Reborn Mecha Master

Chapter 416 Lu Mengchen’s Song

Lu Mengchen vaguely remembered that when she was young, she was brought to the operating table more than once because of this magical power. It was a life similar to that of a guinea pig.

She didn't know how many times she had lived this kind of life, until she met someone who completely helped her change her life.

Yes, that was the later Grand Speaker of the Human Interstellar Federation Parliament.

With the help of the Grand Speaker, Lu Mengchen was able to show off her singing voice in public, and with this singing voice, she gained batch after batch of fans.

However, although life is better now, she can never forget those times.

At this time, after hearing Lin Tao repeatedly asking about the magical power of singing voice, Lu Mengchen couldn't help but take a few steps back, and his eyes changed when he looked at Lin Tao.

It was a look of resistance, even disgust.

Lin Tao was startled. He didn't seem to have done anything, so why did he arouse the other party's resentment?

Lin Tao raised his hand and gently rubbed his temples a few times.

Suddenly, Lu Mengchen seemed to have thought of something. She straightened her waist and said coldly: "Lin Tao, if you want to know about the magical power of my singing voice, you need the approval of the Chancellor. You can't ask any more."

Need approval from the Grand Speaker? Lin Tao frowned, but seeing that Lu Mengchen's expression didn't seem fake, Lin Tao suddenly laughed. He raised his watch, clicked on a signal, and dialed it.


The watch rang a few times and someone came through immediately.

"Who does this guy want to contact?" Lu Mengchen's eyes were puzzled, and at the same time he was worried in his heart. Could it be that he planned to kidnap me for experiments?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take a few steps back towards the door.

"Lin Tao, are you looking for me?"

Just when Lu Mengchen retreated to the door and wanted to open the door and leave by force, a familiar voice came from Lin Tao's watch.

"Speaker?" Lu Mengchen was shocked. It seemed that he did not expect that Lin Tao not only had the communication of the Speaker, but could also contact him at any time.

"Huh?" As if he heard Lu Mengchen's voice, the Speaker opposite the watch was startled, and then he laughed: "It turns out to be Xiao Mengchen, what? Are you also with Lin Tao now?"

"Yes...yes." Lu Mengchen didn't know what the relationship was between Lin Tao and the Speaker, but now that Lin Tao could directly contact the Speaker, this also relieved her worries.

"Lin Tao, the beautiful lady has an appointment, why did she find me, an old man?" The Speaker laughed.

"I want to understand the power in her voice." In front of the Speaker, Lin Tao was straightforward and stated his purpose. After all, the other party was an old fox in the political world. If he wanted to deliberately hide something, he would only be seen through at a glance.

"Oh?" Hearing Lin Tao's words, the Speaker couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Lu Mengchen also widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that Lin Tao actually talked to the Speaker like this.

"Give me a reason?" After a while, the speaker's words came again from the other side of the watch. His tone had a calmness that would make most people feel panic.

It's no wonder that speaking up about this matter in front of Lu Mengchen made the Chancellor suspicious of Lin Tao's purpose.

Whether he wanted to divide them or had ulterior motives, the Speaker couldn't figure out Lin Tao's inner thoughts, but he still understood one thing. If he couldn't handle this matter properly, it would not only affect him and Lu Mengchen, but also Lin Tao. private relationship.

Reason? Lin Tao narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

Lin Tao didn't speak, and the Speaker also didn't speak, and kept waiting.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely quiet for a while, so quiet that Lu Mengchen wanted to escape from the room.

"The three-eyed man I met in the capital of the Lin family has special power, that kind of power..." After Lin Tao said this, he suddenly closed his mouth, glanced at Lu Mengchen from the corner of his eyes, and did not continue. Go on.

When the subject of the Three-Eyed Man was mentioned, there was no response from the Speaker for a long time, and only rapid breathing could be heard.

Time passed little by little.

Lu Mengchen's feet felt weak in this weird atmosphere, so he had to open the door on the spot, turn around and escape from the room. The conversations between high-level people were sometimes too depressing.

At this time, Lu Mengchen was feeling this breathless depression.

"Lin Tao, how do you plan to study it?"

The Grand Speaker seemed to have made a decision. He took a deep breath and asked.

"I want to know, is she born with this ability, or is it acquired?"

After waiting for the Grand Speaker's reply, Lin Tao immediately asked.

"Innate. According to the results of our investigation, she has had this ability since she was a baby. Moreover, it is not only her who has this ability, but also her sister."

At this point, the Speaker paused: "As for her sister, she is among the people in your martial arts school."

Regarding the information about Yang's Martial Arts Hall, the Grand Speaker had already asked Speaker Yue Hong to conduct a new investigation, and he also knew Lu Mengying's identity.

