Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 375: Have a good heart (4)

Wang Ai did not participate in the championship celebration soon afterwards. He first returned to the locker room to receive emergency treatment by the team doctor. The problem is not big, but it is indeed inconvenient. Recently, my mind is too heavy, so that the overall state of competition. Today's opponents are too enthusiastic, unable to count how many collisions have occurred, and sore in several places on his body.

If Chelsea came from the main force today, Wang Ai would not have to be so tired. If Lampard and Robben are present, Chelsea will have many attacking points in the frontcourt, and Wang Ai will also be more relaxed. Unfortunately, today are two larges with two trumpets. Wang Ai is often besieged by two or three people. No matter how dexterous the pace and how strong the body is, it is too much loss after all.

Mr. Roman, who came with the team, went to the locker room to celebrate with the players who were letting go, and then generously invited a big meal. The next day, he again brought everyone back to London with his luxury plane. Tomorrow is the first game of the UEFA Champions League group stage, so the championship celebration is arranged after the weekend league.

In the first game of the Champions League against Werder Bremen, Shevchenko will naturally play a major role in one less fight. In fact, he was second only to Wang Ai in the Champions League last season. He naturally has no problem playing in the group stage. At the same time, Lampard is definitely going to go, on the contrary, such as Kalu Jr., Mikel, Diarra and others are destined to truce. The only thing that makes Jose a little unhappy is that Wang Ai fought for 90 minutes. The loss is quite heavy. Although the injury is nothing, there is definitely a problem with his physical fitness. At the same time, Drogba also insisted for 90 minutes, and could not hold it a little. Therefore, these two attackers are probably very difficult to play.

After understanding the team doctor's diagnosis and asking the player himself, Jose put Drogba on the bench, and Wang Ai was placed on a truce to prepare to play in the Premier League on the weekend. By that time, Sheva's physical energy should be almost consumed. This is the weakness of the big clubs. There are so many games that the stars are always on the verge of exhaustion, and the head coach has to use it with caution.

In this case, the diagnosis of the team doctor and the judgment of the head coach are very important. Proper arrangements for the rest can enhance the team's "endurance". Of course, Chelsea ’s team doctors are all about that. In a football culture like England, where “minor injuries do not go down the line of fire” and “a truce is not a man,” the level of team doctors is destined to be less harsh than the Germans. Therefore, once Wang Ai feels that his body is not right, he will specially ask the experts of CY Sports to help him. For example, this time, Wang Ai transmitted his basic medical report to Tubingen through the Internet, instead of listening to the team doctor ’s "It ’s fine. "Don't do it" argument.

Among the European countries, only Germany is rarely anti-intellectual, probably because Germany has been enemies on all sides in history, and has no time to play the fools. So even if it talks about distortions, such as **, it is necessary to talk about the truth, which is in line with the German scientific concept at the time. And not like the Anglo-Saxons, they believe everything.

On the second day of returning to London, Wang Ai went out early in the morning and went home after a morning run. This morning was a Spanish-style breakfast made by Cons, coffee, fritters, ham, and potato omelette. After returning from Monaco yesterday, the team was on vacation for half a day. The players who are preparing to play this evening are all training in Cobham. At night, Werder Bremen will come to Stamford Bridge. Wang Ai was scheduled to take a day off this day, just to take a break, and also reserve physical fitness for the next league.

After breakfast, Wang Ai took over his schedule for the second half of the year from Kang Si and took it back to his class schedule. Although Wang Ai was a doctor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, he was in Tubingen has a Ph.D., and many courses are repetitive, so it is not difficult to learn, but the necessary class hours must be guaranteed, or some different courses will not be good.

In the early years, Wang Ai went to school to ensure his right to speak in the Chinese football circle. Now he does not need this aura in terms of status, contribution, and specific positions. But going to school is still useful. One is to exclude many disliked activities, including clubbing, and some commercial activities. The other is to maintain the high-purity commercial value of Wang Ai today, specifically a special label and image. By sharpening the knife and cutting the woodworker, Wang Ai sacrificed some business activities to go to school, but strengthened his commercial value.

I have read two pieces of information and put it aside. As the second half of the year is as busy as ever, many things he originally wanted to do have no time to do. Two of them have always been concerned. The first is to go to Liaozu for an inspection. By the way, promote and implement the nine-year compulsory education of the Liao Shao team, try to promote the second professional system of Liao football players. It's a pity that after only three days of rest all summer, the string collapsed too easily to break, so I didn't have time to do it. This matter was handed over to Huang Xin, and Wang Ai was a little worried. If it is daily management, Huang Xin is of course no problem, but this breakthrough and rule-changing thing must be promoted by Wang Ai himself. Only Wang Ai's appearance can make the proud players bow their heads. Unfortunately, this matter can only be delayed further.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ai turned on the computer and left a message to Huang Xin, saying a large paragraph. The core idea was to let her pre-research, prepare all survey materials, and make preparations for the mechanism, such as the player bonus structure. Add a degree. Wang Ai's vision is that Huang Xin should first do this work, study it well, and wait until the time is ripe for Wang Ai to go back and announce.

Another thing is that this summer, with the performance of the World Cup, Wang Ai's influence in the country has risen to a higher level, quite a taste of wood show Yu Lin. Wang Ai's distinctive patriotic remarks brought him a lot of opponents. In view of Wang Ai's high public sentiment, this group of people did not dare to criticize positively, but the yin and yang are insane, for example, the chairman of a provincial writing association Hem and Haw said, "A certain national star has the wind of a red teenager."

Although Wang Ai and his friends came up with a "consolidated version of the thesis", their influence is still limited, especially the influence on the public needs time to slowly ferment. Therefore, Wang Ai once envisioned "disaster to the east", digging into the history of Chinese football, making some documentaries or simply commercial movies, taking advantage of the good results and high popularity of Chinese football. Although Chinese audiences prefer Hollywood blockbusters this year, as long as Wang Aiken comes out to endorse the film, take the film more seriously, at least not lose money.

In this way, the attention is diverted, the pressure is reduced, and the goodwill of the peers is gained, which will promote the further reform of Chinese football and reduce the resistance.

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