Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 482 People of the City Y (42)

It's a pity that Lily is a woman, so Gu Qingchen has nothing to worry about.

"If I'm not mistaken, Lily wants to consider getting married when she returns to China this time."

Gu Qingchen also learned some news about the capital from Du Shao, this time Lily returned to China because of the marriage.

It's just that Lily hasn't married yet. When she comes back this time, she should start looking for a suitable candidate and then get married.

Looking for a candidate, she actually found Y City, her purpose... has been very clear.

Although Lily came to Y City this time, she just went to the Rong family mansion, and didn't come here to find Rong Yu, but Gu Qingchen was very clear about her purpose.

Don't think that Lily has really disappeared during this period of time, but people have been moving.

After Lily came to Y City, she first went to Yuan Luoyu's cemetery, and then went there to worship every day.

Being on time and on time every day, in the eyes of others, is definitely the ultimate filial piety!

Of course, Lily did not make a statement about this, but was doing it silently. But even though she did it silently, some words could still come out.

Regarding this point, Gu Qingchen felt that Lily was really an extremely smart woman.

She should know what Rong Yu is capable of, and she does not need to deliberately promote it. Every day she comes to the cemetery, it will be passed on to Rong Yu.

To do things so "inadvertently", it is really hard for Lily to think of using this method.

And Lily did this for only one purpose, that is to let Rong Yu come to her actively.

You know, Lily knew in her heart that if she took the initiative to find Rong Yu, Rong Yu would not see her.

Therefore, if she wanted to see Rong Yu, she could only let Rong Yu take the initiative to find her.

Of course, Gu Qingchen also admired Lily's patience a little. She has been in Y City for a long time, and when Rong Yu has been silent, she can still persevere.

The least endurance is definitely much stronger than the average person.

If Rong Yu was an ordinary person, he would have been moved by Lily's persistence long ago. Even if he wasn't moved, at least he felt that Lily was a very caring and warm woman.

However, Lily's behavior failed to impress Rong Yu, and even Rong Yu didn't care about it at all.

"Hehe, whoever marries such a woman is unlucky."


When Gu Qingchen heard Rong Yu's words, he immediately burst out laughing.

This is...isn't it a bit too direct?

Although he knew what Rong Yu meant, Gu Qingchen pretended not to understand and asked, "Why?"

Rong Yu saw through Gu Qingchen's careful thoughts and said with a smile, "Because she... thinks she's smart."

To put it simply, stupid!

In front of extremely smart people like Rong Yu and Gu Qingchen, isn't it really stupid to play such a small trick?

Not only are they stupid, Gu Qingchen and Rong Yu will also think that Lily is like a clown, jumping around there.

Gu Qingchen shook his head and sighed, "Rong Yu, your mouth is really poisonous."

Rong Yu looked at Gu Qingchen with a smile, and said meaningfully, "My wife likes it, doesn't it?"

Gu Qingchen countered, "Who likes it!"

Rong Yu pointed to his mouth and said, "Don't you like it? Then why is my wife always so forgetful when she kisses me? Even if it is poison, it is the poison that my wife likes."


Gu Qingchen deeply felt that he was being molested by Rong Yu.

"Who, who likes it!"

Rong Yu used to tease her secretly, and she could pretend that she didn't understand what she said incomprehensibly. But now, Rong Yu has obviously upgraded, and directly flirting with her makes her a bit unacceptable!

Oh, no, I shouldn't say it's hard to accept, I just feel a little embarrassed.

Gu Qingchen felt that her face would definitely thicken under Rong Yu's "careful teaching".

Rong Yu smiled and hugged Gu Qingchen, no longer teasing her with words, but directly explaining the problem with practical actions.

So, Gu Qingchen was brutally kissed again!

In the end, the whole person was almost paralyzed in Rong Yu's arms, and the red and swollen lips looked charming and dazzling, evoking reverie.

"Look, the physical reaction is always more real than the mouth. My wife, your physical reaction tells me that you like me and enjoy it very much."

Rong Yu narrowed his eyes, as if he was abducting her. Little by little, she had nowhere to run!

After Gu Qingchen and Rong Yu looked at each other for a long time, they rolled their eyes and felt that in this kind of matter, she must not lose to Rong Yu, otherwise she would be eaten by Rong Yu in the future.

So... Gu Qingchen made a very bold move.

That is... directly and abruptly knocked Rong Yu down.

Rong Yu was sitting there originally, but Gu Qingchen exerted such a sudden force that he really threw Rong Yu to the ground and lay there on his back.

Gu Qingchen's eyes sank, his whole body straddled above Rong Yu's waist, then lowered his body and met Rong Yu's eyes.

In the next second, he leaned down and completely blocked Rong Yu's mouth with his red lips!

It turns out that the feeling between asking and being asked is so different!

No wonder so many people like to ask for it, it is indeed a strange feeling, Gu Qingchen can even feel the reaction of Rong Yu below him.

Rong Yu's whole body froze for a while, as if he didn't react, Gu Qingchen would throw him down so fiercely!

At that moment, Rong Yu was really a little fierce, and his heart was shocked.

However, when he felt Gu Qingchen's enthusiasm and vigor, he actually aroused his interest, as if he wanted to compete with Gu Qingchen!

Gu Qingchen was a little proud at first, because Rong Yu was stunned and stiff.

However, this complacency didn't last long, and Rong Yu turned over and successfully counterattacked very easily.

This time, it was her turn to be below, and Rong Yu was above her.

Regarding this point, Gu Qingchen was still a little depressed. In this kind of matter, no matter how good she was, it was still a bit difficult.

What's more, the person who fought with her was Rong Yu. It is not easy to complete another counterattack.

Sure enough, if you want to knock down Rong Yu, you can only make a surprise attack, not a strong attack.

In the end, Gu Qingchen's counterattack failed, and was eaten by some people proudly.

After a long while, Gu Qingchen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person was able to rest for a while.

Gu Qingchen looked at Rong Yu, narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile on his lips, "I see some people, and it seems that their bodies know how to tell the truth. When they were just pressed down, some people seemed to enjoy it very much!"

Gu Qingchen felt that he had learned badly.

Well, that's right. It's just that he learned badly, and he learned badly from Rong Yu.

In the past, if she killed her, she couldn't say it. But when the object was Rong Yu, it was different.

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