Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 483 People of the City Y (43)

Rong Yu slightly hooked his lips, and pecked Gu Qingchen's lips a few more times, as if he was a gluttonous cat.

"Enjoy, enjoy it very much. I always like to tell the truth, it's really an extraordinary enjoyment for my wife to be so active."


All right!

Gu Qingchen blushed again, and sure enough, he shouldn't be serious with Rong Yu about this kind of thing.

In the end, the one who loses must be her.

It's really... a little uncomfortable, but helpless.

Who told men and women that in this kind of thing, women are always innate and not dominant!


Rong Yu smiled, "That's what my wife taught me well."

"When did I teach you this, Rong Yu, look at you now, where is the former Gao Leng Fan Er, if I didn't know that you didn't change people, I really thought you were a substitute!"

It's not that Gu Qingchen is exaggerating, it's really that Rong Yu has changed too much.

Of course, in the eyes of others, Rong Yu has never changed, and is still the same as before.

But in Gu Qingchen's place, Rong Yu really changed a lot.

"Whether it's a substitute, Mrs. wife should know best, or... Mrs. wife wants to verify her identity? I don't mind, as long as Mrs. wife likes it."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Gu Qingchen coughed a few times, choking on himself.

Still authenticated? Does he mind? Still she likes it?

It was clearly those things that Rong Yu was thinking about!

"You don't need to test it. It is estimated that no one dares to pretend to be you, and no one can pretend that you are so similar!"

Gu Qingchen was really tired. After tossing for a long time, it was really a bit of energy.

Just a kiss can already tire her out like this, if this...

Gu Qingchen was shocked, some pictures were so beautiful that she couldn't imagine it!

"My wife, what are you thinking? How do I feel that my wife seems to be thinking about something interesting?"

Rong Yu's words were meaningful, as if he had seen through Gu Qingchen's thoughts.

Gu Qingchen wasn't afraid that his face would turn a little redder, anyway, it was already red, and it wasn't nearly as red.

Anyway, no matter what Rong Yu said, she just denied it.

Gu Qingchen pretended not to understand what Rong Yu was saying, and changed the subject by the way.

"She did so many things just to get your attention, but you didn't show face. You said... Next, what else will she do?"

Anyway, now Gu Qingchen already knew Lily's mind and knew more about Rong Yu's attitude. There's nothing to talk about about this.

Speaking of it, I also find it very interesting. The two of them actually sat together to discuss this. If others knew about it, they would be really drunk.

Rong Yu saw that Gu Qingchen was in a good mood, so he let Gu Qingchen go, otherwise, if in the past, someone would lust after him in front of him, especially if they were discussing a woman's evil thoughts towards him.

This means that the person in front of him is Gu Qingchen. If you change to any other person, it is estimated that this person has already been directly killed by Rong Yu.

But Gu Qingchen didn't realize this problem at all.

Because... Rong Yu wouldn't show this emotion at all in front of Gu Qingchen.

"What does she do? Then wait and see and let her toss, otherwise your life will not be fun. Just watch it and have fun, when someone makes you laugh."

What Rong Yu said seemed to have nothing to do with him at all, and more, just wanted to chat with Gu Qingchen.

Gu Qingchen nodded, "Well, I also want to see what she will do next. Having said that, Lily goes to the cemetery on time every day, you are not a little touched?"

Gu Qingchen knew that Rong Yu would not feel moved because of Lily doing these things, so she would have any change in attitude towards Lily.

But I still want to tease Rong Yu, after all, there are not many opportunities to tease Rong Yu. And this lily really made Gu Qingchen look up to her with admiration.

Lily is much smarter than those so-called celebrities.

It's really interesting to be against such a person.

When Rong Yu said to Gu Qingchen, it seemed a little difficult to understand what Gu Qingchen meant.

"Touched? Why should I be moved? My mother saved her at the orphanage, and now even if she visits her mother's grave every day, it's still right. Since it's right, why should I thank her?"

Rong Yu said naturally, without any hesitation.

In his opinion, there is nothing worthy of praise for what Lily has done.

Gu Qingchen also admired some of Rong Yu's extraordinary thoughts. But this is better, anyway, Rong Yu is not an ordinary person, so that he will not be confused by such a scheming woman like Lily.

Gu Qingchen touched the top of Rong Yu's head, just like Rong Yu touched the top of her head on weekdays.

"Well, my men are still very smart, and they are not so easy to be deceived. Well, no matter where they are, they are still relatively safe."

Gu Qingchen was very satisfied with this.

Rong Yu smiled, very contentedly, "Your man? Well, I like this title. But my wife is right, it's not easy to deceive me. Those who can deceive me are all me. Allowed."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Look at what this is said, how arrogant!

No one can deceive him, Rong Yu, and those who can deceive Rong Yu are also tacitly agreed by Rong Yu.

In fact... this is really not Rong Yu's arrogance, or pride.

Rong Yu is telling the truth, just like Gu Qingchen, it is really impossible to deceive Gu Qingchen in front of Gu Qingchen's face.

Unless everyone can be like Rong Yu, and show no thought in front of anyone.

If you don't think about anything in front of Gu Qingchen, you won't be read by Gu Qingchen. The reason why Gu Qingchen couldn't read Rong Yu's mind was precisely because of this.

And there are really few people who can really do it in front of anyone without having to think.

In other words, it is estimated that there should be no one other than Rong Yu, a super pervert.

"Then... I really want to give it a try. What does it feel like to lie to you, Rong Yu."

Gu Qingchen felt that this was also a challenge, and it seemed very interesting.

Rong Yu's deep black eyes stared at Gu Qingchen for a long time before slowly saying, "As long as you don't meet the bottom line, my wife can play whatever you want."

"The bottom line? What is the bottom line you mean?"

Gu Qingchen turned his head and looked at Rong Yu with a smile.

In fact, she didn't really think about cheating Rong Yu, she just thought it was interesting and wanted to tease Rong Yu.

Rong Yu's red lips parted lightly and only said two words, "Emotion."

Emotions are what Rong Yu values ​​most, or in other words, Rong Yu values ​​emotions because of Gu Qingchen.

What he valued was only Gu Qingchen's feelings.

Other feelings, to Rong Yu, are irrelevant, neither painful nor itchy.

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