Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 570: human bomb

? Almost immediately following the bloated shadow, two more black figures rushed into the hall from the broken glass window and fell on the bloated body one after the other. \\, qβ5.\\

"Protect Mr.!"

In an instant, there was a commotion in the originally quiet McDonald's restaurant. Before Guo Shouyun's mind could react, a heavy body flew over and fell firmly on him.


At that moment, a powerful air wave accompanied by a dazzling light and a loud roaring noise suddenly came, Guo Shouyun felt a tingling in both ears, and then, there was a blank space in his mind, and he was completely immersed in it. The moment before he fell into a coma, he realized in a daze that he had been attacked by the legendary human bomb.

This is the second armed attack against Guo Shouyun in Khabarovsk in a year. Compared with the first one, the instigation of this attack is obviously more cruel and unscrupulous. The first Ming, and then the Arabs inherited the human bombing method of the past.

When the frightened Nina rushed to the scene of the accident, what she saw in front of her almost made her desperate. She didn't know how much explosives were carried in the attack, but what she could see was that half of the four-storey street-front shop had collapsed, and a black gas jeep had overturned on the street full of military and police. center. \\In the dark and dilapidated ruins of the shop window, a **** thigh was half exposed outside the rubble, and on the pavement covered with broken bricks, there were still pools of scarlet blood. Washed down by the rain. Form a stream, slowly flowing to the outer edge of the road.

"What about him, where are the others?" Nina's hands were trembling violently. When she got out of the jeep with the help of two guards, she didn't care about anything else, and the first thing she did first was to go to Zao Shana Riva, who rushed to the scene one step at a time, asked about the situation.

"Sister, don't worry, Shouyun is safe. It's just that he suffered a little skin injury, and it's fine." Shana Riva's face was ashen and scary as she held Nina's cold hands. In the calmest tone possible, he said, "He's in the car opposite right now. The doctor is dressing him."

"Why don't you go to the hospital? Why don't you go to the hospital?" Nina's mood seemed to have stabilized a lot, but her voice was still a little trembling. She shook off the guard who was holding an umbrella for her, and pulled Shana Riva, He walked towards the ambulance a dozen steps away. ===

"Sister be careful, the road is slippery." Shanariva hurried two steps, walked to the position parallel to her, and carefully supported her. said.

Sitting on the soft bed in the ambulance, Guo Shouyun was expressionless. He looked down at the doctor bandaging the wound on his calf, not knowing what he was thinking.

He looks a little embarrassed now. The face that is not handsome but still can be seen is covered with dust, and the dislocated arm is hung on the chest by a strap, at first glance, it looks like a person who has just escaped The loser of the battlefield. The most terrible thing is that his casual suit was covered with blood, but the blood did not belong to him. It belonged to the bodyguard who desperately threw himself on him.

compared with him. The silly little Victor looks much better, and she has no injuries at all. His face was also very clean. When Nina and the two walked to the front of the car, the little guy was squatting beside the bed, playing with an infusion set boredly.

"Shouyun, you, how are you?" With the help of Shanariva, Nina got into the car, Nina carefully sat on the edge of the bed, first carefully looked at her husband's face for a while, and then supported him shoulders, asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, patting his wife's little hand, "Don't you know me? I count cockroaches, and my life is very tough, and not everyone can take it away. "

What he said was actually more of comforting his wife. In the face of a sudden bomb attack, although he was not hurt too much, his psychological fear was unavoidable. The most important thing is , that explosion made his mind still not very clear, his ears were ringing constantly, and he felt particularly dazzling when he looked at anything.

Of course, compared to these, the most exciting thing for Guo Shouyun was the casualties of the bodyguards. With just such a loud noise, four of the six bodyguards he came here died directly, and two of them even found the complete body. Not anymore. Although as a bodyguard, these may have been ready to accept today's fate from the day they followed him, but when things came to an end, Guo Shouyun still felt a kind of sadness in his heart. After all, he is a human being, neither a **** nor a devil. These bodyguards have been with him for a long time. Everyone usually talks and laughs, and their relationship is more like a friend, but now... Looking back, the dozen or so bodyguards who initially followed him have now been reduced by half. This is human life. Guo Shouyun can feel how fast and how incomprehensible these lives are passing by by his side. ^^^^

After all, she was the person at her bedside, and Nina could feel the helplessness hidden behind her husband's smile. While she was miserable, she also felt a trace of anger that she had never seen before.

