Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 569: attacked again

?For the fast food in KFC, little Victor likes hamburgers and fries the most, and her habit of eating french fries is obviously completely different from most people. Every time she eats this, Guo Shouyun will give her specially I want a large dinner plate, and then the little guy will pour a thick layer of tomato sauce on the plate, pour a lot of French fries into it, stir it evenly, and eat it with a fork. There is no doubt that her look is definitely not good-looking, and after eating a plate of french fries, ketchup is smeared all over her face. For this reason, Guo Shouyun has to prepare a handkerchief next to him every time. , ready to wipe the little guy's face at any time.

Maybe because of the rain and the cold weather, not many people came to this KFC today. In the huge hall, apart from the waiters, there were only three or four guests. After Guo Shouyun and the others entered the door, The accompanying bodyguards reviewed several guests. At the same time, there were also four bodyguards guarding the entrance of the store.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you." He folded the handkerchief already covered with scarlet tomato sauce, and wiped a little of the sauce on the pink face for the little girl, Guo Shouyun smiled, "I want to eat something else. We can't afford it, but we have to eat this, enough."

I don't know if the little girl understood this. She chewed the contents in her mouth, raised her head with a naive smile, and then stretched out her hand and picked up a french fries from the plate with two slender fingers. He handed it to Guo Shouyun's mouth in a daze, and said vaguely: "Well, you eat, it's delicious."

The little girl's hands were very clean, and her two white and tender fingers were like two pieces of warm jade. Under the crystal clear skin on the back of her hand, you could even see dark purple capillaries.

"Well, baby, be good," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, opening his mouth to bite the fries handed by the little girl into his mouth and chewing.

"Hee hee," Little Victor smirked and retracted his little hand. Shi Shi rubbed a handful on her swollen breasts, lowered her head and continued to enjoy her gluttonous meal.

He stroked the back of the little girl's head where the blue silk was attached. Guo Shouyun sighed and turned his head to look at the large glass window a few steps away.

The heavy rain outside the window is still falling, and the bean-sized raindrops fall from the sky like beads, pouring down on the streets where cars come and go, and on the sidewalks covered with yellow leaves, from time to time, there are pedestrians with umbrellas in a hurry. did.

"This is probably the last rain before winter," his deep eyes drifted on the street outside the window. Two girls wearing white riding boots, trousers covering their legs, and wide-necked sweaters, are walking through the store with a flowery umbrella talking and laughing, their youthful body, sunshine Such a seductive smile made Guo Shouyun feel his "oldness" invisibly.

It seems a little late for the winter this year, but this does not mean how much better this winter is this year. According to the information provided by the meteorological department, after this rain, there will be generally cooling weather in most parts of the Far East, and the temperature drop will probably be Between ten and fifteen degrees. And since then. The long winter is here.

It is not easy to be the president of a large consortium. But to be a Far East to the actual power. That would be even more difficult. To ensure the continued stability and economic prosperity of the entire Far East. Guo Shouyun had to consider many issues in advance.

Facing an upcoming long winter. Guo Shouyun, the No. 1 decision in the Far East. One of the first things to consider is the problem of heating the residential areas in the Far East during the winter. For the rest of the Russian Federation. This is a guaranteed profit point. But for the Guo Group. This winter cannot rely on this point of interest. on the contrary. In order to ensure that the Far East can live this winter well. Guo Shouyun also had to lose a lot of money in this regard.

It was pouring rain outside the window. Guo Shouyun sat in the rather warm lobby of McDonald's. Before my eyes, I couldn't help but see the scenes I saw in front of the Moscow Youth Building last winter. Those who have lost their properties are even less able to pay for heating in the winter. The bewildered look in their eyes seemed particularly clear now in retrospect.

To be honest. Guo Shouyun is not the kind of soft-hearted person. He also never felt like a good person. However, the Guo Group has come this far. I can't do that kind of stuff like that. In order to ensure the sustainable development of the group. In order to protect their stable economic and political interests. He could not fail to consider more measures to benefit the people. Consider how to make life a little better for the people of the Far East. This also ensures that the operation of the market economy here is more normal and more flexible.

Guo Shouyun's work is very casual. He never imposes a work schedule for himself. In many cases. He is always thinking of important work. Just assign it. write it down. Subsequently. List out a more detailed plan. To the specific executive personnel to handle.

today. Encountered this heavy rain before winter. Coupled with the meteorological department's cooling forecast. He felt that winter living arrangements in residential areas should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. Otherwise to words. Then there was a sudden drop in temperature. The consequences were unimaginable.

