Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 415 First meeting


Lin Tao picked up the tea cup, blew the hot air gently, and took a slow sip.

To be honest, ordinary people may not be able to guess what Lin Tao was thinking when he burst out on the spot. Just like Wei Feihang in front of him, he also failed to think of this.

"This guy should already know what's going on." Lin Tao glanced at Wei Hongxin secretly.

Lin Tao not only disliked Huang Ziying and his party, but more importantly, Huang Ziying actually thought that he was easy to bully. Not only did he want to suppress him, but he also wanted to cut his flesh from Ming Yuanxing.

The Mingyuan Star is Lin Tao's foundation, and it is also an important planet that Lin Tao plans to use to find the secrets of giant insects. Even if the Speaker opens his mouth, Lin Tao will never give in.

Moreover, Huang Ziying and others are just the beginning. Once Lin Tao shows weakness, Capital Star will definitely bring out a large number of people who are secretly watching him.

If he didn't do it cruelly, everyone would think that Lin Tao was a bully, and everyone would come to cut him off.

These are regarded as the link between the wealthy families and the parliament, and for Lin Tao, they are almost dispensable.

If the matter is urgent, Lin Tao can act without resorting to the Interstellar Federation. In his heart, it is not necessary to go to the capital planet this time.

Lin Tao's trip was, firstly, to get to know the top leaders of the current Interstellar Federation, and secondly, to find out what position the Three-Eyed Tribe held in the Interstellar Federation.

These are information that cannot be seen in later historical materials.

Of course, it was like meeting Wei Hongxin, who would later be called the Star General, but this was beyond Lin Tao's expectation.

Thinking of this, Lin Tao glanced at Wei Hongxin who was drinking tea without leaving any trace.

Grand Speaker?

Being able to hold 50% of the voice in the parliament can be said to be an old fox in the political arena. He should have guessed most of Lin Tao's thoughts, so he took this opportunity to rectify the situation in Capital Star.

Of course, this move also had the aspect of showing goodwill to Lin Tao, so Wei Hongxin came to ask about Lin Tao's attitude. In other words, he had given Lin Tao a step up to see if Lin Tao would follow the trend.

After all, what Lin Tao said at the party was a bit childish. Once it was publicized, it would not only affect Lin Tao's image, but also the face of the Speaker.

Thinking about it, once Lin Tao takes advantage of the situation, everything about the party will be sealed in the files and no one will mention it again.

"I am very satisfied with the arrangement of the Grand Speaker." Lin Tao raised the tea cup and said, "He seems to know my interests. This tea is much better than the Lin family's tea."

"Really? As long as you are satisfied." Wei Hongxin's eyes flashed, and then he laughed.

Although Lin Tao didn't say it outright, he tacitly acknowledged his attitude based on the quality of the tea. Wei Hongxin was a discerning person, so he could naturally hear it.

Wei Feihang could also hear the meaning behind Lin Tao's words, but he had something in mind, but he kept holding his breath and did not speak.

After getting a positive answer from Lin Tao, Wei Hongxin also started to find topics and chatted about various things casually.

not long time.

When Lu Mengchen appeared in the hall again, Lu Mengying followed behind with her head lowered.

"I was really embarrassed earlier. I left directly before I had time to apologize to everyone." Lu Mengchen said politely with an apology on his face.

Even so, her voice seemed to retain its magic power, and she attracted the attention of the three people present as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Haha~" Wei Hongxin chuckled, and then looked at Lu Mengying: "Why, you, a big star, don't you reintroduce the people behind you to us?"

Lin Tao also looked at Lu Mengying. Compared with before, Lu Mengying seemed to have completely recovered and turned back into the sixth senior sister she was in the martial arts school.

"Haha~" Lu Mengchen covered his mouth and chuckled: "This is my roommate. It's really unexpected that my roommate is practicing martial arts in the same martial arts hall as the master of Mingyuan Star."

"Just call me Lin Tao." Lin Tao smiled.

"Lin Tao, this is my sister." Lu Mengying's voice was like a gnat, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Feihang, it's time for us to go back." Wei Hongxin chuckled and said to Wei Feihang.

Although Wei Feihang didn't say much, he understood that it was time for them to leave, so he had to stand up and say goodbye together with Wei Hongxin.

Because of Lu Mengying's relationship, Lu Mengchen stayed justifiably.

"Lin Tao, thank you so much for bringing my sister to Capital Star, otherwise I wouldn't know when she would come back to me."

Lu Mengchen originally only planned to come over and take a look at Lin Tao with his own eyes, but he didn't expect to get such a reward, and he couldn't suppress the joy in his words.

"Master Yang Yanzong told me about you, so I brought you here. What I didn't expect was that Brother Wei Hongxin actually brought you here directly." Lin Tao said with a smile.

