your mating is still wandering around, I will throw you into the pile of martial saints..."

At this moment, seven bright lights and fire appeared in the sky.

Da Zhuang's secondary legs tightened, "Damn, the shells are coming! Left, left..."

Because the guards delayed for more than a second, they were not in the center of the landing point.

And the height was enough, the left side was the weak point of coverage.

The stone-piercing seabird naturally saw it, and it didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly switched to the left.

In an instant, the body of the stone-piercing seabird was tilted to the limit.

Frightened, Da Zhuang hugged tightly with his knife feet, and his secondary legs, and even used mating.

The stone-piercing seabird let out a loud cry of "Chang Yi".

The explosion behind him hit instantly.

The bird and mantis, which were extremely fast, were even faster!

Directly broke through the limit.

Because they were blown up!

They pierced into the soil diagonally.

The fairly flat ground was arched out into a large ditch.

If there is a second shot, it will definitely be destroyed.

Lu Qing appeared within a hundred kilometers.

Before he could reach full speed, he found that the shell had shifted its position and did not hit him immediately.

A big enemy took it for him!

Looking at the direction, it is not difficult to guess that the big enemy is Da Zhuang.

This is a good opportunity!

Lu Qing did not have time to think about it, and directly reached full speed, even using the wind.

The speed increased to ten kilometers per second in just half a second.

Time is everything.

It is necessary to rush to within fifty kilometers in the shortest time!

Five seconds!

The shell landed in two seconds.

Reloading takes five to six seconds.

The approximate time for full reloading is seven seconds.

Lu Qing flew sixty kilometers at full speed.

It is only forty kilometers away from the city wall of Amano City!

Before, Amano City could not be seen at all because of the distance, but now it can be seen!

It must be said that the city defense of Amano City is very tall.

The 100-meter-high wall can be felt even from 40 kilometers away.

It's so majestic!

It's not even as high as my deputy's foot!

All 20 early warning officers were stunned.

What's going on?

They ordered to attack the fastest one, but before the life signal of the fastest one disappeared, a faster one appeared!

They reacted instantly.

Bomb whichever one is closer!

In the blink of an eye, the fastest life signal flew directly over 20 kilometers.

The most experienced early warning officer gave the estimated range coordinates.

'46 degrees high, 6.47...'

The second wave of shells finally arrived after seven seconds of loading!

However, before the shells arrived, Lu Qing had already moved sideways and changed direction.

After two days of testing, he has completely mastered the time for the shells to hit.

The shells take two seconds to hit, which is predicted.

The transmission of information also takes time.

As long as you force yourself to move when the transmitted information is sent but not implemented, plus the predicted time, you can stay away from the center of the bombing to the greatest extent.

Just as Lu Qing guessed, after forcibly moving more than ten kilometers, the shells were fired, and the location was exactly where there was no displacement.

This deviation of more than ten kilometers, plus his own teleportation, can completely leave the bombing area directly.

Lu Qing teleported in the void.

The explosion wave submerged the purple wave...

Sure enough, it was avoided!

After dodging this most threatening wave, the next thing is...

Lu Qing excitedly ran straight to the city wall!


The 100-meter city wall is very high, but that is only for the human race.

For these giant beasts, a 100-meter height is just a small wall that can be easily crossed.

The thickness of Dashui's carapace has reached 200 meters. He rushed outside the city wall and looked down from above with a slight tilt of his head.

Countless psychic guns shot, and countless white rays hit Dashui's body.

Pale golden waves flashed continuously.

Divine power, perfect defense.

Dashui's progress is very obvious. With the blessing of divine power, the current version of the psychic gun is too weak!

It was not hurt at all.

With a big claw stretched out, it lay directly on the city wall.

With a slight swing of the head, five psychic cannons were directly destroyed.

Dashui excitedly let out a cow cry.

"What psychic cannon? In front of your brother Shui, this shot can't do anything!"

With another swing of the head, seven psychic cannons were also destroyed.

Just as it was wreaking havoc, a huge hand slapped the ghost's head directly.

Dashui's head shook.

After being slapped, it looked carefully.

A human man appeared on the city wall.

The amazing thing is that his arm was separated from his body and could grow bigger.

The slap just now was done by the flying big hand.

Dashui was not afraid, but excited!

It had heard a legend about Qingge.

It is said that Qingge swallowed the energy core of living beings in the advanced form, and was very fierce!

Seeing the flying hand, Dashui felt that his chance to become famous had come!

Qing can go, and Shui can go too!

Before, there was Qingge who swallowed the energy core, so after today, there will be Dashui who will force me to eat the flying hand!

I, Dashui, will definitely become a legend like Qingge!

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