Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 488 People of the City Y (48)

Luo Yu frowned upon hearing this, a little disapproving.

"I don't think this is inappropriate. You must know that if someone really wants to embarrass us on this, it will be a big problem for us. It's just a small matter. Does the Gu Group still have something to do?"

Luo Yu's consideration is also reasonable. Of course, Luo Yu is so excited because he thinks that he really regards the Gu Group as his home.

"Also, I took a deeper look and found that some small businesses, the small businesses that cooperate with us, also began to have the same problem. Now they may not realize the reason, but sooner or later they will know that they are implicated by us. .

If this continues, if the influence becomes bigger and bigger, it will definitely affect our Gu Group. Even if we can be stable for a while, even if those companies want to cooperate with us again, they will definitely not dare to continue cooperation due to the pressure from above. "

Because Luo Yu comes from a big family, he sees things more long-term.

For the above methods, he is also more aware than others.

These worries of Luo Yu are all possible. Gu Qingchen knows that if she can't solve it, then what Luo Yu said will become a reality.

These are Luo Yu's worries, so Luo Yu didn't tell Xiang Yang and the others before.

Xiang Yang and the others heard it for the first time today, and immediately felt that what Luo Yu said made sense.

"Yeah, Luo Yu is right, it will definitely not work for such a long time."

Xiangyang also realized the seriousness of the problem and regretted that he reported it late.

"I should already know who is putting pressure on it, but don't worry, how the Gu Group operates is still operating as usual. Let them have fun for a few days, and sooner or later they will have their good fruits to eat."

Gu Qingchen had already guessed that the Luo family was making a fool of himself, and knew what the Luo family meant.

But she wasn't worried, because this situation wouldn't last long. When the Luo family started to attack her, her activities with the Luo family had already started.

Then next, it depends on who moves faster and whose methods are more sophisticated.

After listening to Gu Qingchen's very confident words, everyone's heart was a little more stable. Since Gu Qingchen said so, there must be her plan.

"Okay, then during this time, everyone should be careful, and try not to let the people above us catch our mistakes. For some work that is connected with the above, you don't have to worry so much, and you can slow down a little bit."

Xiang Yang said roughly, and everyone has a direction.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Qingchen said, "Of course, you need to find a way to stabilize the companies that you are connecting with. After all, if we can stabilize, they may not be able to stabilize. You must not let them cause trouble first. "

Gu Qingchen is not worried about troubles within the Gu Group, but is worried that there will be problems with the cooperative enterprises.

After all, at the beginning, when some companies were connected, it was not particularly smooth. If it is provoked by someone with a heart at this time, it will be more troublesome for the Gu Group.

Luo Yu nodded heavily and said, "Leave this to me. Those difficult companies are basically connected with me. I am responsible for them."

Although Luo Yu's time in the Gu Group is not long, his growth rate is very fast, and Gu Qingchen is very satisfied with this.

And Luo Yu himself was very happy working in the Gu Group. That feeling was something he had never experienced before.

Therefore, he already felt that he was inseparable from the Gu Group, and he also wanted to grow and fight together with the Gu Group.

Gu Qingchen explained these things clearly, and called Gu Yi and the others.

Gu Yi and the others have been working for Gu Qingchen all the time, and secretly collected a lot of unknown information for Gu Qingchen.

Especially Luo Yingming's side, his loan company has basically been figured out, and he has already mastered some of Luo Yingming's criminal evidence.

Although these criminal evidences are almost the same, they are far from enough. What Gu Qingchen has to deal with this time is not Luo Yingming, but the Luo family.

So... Gu Qingchen needs additional support.

And this support... Gu Qingchen has already thought about it.

After leaving the Gu Group, Gu Qingchen took a car to a place.

Inside the quaint mansion, a cup of hot tea was slowly wafting white smoke, Gu Qingchen sat there, drinking tea in a hurry.

"Girl, you came to me today, don't you just want to ask for tea?"

A steady voice sounded, the voice was colder, and it sounded more infiltrating.

Gu Qingchen smiled, holding the teacup in his hand, as if he didn't feel hot at all.

"Deng Gong's tea is indeed better than other places."

That's right, Gu Qingchen came here from Duke Deng.

Deng Gong's identity is special. In Y City, the power on the bright side seems to be the Luo family's superior. But when it comes to other forces, Duke Deng is definitely more powerful than the Luo family.

Duke Deng just doesn't want to be so public now. It seems that Duke Deng doesn't seem to have any clear power in his hands, but, in fact, Gu Qingchen is clear about Duke Deng's ability.

As for why Gu Qingchen knew, who told her to have an omniscient husband!

"Humph! When did you girl learn to flatter you? If you want to drink good tea, I'm afraid that Young Master Rong of your family can't wait to bring the tea garden in front of you. Tell me, come to me, what's the matter?"

It's not that no one knows about the marriage of Gu Qingchen and Rong Yu, it's just that those who know won't tell it.

Deng Gong is not afraid of these things, he can say anything directly, he also knows that Gu Qingchen came here suddenly today, he must have something to come to him.

Gu Qingchen is not a person who talks around, she did come to Deng Gong today for something.

And Gu Qingchen also believed that Deng Gong would help her.

The reason is very simple, Duke Deng owes Gu Qingchen a favor - Mrs. Deng.

Mrs. Deng's body, under Gu Qingchen's conditioning, has become very healthy. The whole person is also a little radiant, and the state of the whole person is much better than before.

During the whole treatment process, Gu Qingchen and Mrs. Deng had become very familiar with each other, and Mrs. Deng liked Gu Qingchen very much.

Sometimes, even people as old as Deng Gong were jealous.

This is also the main reason why Gu Qingchen was never invited by Duke Deng, and even when Gu Qingchen came, Duke Deng was quite unwilling to see him.

As soon as Gu Qingchen appeared, he stole his attention in front of Mrs. Deng, which made it impossible for him, a very loving wife and slave, to suffer.

Gu Qingchen knew why Duke Deng treated her like this, so he wouldn't be angry or annoyed.

On the contrary, I think Duke Deng is quite interesting.

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