"Khabarovsk, 500,000, 170,000 families, according to the specific distribution, one winter is about... between 1,700 and 22 million. Komsomol... Taking out a boxy notepad from his pocket and flipping it to a blank page, Guo Shouyun raised Erlang's legs and used his favorite pen, muttering while taking notes on the notebook.

From gas transmission, to the maintenance of urban pipelines, to the employment of operators, Guo Shouyun calculated that there are dozens of large cities in the entire Far East, all of which will not consume much money for heating in one winter, and the demand is far from it. It is within the acceptable range of the Guo Group.

A forehand can make tens of millions of people in the Far East happy, live a comfortable life, and live better day by day, a backhand can also make these people live like a year, even life is better than death, dictatorship, this is the dictatorship can truly be enjoy the power. But then again, if there is a place where the former kind of dictatorship is spread, there is no doubt that this area is happy, as for the latter... Guo Shouyun is not going to think about it for the time being, because that is not in line with Guo Shouyun the fundamental interests of the Group.

In more than ten minutes, he finished the rough calculation of the heating consumption in the Far East in winter. Guo Shouyun tore off the calculated data, and then smiled without looking up: "Baby, have you eaten enough? Do you want more? A little more?"

For so long, little Victor has long accepted the nickname "Baby". Whenever Guo Shouyun mentioned this name in front of her, she would laugh naively. What's weird is that at this moment, Guo Shouyun didn't hear the little girl's laughter, on the contrary, he heard a "crunching" sound of grinding his teeth.

"Not good!" Hearing this kind of voice in Guo Shouyun's ears, there was a feeling of horror in him instantly. Raising his head abruptly, he looked at the opposite little Victor with a hint of fear.

At this moment, little Victor's expression looked a bit terrifying. Her delicate little face was full of murderous aura, her forehead covered by her head was covered with violent blue veins, her tall and delicate little nose was shaking frequently, and two small The nostrils are closed and breathed, and the frequency is frightening. Her two bloodshot eyes were staring unblinkingly at the glass window a few steps away, and the dinner fork covered with scarlet ketchup in her hand had been twisted into a twist with three fingers. Out of an instinctive reaction, Guo Shouyun followed the little guy's gaze and looked out the window. The strange thing is that there is still a peaceful atmosphere on the streets filled with heavy rain. Apart from the traffic, there are only a few pedestrians with umbrellas passing by.

Although she couldn't see anything suspicious, Guo Shouyun knew that things were not that simple. After all, the little guy's prediction of danger was extremely accurate. She had reacted in advance to the two previous assassinations, and she didn't miss the slightest bit.

In the midst of doubts, a fat black man with an umbrella and a bloated figure outside the window caught Guo Shouyun's attention. This guy was walking on the sidewalk, although he seemed to behave normally, his pair of eagle-like eyes stared at him. , but let Guo Shouyun directly feel the threat of life.

It was also at this time that several bodyguards standing at the entrance of the hall also noticed the abnormality. There was a big problem in the direction of this big fat man. He was obviously approaching the window that Guo Shouyun was close to. .

Little Victor, who was sitting in the chair, finally moved. The strange thing was that this time she didn't rush out directly, but grabbed Guo Shouyun's arm and dragged him to run towards the inner Jin in the hall.

Although the power in Guo Shouyun's hands is astonishing, he is an ordinary man after all.

Little Victor's movements exceeded his expectations. Without being careful, he was pulled half-flying, knocked over three or four tables in a row, and finally fell firmly on the smooth terrazzo floor. Then, he was pulled four or five meters away by the weak girl.

This fall was really hard, Guo Shouyun only felt a rush in his stomach, his dry throat was hot and sweet, his entire back was numb and there was no feeling at all, and the most serious thing was that he was pulled by the little girl. The arm was obviously dislocated, and the stinging pain that was like a heartbeat flowed all over his body in an instant.

"Baby, you are really my auntie," Guo Shouyun felt bitter in his heart, holding back the unprecedented pain. He felt that even if he didn't die in the hands of the assassin this time, he probably wouldn't be able to leave this **** thing alone. McDonald's.


"Wow!" Just when Guo Shouyun's complaint was not settled, with two consecutive gunshots, a bloated figure staggered through the clear glass window, and the other plunged into the hall.

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