Reborn Missy An Adorable Wife

Chapter 489 People of the City Y (49)

"To be honest, I came here today because I really want to ask Deng Gong for help."

Gu Qingchen put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Duke Deng sternly.

Duke Deng still had the same expression, as if he had not changed, "Tell me, what's the matter? It's not a difficult matter, and you won't come to me."

Deng Gong's way of looking at things and people is still very unique.

Gu Qingchen also said bluntly, "Then I will say it bluntly. I want to touch the Luo family."

Gu Qingchen's eyes were firm, and he looked at Deng Gong with a solemn expression.

Duke Deng paused while drinking tea, looked up at Gu Qingchen, saw Gu Qingchen's expression clearly, and then put down the teacup in his hand.

"Girl, are you serious?"

Judging from his voice, Duke Deng was obviously more serious.

Gu Qingchen asked back, "Does Duke Deng think I'm someone who casually said such things?"

Duke Deng shook his head slowly, "It seems that you are really going to attack the Luo family. It's much earlier than I expected."

Gu Qingchen laughed when he heard it, "It seems that Duke Deng has already guessed that there will be such a battle between me and the Luo family. I just don't know how Duke Deng decided?"

In fact, for Deng Gong, he didn't need to intervene at all in this matter, and for him, it was not good for him to intervene.

Deng Gong's shrewd eyes looked at Gu Qingchen for a long time, and after a while, he snorted coldly, "Humph! How did I decide? You have already come here to find me, can I help? If my family finds out , how long are you going to be in trouble with me!"

Seeing Duke Deng's cute and tangled expression, Gu Qingchen felt very interesting.

"In other words, do you agree?"

The corners of Gu Qingchen's lips rose slightly, she knew that she had already received the support of Duke Deng.

You know, getting Deng Gong's support is definitely a multiplier.

Deng Gong snorted twice, "You have to agree if you don't agree. Tell me, what do you want to know and what do you want me to do?"

Originally, Duke Deng was really not going to intervene in these matters, but now that Gu Qingchen came to him, he could only choose to help.

Gu Qingchen smiled slightly, and said lightly, "I just want to know everything about the Lalo family's dismounting."

Deng Gong looked at Gu Qingchen's pupils shrinking, and there seemed to be a gleam in his eyes, however, Gu Qingchen still looked directly at Deng Gong, without any tension at all.

In fact, apart from Gu Qingchen saving his wife, from the bottom of his heart, he still admires Gu Qingchen as a girl.

After all, this girl's courage and momentum are impressive.

If it was before, someone told Duke Deng that there would be a girl in the future who would sit in front of him so calmly and ask him to help with errands.

And what he was doing was to say that the Luo family in Y City was pulled down, hehe, if it was before, he would not believe it.

Even, it will feel ridiculous.

But now, such a person has appeared. And appearing in front of him, just this trace of courage is enough to be admired.

"Okay. I owe you a favor, so I'll help you this time. After that, it's settled."

Deng Gong is a person who is unwilling to owe others favors. Before Gu Qingchen's Paradise opened, he went to support it.

Although this has already given Gu Qingchen a lot of face, it is not a human favor.

This time, Gu Qingchen came to the door in person, and begging him was no small matter. His favor could be repaid.

Gu Qingchen looked at Duke Deng and read Duke Deng's thoughts very clearly, but she didn't say it.

Hehe, do you want to pay off the favor so quickly? where is that easy.

Although Mrs. Deng's body is much better now, health is something that needs to be conditioned on a daily basis.

Therefore, Duke Deng's favor basically started from the day he found Gu Qingchen to recuperate Mrs. Deng's body. It was very difficult to pay off this favor.

But now Gu Qingchen won't say it so clearly, the days are still long, so don't be in a hurry. First solve the Luo family in front of you.

"Then... I will trouble Duke Deng."

Gu Qingchen smiled slightly, although the smile was very sincere, there was something wrong with Deng Gong.

But looking back, it doesn't seem to be anything, it should be nothing.

Deng Gong waved his hand, then squinted at Gu Qingchen, and said, "Okay, I already know your intentions for your visit today. I will help you with the things you asked me to do. I will give you the exact news later. It also needs to be sorted out. If it's nothing, I won't leave you more."

[While my family hasn't come back, let this girl go first. In case my family sees her for a while, my attention will be on this girl for a while. 】


Gu Qingchen took a sip of tea, and when he read Deng Gong's thoughts, he almost spit it out.

After a few coughs, Gu Qingchen quickly put down the teacup in her hand, she really didn't dare to drink any more, the feeling of being choked on by water was really bad.

Seeing Gu Qingchen choking inexplicably, Duke Deng frowned slightly, feeling that something was not quite right.

But it seems to be nothing, anyway, it just feels strange, but I can't say what is strange.

"Alright, I do have other things to do, so I'll go first. Come back to visit another day, I'll trouble Duke Deng for this matter."

Gu Qingchen didn't stay too much, thinking of the reason why Duke Deng wanted her to leave quickly, Gu Qingchen felt funny.

Anyway, whoever called this Duke Deng was too obsessed with his wife was a beautiful thing.

When Duke Deng heard that Gu Qingchen was leaving, he felt a lot better.

Unfortunately, just as Gu Qingchen was about to leave, Mrs. Deng came back.

As soon as she entered the door, Mrs. Deng saw Gu Qingchen and said with a smile, "Girl Qingchen, you're here! Look at you girl, it's been a long time since you came to see me, I miss you!"

Gu Qingchen smiled kindly at Mrs. Deng, and at the same time, looked back at Duke Deng.

Sure enough, seeing Duke Deng's shriveled expression, he couldn't help but feel even more amused.

It is estimated that Duke Deng is depressed at this moment, and that expression is called a wonderful one.

"Mrs. Deng, you seem to be in good shape, and your complexion has improved a lot."

"It's really a lot better, I can clearly feel it myself. It's all thanks to you, girl Qingchen, otherwise I wouldn't have the strength to go out for a walk and bask in the sun. You girl doesn't always come, and it's hard to come here once. Today Just stay here for dinner, and I'll let the housekeeper prepare your favorite food."

After Mrs. Deng's face was radiant, her personality became more cheerful.

He didn't notice at all how dark Deng Gong's face was at the moment, like the bottom of a pot.

But when Mrs. Deng spoke, he could not object. He had to help Mrs. Deng to keep Gu Qingchen, otherwise he would definitely be angry with him.

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