Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 376: Heart-to-heart communication (5)

For the Chinese film and television industry, it is quite regrettable that such a big "plate" of Chinese football has never had a special film and television drama. This is a gold mine and a big live IP. It has an innate audience with the unit of "100 million". As long as the film is not bad, you don't have to worry about the box office and the ratings on the screen.

Fortunately, Chinese football was once very unsatisfactory. Fans complained, and social resentment skyrocketed, so no one dared to invest. The results have gradually improved over the past few years, and world-class stars such as Wang Ai have emerged, and the time for filming Chinese football movies and TV shows has gradually matured.

Although the rough calculation has bright prospects, the investment in a film and television drama has to be tens of millions. It is difficult to say whether the market of genre films that no one has shot will be accepted. Do n’t look at the survey and swear it, but the film is really released. changed. Besides, although there are many Chinese fans, the vast majority of them are sitting in the living room watching free TV live broadcasts. There are not many who really spend dozens of dollars to watch the stadium. In this way, it is even more uncertain whether Chinese fans will be willing to spend money on a football-related film and television drama. There are only seven hundred Chinese Super League matches on weekends, but only 200,000 people are going to watch the game. If only these people are willing to spend money for Chinese football, how many films will be produced at the box office? Two or three million, is that not a loss?

And football, as Wang Ai said on Bai Yansong ’s show, most Chinese fans are not professional or specific. Their loyalty to the team is average. They usually go to work and school. There are no five major league fans. The kind of people who believe in the team is to have fun. There is not much that cuts off patriotism and really likes football. This means that once the climax period of the World Cup and the Olympic Games has passed, the heat of the entire society will quickly fall, and the film may not be able to summon ordinary fans into the cinema. After all, for them, watching the live broadcast of the game is to cheer for the country, and watching football movies has no effect. It must be a talented person who knows football well or is willing to understand it.

So, although many film and television companies have put Chinese football films and TV dramas on the agenda, it has become very cautious when it comes to specific investments, unless Wang Ai is shown.

But the question is why did Wang Ai appear?

This question relates to Wang Ai's commercial gold content, which is also an endorsement. Why is Wang Ai's super first-class price and treatment? Not only because of the hard power, but also the exquisite operation. In the past, there has never been a player of this level in Wang Ai. Old Hao and Lao Fan did not understand commercial operations in those days, so Wang Ai was different.

His events will appear frequently on the platform of CCTV and his personal super performance, which ensures that his popularity is always maintained among the top domestic stars. But at the same time, he has strict control over the exposure beyond football. At present, his "royal use" media is still four in China. Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, "Liaoshen Evening News", "Liaoyang Daily", in fact, big Most of the time only Xinhua News Agency and CCTV. In the early years, there were people who used his name to send "interviews" or something. Later, after all kinds of means, no one used it. After all these years, fans all over the country were accustomed to it. Other channels did not have his news. 'S personal blog occasionally updates something.

So the whole Chinese society was "hungry" for his news, so that the ratings of his commercials were much higher than others, so it was destined to be filmed by someone else's film and television company in Chinese football, " Wang Ai, who brings her own traffic, will certainly not show up.

But Wang Ai did not show his head, and others could not support this market. Although Lao Bai was second only to Wang Ai in terms of popularity, that was a big difference. As for Qu Bo, they were even worse.

But if someone else ca n’t do it, it does n’t mean that Wang Ai ca n’t do it. It happens that Wang Ai still has this idea. So Liu An submitted a report and designed more than a dozen shooting schemes, which basically revolved around Wang Ai. Wang Aiqi's direct music, kidding me, I was thinking about shifting the pressure when I was doing this. Isn't it the opposite way to shoot this way? It was even Wang Ai's own company that even asked people to dig out. After making trouble for a long time, he took pictures of himself, but he couldn't even look up?

So Wang Ai swipes away everything he has to do with himself, focusing on digging out the history of Chinese football. Then Wang Ai will come forward to publicize. In this way, there are only three things left to shoot: the "Chinese captain" around Lao Ma, the "zhixing style" around Rong Zhixing, and the "Chinese ball king" around Li Huitang.

Among them, Li Huitang ’s achievement is the highest, but the time is too long, and the popularity is average, which determines that the audience will not be very wide; Lao Ma ’s deeds are recent, although the audience is wide, but there are also bad things, most people still have fresh memories, which determines It's hard to make commercial films, and it can only be done around the documentary, but the box office of the documentary can't be said; the last is Rong Zhixing, this is a football sage without black spots, the only widely recognized representative of Chinese football Twenty-four years after retiring, there are still many people who remember him, and the memory is still not very clear, which means that he has both market value and room for adaptation.

So, the goal is on Rong Zhixing's side.

Wang Ai met him after the World Cup this year and was entrusted by him to return a set of gifts to Bailey. But Wang Ai didn't think about it at that time. Later, when Wang Ai thought, he asked the company to touch Rong Zhixing first, but he was sternly rejected.

The old man said: "My achievements are all past tense, and I don't have much success in my grades."

This is troublesome. The elderly are highly respected. They are a banner in Chinese football. If they do not agree, they will not agree. If they do n’t lose money, they wo n’t lose their reputation. In order to surpass the company's face, it can't be said at all, unless the old man is ordered from the Chinese Football Association. But in terms of business, why should the Football Association get ahead? If you let the Football Association take the lead, did the box office score points in the end?

So I ca n’t move here. The meaning of the family is to let Wang Ai come forward. Wang Ai also feels that such a big thing really should be personally invited by him in person. At least this should be done in terms of etiquette. But now Wang Ai has that time?

So this matter can only be released temporarily. Today, on the morning of the teammates preparing to play the first game of the UEFA Champions League group match, Wang Aidu and Huang Xin, Lei Ouni and others revised the relevant plans through the Internet at home. The various teammates in the group chatted with everyone. After lunch, Xu Qinglian came, and the family was neatly prepared to watch the game at night.

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