In Nina's opinion, her man used to be "damn". If he was killed in the street a year ago, Nina could not even find any reason to take revenge for herself, but at that time, there was no How many people came to assassinate him. But now, her husband has started to be a "good person". The various decisions made by the Guo Group in the past six months are all for the benefit of the Far East people. The smile on his face increased day by day, seeing the city of Khabarovsk prosper day by day, and at the same time, watching his husband roll on the brink of death again and again.

Nina knows the root cause of this situation. Politics. It's all about politics. In the quagmire of politics, judging whether a person deserves to die is often not based on his good or evil, but on his choices. Guarantee the interests of tens of millions of people, so that they do not have to worry about their future life, so that they can live a more prosperous life. This is not a political achievement, and it is not a condition to ensure the personal safety of the husband, but from another perspective. From the point of view, his actions may be harming the interests of a few people. Therefore, if he is about to die, someone will try to put him to death. ^^^^

Thinking back to what her husband had said to her, Nina felt, for the first time in her life, identifying with what her father had done.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you to the hospital for a check-up," Nina said softly while holding her husband's big dusty hand, stroking gently.

"Wait a minute," Guo Shouyun's eyes seemed soft and calm, he said with a slight smile.

"What are you waiting for?" Nina said angrily.

"Teskoyev has not been found," Guo Shouyun said calmly. "He is still buried in the rubble. I have been with me for so long. At least I want to watch him be restrained."

Nina was dumbfounded, she knew that this Teskoev was one of her husband's bodyguards.

"Give me a month, and I will definitely find out the plan." Standing outside the car, Shana Riva held an umbrella and said expressionlessly.

"No need," Surprisingly, Guo Shouyun obviously didn't have a big thunder this time, he waved his hand and smiled lightly, "Since they have adopted this attack method, they are determined otherwise we will find any clues, so , there is no need to waste energy on this."

"But..." Shanariva said subconsciously with a surprised look on her face.

"There's nothing good about it," shook his head, Guo Shouyun hurriedly said, "Don't you think that as long as I live, it will be the greatest revenge for this conspiracy. Hehe, what's more, I have already thought about it, it's up to us. Why don't you ask someone else to come forward? I think, as long as you move your hands and feet a little bit, someone will naturally jump out and find out about this matter."

"Oh? Shouyun, what do you mean?" Shanariva said in amazement.

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, he waved to the woman, motioned her to come over, then attached to her ear, and explained a few words softly.

"I see," said Shanariva with a stunned expression on her face, she nodded and said, "Then I'll arrange it now?"

"Go, pay attention, be careful, don't leak the news." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Well, don't worry, other things can't be done well, and my ability to frame the blame, but my people are not left behind at all." Nodding slightly, Shana Liva said casually, and turned away.

"What the **** are you doing?" Nina said softly, her eyes swept over her husband's face. "What else can I do," Guo Shouyun snorted, and said, "One life, in exchange for my Khabarovsk death and six injuries, I almost killed my life, is it possible that I can really just sit back and ignore it? Hehe , it's not that easy, I just plan to drag more people into the water."

"It's good to be safe, why make things more complicated," Sighing, Nina reached out to the little girl squatting beside the bed, brushed her dusty head, and said softly, " Come on baby, let me see if it hurts."

"Hee hee," Little Victor heard Nina's call, stood up from the bedside, hee hee smiled and got into the other's arms.

"Thanks to my baby this time," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, "otherwise, I'm afraid I'll die."

Saying so, he stretched out his hand again and stroked the little guy's slightly thin back.

No one could feel it, just as Guo Shouyun said these words, little Victor, who buried his little head in Nina's neck, even trembled slightly, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in those confused eyes. of brilliance.

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