"Nurture?" Suddenly, the Speaker was shocked to realize the hidden meaning of Lin Tao's words, and asked repeatedly: "Lin Tao, what kind of ability can be cultivated?"

Lin Tao didn't answer. He narrowed his eyes slightly and kept looking at Lu Mengchen from the corner of his eyes.

No matter what he heard about the three-eyed man or about that kind of power, Lu Mengchen always kept an expression on his face, as if he was frightened.

Lin Tao calmly tapped the strap of his watch a few times.

call out!

The ferocious core ball suddenly emitted an imperceptible light and fell on Lu Mengchen.

"I will tell you about this matter when I have the opportunity in the future," Lin Tao said.

"Okay." The Great Speaker also understood that there was a third person present at this time, and it was difficult to talk about the three-eyed man in detail: "Tonight, I have some time, and Speaker Yue Hong will accompany me to visit you."

Communication ends.

Lin Tao took advantage of Lu Mengchen's recovery and quickly asked Xie, "Xie, is her behavior just pretending?"

"Her heart rate and brain waves are very chaotic. She seems to be in a panic stage. It's difficult for me to judge." Xie lowered his voice very low.

Ji Mengchen was a singer and was very sensitive to changes in her voice. Lin Tao was afraid that she would discover Xie's existence, so he hurriedly ended the conversation with Xie.

"The Speaker has agreed." Lin Tao said.

Lin Tao's voice was not loud, but it was extremely impactful. Lu Mengchen was shocked and slowly recovered.

During this process, Lin Tao had asked Xie to secretly pay attention to various changes in her body in order to judge whether Lu Mengchen was deliberately cheating in front of him.

Fortunately, during this process, all the data displayed on the surface of the watch showed that Lu Mengchen seemed to be really in panic.

"You...can you speak to the Grand Speaker directly?"

At this time, Lu Mengchen realized that the relationship between Lin Tao and the Chancellor did not seem to be just a matter of support as suggested by the outside world, but more like a more in-depth cooperation.

You know, even she herself would not dare to speak like this to the Speaker.

Lin Tao smiled and did not go any further on this topic.

Lu Mengchen took a deep breath, she needed time to calm down.

After a while, Lu Mengchen finally recovered. There was a very complicated and strange look in her eyes: "You, ask."

Since Lin Tao could speak directly to the Speaker and received the Speaker's nod, she would naturally answer Lin Tao's questions without any ambiguity.

Because at this moment, Lin Tao, in her mind, has risen to a certain level, even on the same level as the Speaker.

In fact, Lu Mengchen hadn't noticed until now that the moment the Speaker nodded, she had been directly abandoned by the Speaker.

In the eyes of the Grand Speaker, although Lu Mengchen's voice has special magic power, to him, he is just an ordinary person. As the Grand Speaker of the Interstellar Federation Parliament, he naturally needs to be responsible for the entire human Interstellar Federation.

The three-eyed man is the top priority of the entire human interstellar federation, and is even considered a top secret file.

Therefore, between ordinary people and three-eyed people, the Grand Speaker chose the latter.

In other words, Lu Mengchen's life and death was now in Lin Tao's hands. Even if Lin Tao really wanted to take her to the experimental platform, the Chancellor would probably not refuse.

"Before that, I want to hear your singing first." Lin Tao smiled.

Lu Mengchen was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and she returned to Lin Tao step by step. When she just came back, she completely recovered.

After trying her voice for a while, Lu Mengchen also started singing.

"This..." Hearing Lu Mengchen's singing from a distance, Lin Tao's heart was shocked, and his mind was even more agitated, because even he, who had been exposed to the power of brain thoughts, was only slightly affected by the other party's singing.

You know, when he was in Etna, Lin Tao was able to resist Elder Hongshi's thoughts.

Fortunately, Xie also sensed something was wrong with Lin Tao. The core ball flickered, and the light from it fell on Lin Tao, which immediately made him recover.

"Is this the real power of her mind?" Despite the fierce help, Lin Tao still couldn't calm down for a long time.

After all, Lin Tao had also been exposed to the power of brain thoughts, and he quickly resisted in his mind.

After gradually calming down, Lin Tao took a long breath.

"Huh?" Suddenly, after calming down, Lin Tao discovered that Lu Mengchen had been closing his eyes to express his singing voice, and seemed to be unable to control the power of his mind. After opening his singing voice, the subsequent singing process seemed to be driven by a mysterious force .

"These songs seem to have been specially created for her."

In an instant, such a thought flashed through Lin Tao's mind.

Fortunately, the song Lu Mengchen chose did not last long.

When the song ended, Lu Mengchen stopped. She opened her eyes and looked at the indifferent Lin Tao in front of her: " about this song of mine?"

Her breathing was a little short, as if just one song would consume a lot of her energy.

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