Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 487 People of the Y City (47)

Luo Yingming was reprimanded by Rong Sheng. Rong Sheng's tone was very poor, as if he was reprimanding his servants.

Luo Yingming could only smile and apologize in all sorts of soft words, "It's true that I was negligent in this matter, and I didn't even think about it. If you want to blame it, you have to blame that Xiao Jue. She is so scheming that she even thought of coming through me. Looking for you. But this is indeed my fault, fortunately, there is a way to make up for it. By the way, I can also hit Gu Qingchen, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain."

Luo Yingming is also an old man in business. He can always understand the psychology of the other party when speaking and doing things.

So he knew that what Rong Sheng hated more was not Xiao Jue, but Gu Qingchen.

Through this incident of Xiaojue, Gu Qingchen can be solved, which is definitely a good gain for Rong Sheng.

Sure enough, after hearing Luo Yingming's words, Rong Sheng's whole person seemed to relax a lot.

"Humph! What you said is not without reason. If it can really hit Gu Qingchen, this Xiao Jue's matter can be forgotten."

Rong Sheng brought this matter over quickly, but he didn't see how Luo Yingming's father looked at Rong Sheng.

Maybe even Rong Sheng didn't know that he was able to make a fortune here because of his identity in the Rong family.

In fact, the Luo family had long been dissatisfied with Rong Sheng.

Luo Qiaolian's mood was much better, as if her fighting spirit was rekindled.

And she also noticed Luo Qingyan who had never spoken.

You must know that Luo Qingyan and Gu Qingchen were also dead enemies before.

But today Luo Qingyan didn't seem to say anything, and it was very likely that at the last banquet, Gu Qingchen was too miserable. So now I don't even dare to discuss the three words Gu Qingchen.

However, Luo Qiaolian didn't have the energy or interest to ask Luo Qingyan today. Anyway, the old man of the Luo family had already said that he wanted to help. Luo Qiaolian didn't care so much about Luo Qingyan.

The Luo family's work efficiency, if calculated, is really fast.

Almost that day, Gu Qingchen's Gu family encountered trouble.

At the beginning, it was all trivial matters, all small problems in the formalities of the group.

Xiangyang and the others didn't pay attention at first. They thought it was normal. After all, a large group, many things are relatively trivial. They are also running such a large company for the first time, and there must be some shortcomings.

Therefore, at the very beginning, Xiangyang and the others also actively cooperated, and they would solve whatever problems the relevant departments put forward.

However, slowly, Xiangyang and the others found that something was wrong. I don't know why, sometimes it's just a small thing, it's very troublesome to do, and it takes a long time.

Sometimes, things that used to be done in just one or two sentences are now incomprehensible for days.

The relevant departments are not delaying, or they are asking some new questions. Anyway, it is super troublesome to get things done.

On Gu Qingchen's side, he has been busy with the marriage of Xiaojue and Rong Sheng, so he rarely goes to the Gu Group.

When they basically went to Gu's group, Xiangyang and the others didn't tell Gu Qingchen about it. After all, it was just a small matter, and Xiangyang thought they could solve it.

However, now that Xiangyang noticed something was wrong, he found Gu Qingchen.

"Qingchen, I think something's not quite right recently."

On the top floor of the Gu Group, in Gu Qingchen's office, in addition to Xiang Yang, there are Wen Qing, Luo Yu, and a legal consultant. This consultant is also a senior consultant hired with a high salary and is very powerful.

"Tell me slowly, what happened?"

Gu Qingchen became more and more calm, and Xiang Yang felt a little troubled at first, and was a little anxious. But at this moment, hearing Gu Qingchen's voice and seeing Gu Qingchen's calmness, he was infected and calmed down.

"Actually... this matter should have started a week ago, but at the time we all thought it was just a small matter and we could handle it. But later we found out that it was not a trivial matter, it was more aimed at our Gu Group. of."

Xiang Yang had already smelled the difference, and felt that this might just be the beginning.

Luo Yu also began to say, "Actually, these are nothing, but now even our minimum contract signing and notarization have been affected. Some cooperation between the company and other enterprises has also been affected, although Those companies didn't make an opinion, but if it goes on like this, I'm afraid they will start to have ideas."

To put it bluntly, some things that need to be reviewed by the government are basically blocked and unnecessary.

To be honest, Luo Yu is a bit irritable when he does things now. This is no longer a matter of personal ability, no matter what his ability is, but no matter how capable and hard he is. It just doesn't work!

"Qingchen, I suspect that those people are out of anger. It should be someone above who is specifically targeting our Gu Group."

Luo Yu expressed his thoughts, and because of this, he thought that the people above were putting pressure on him.

As for the reason... I'm afraid only Gu Qingchen can understand.

Gu Qingchen was silent for a while, then looked up at the legal advisor.

"What do you think? Did the legal affairs encounter the same thing?"

The legal counsel nodded, still holding the document in his hand, and at a glance, he knew that he was the kind of very strict person.

"Yes, for several consecutive legal documents, the formal signing process has been hindered. The overall speed is obviously slowed down. The most important thing is that I can't find their fault. According to them, their The behavior is not actually illegal.”

Gu Qingchen nodded while listening, even the legal counsel said so, then it means that he was really being watched.

Moreover, it is still aimed at such an open and above-mentioned means, so that people can't find the slightest mistake.

Ha ha.

Gu Qingchen's mind instantly popped up the initiator.

In Y City, I am afraid that only the Luo family can use such blatant means to deal with her.

Luo Qiaolian should know that there is no way around the Rong family, so she found the Luo family for help.

However, Gu Qingchen felt that this method of the Luo family was really unusual.

He did not choose to use insidious means like Rong Rui, but to use this kind of open and honest means.

Presumably, the one who came up with this idea is definitely not the Luo family with a brain like Luo Qiaolian.

"It seems... it is true that some people think that our Gu Group is not pleasing to the eye, so they are going to attack us. Well, a group cannot always be so smooth sailing all the time, this time, it is a kind of embarrassment for us. The challenge is good. You can do things with confidence, all they can do is delay, and as long as all our processes are regular, they can’t delay for long.”

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