"Thankfully I came here, otherwise I wouldn't know when I would see my sister again." Lu Mengchen sighed lightly.

"What? You didn't plan to come over?" Lin Tao was dumbfounded.

Lu Mengchen covered his mouth and chuckled, then asked: "Actually, I don't know why you, the Lord of Mingyuan Star, are looking for me, why? So..."

The matter of Lin Tao's party has spread in some circles. No one dares to contact Lin Tao easily before the Speaker makes a decision.

The reason why Lu Mengchen came in person was because Wei Hongxin brought the words of the Speaker. Otherwise, as an acting star, she did not want her prospects to be affected by her private contact with Lin Tao.

"Lin Tao, did you bring my sister here just to make us recognize each other?" At this time, Lu Mengying also raised her head and looked at Lin Tao.

Ever since she saw Lu Mengchen also come to Capital Star, she had been resisting in her heart, but the real reunion made her put aside her worries and let the two get back together again.

Lu Mengying was quite grateful for this.

However, Lin Tao asked Lu Mengchen to come over not just to get the sisters back together, but also for another purpose. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Mengchen: "Can we talk to each other?"

Lu Mengchen was startled, and Lu Mengying was also stunned: "Lin Tao, you..."

"There are some things I want to know about." Lin Tao straightened his expression.

"Yes." Lu Mengchen frowned slightly and patted Lu Mengying: "Mengying, please go back to your room first."

Lu Mengying looked at Lin Tao, then at her sister, then nodded and left.

"Okay, we are the only two left now. What do you want to ask?" As soon as Lu Mengying left, Lu Mengchen's expression returned to its original cold expression.

Lin Tao thought for a while and then said, "Follow me."

With that said, he walked back to the room. Lu Mengchen was stunned for a moment, but he followed behind.

After returning to the room, Lin Tao immediately closed the door, which made Lu Mengchen seem to think of something and his face darkened.

Lin Tao gently patted the strap of his watch, signaling Xie to monitor the surroundings of the room. After Xie's core ball flashed a few times, Lin Tao spoke.

"Your voice has a kind of magic." Lin Tao said.

"I know." Lu Mengchen nodded. If it weren't for the magic in her voice, she might not be able to become famous throughout the Human Interstellar Federation and a big star in the eyes of the Grand Speaker.

However, Lin Tao called her to the room just to talk about this? Lu Mengchen looked puzzled, but also a little cautious.

"I really want to know, who taught you this ability?" Lin Tao did not do what Lu Mengchen thought, but pulled up a chair and sat down on his own, his eyes like sharp swords, wanting to pierce through her mind.

Lu Mengchen trembled for no reason, because she felt that Lin Tao's eyes were very sharp, even with a touch of ice.

"I...I..." Lu Mengchen couldn't help but feel nervous in front of Lin Tao.

Fortunately, she had seen a lot of the world, so she quickly regained her composure and asked suspiciously: "Lin Tao, what do you mean?"

Lin Tao's eyes turned cold: "To tell you the truth, the magic in your voice should not appear in the human interstellar federation. I am very curious, how did you get this power?"

The magic power in Lu Mengchen's voice is the power of his mind. Although Lu Mengchen's power of mind is only at the introductory stage compared with Elder Fentu and Elder Hongshi of Etna, it can also cause harm to ordinary humans. Certain impact.

It was precisely this way that even the cautious Wei Hongxin became distracted after hearing her singing.

The Grand Speaker knows about the existence of three-eyed people. I wonder if he also knows that some of the three-eyed people have this kind of power?

Lin Tao once asked Xie to use the watch communication channel to collect relevant information. Lu Mengchen could achieve her current status not only because of her magical singing voice, but also because of the help of the Grand Speaker behind her.

Lin Tao wanted to know whether Lu Mengchen's mental power came from the three-eyed man or the speaker.

"I...I..." Lu Mengchen opened her mouth, and after a while, she sighed again: "Actually, I don't know what's going on. Someone has discovered this since she was a child, and put it I developed into a singer.”

"Well, my sister also has such a singing voice, but she doesn't like to be a singer, so she quietly left my side." Lu Mengchen said.

Ability that you have had since childhood? Lin Tao was startled and frowned even more.

As for Lu Mengying's similar ability, Lin Tao could only detect it after formally learning the power of mind. He had not been able to detect it when he was in Yang Yanzong's martial arts school.

"Both of you are gifted with singing voices?" Lin Tao's eyes flashed.

"It should be like this. The person who taught me singing was a tutor from the music school." Although Lu Mengchen didn't know why Lin Tao asked this question, these are all news circulating in the Interstellar Federation. As long as you are willing, you can easily investigate it. .

But why does Lin Tao keep asking about this matter?

Could it be...

Suddenly, Lu Mengchen seemed to have thought of something, and was shocked all over. He looked at Lin Tao with some fear in his eyes.

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