Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 477: Wind sound (3)

Although the opportunity to interview Wang Ai is rare, and Wang Ai is frank enough, everyone has no exclusive news. With the deepening of the interview, the slow and gentle questions are almost asked. The reporters who want to ask are valuable, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

For example, a reporter asked: "Tubingen Youth Club belongs to you on the Internet. Some time ago it was reported that the Olympic Olympics is based in Tübingen... Can you explain this?"

Wang Aimin perceived that this was a pit. The reporter was supposed to say, "Are you colluding with Gao Hongbo inside and outside to earn state funds together?" It may be that this question is too sharp, so he retreated second. But this point is still thrown out.

The ownership of the Tubingen youth is not a secret in the Chinese football circle. Although no one except Xu Genbao and Gao Hongbo has seen the registration information of the Tubingen youth in person, but guessed it. Not a secret.

But at the public level, it is ambiguous, with speculation and no real hammer. Wang Ai and Leoni agreed not to admit publicly, only to do things in silence, saving some people's delusions. If Wang Ai publicly admits, it will add layers of restraint to the youth of Tubingen. Wang Ai hopes to use normal business rules to do things, and then secretly give some convenience. Fortunately, the youth of Tubingen is registered in the central government and has major interests at the macro level. The mainstream media dare not expose them.

But the small media has no such concerns.

After thinking about it, Wang Ai wrote: "As far as I know, the cost of accommodation, training, and medical expenses for the Olympic Games in Tubingen is lower than the normal price, and the use of training facilities is more than the contract stipulates. In this regard, you Check it out."

Wang Ai avoided the question of the ownership of Tubingen, but this reporter may be too excited and immediately asked: "Is the youth of Tubingen yours?"

Wang Ai frowned, but the "big audience" was not good at reprimanding him. He had to use a diplomatic rhetoric: "No comment", and then waved at the side. Kang Si immediately banned the reporter and should be the next one anyway. Too.

After Xu Qinglian's persuasion, Wang Ai did not follow up with a "warning". He felt that he was very good to everyone. Why is there someone who is not greedy or "deceived" by his good public image? Think he is a good talker?

In fact, Wang Ai's friends all know that this guy is very humorous, but he is not easy to get along with. He sets rules for his teammates everywhere. Is this something good people can do? At the Olympic training in Beijing this summer, he turned over Xiao Mao's wine and threw it away. Despite the money, could Xiao Mao be happy? That is to say, he is super powerful, and he is leading by example. The teammates have nothing but misery.

After this question, sensitive questions gradually emerged, and some sports were asked aside from other fields. For example, why do stupid funds prefer the three eastern provinces and Sichuan province? There are still many people who can’t afford to go to school in other parts of the country. Are you engaged in regional discrimination?


Wang Ai found a small book and put this media on the blacklist. Wang Ai did not block the media. In Trinidad and Tobago, Wang Ai blocked him because of the sports reporters who broke into the world. It was not released until many years later. It can even be said that Wang Ai accepted an exclusive interview with four media, which is equivalent to blocking all national media. Don’t you suffer? Why did Wang Ai give face to you today, you kicked your nose to face?

Because there were so many problems with the edge-wiping, Wang Ai’s answer was slower and slower. At 11:30, noon, more than 50 reporters had just made a round, which was impossible, and Wang Ai was tired. Silk issued a closing notice.

Love it, I didn’t say there must be a second round anyway, I’m really not happy, you go to those stupid!

In the afternoon, there was also an online question from, Wang Ai had to hurry up to eat some food, take a break, and think about it by the way.

Having been at the cusp of the storm for many years, Wang Ai was very sensitive, and intuitively felt that something was amiss today.

While having lunch, a reporter from the Xinhua News Agency in London came with a computer and answered online in the afternoon that he would accompany Wang Ai. The questions of netizens should also be screened. His computer has Xinhuanet's background permissions and internal communication methods to facilitate coordination with Beijing.

Of course, he came to this trip is not simple, in addition to answering online, will also chat with Wang Ai. The reporter's "chat" is nothing pure, which is equivalent to an exclusive interview, and can even take the morning joint interview as a theme.

The notice time of Xinhuanet started at 8pm. After Wang Ai had some time after lunch, he laughed and laughed and said, "This morning is intense enough. Where did you find so many sharp-mouthed colleagues?"

"This... is not any secret news anyway, um... "Anti-Monopoly Law" is coming out."

"Huh?" Wang Ai narrowed her eyes and thought for a while: "Someone said about my family?"

The reporter hesitated and nodded. After all, this was not any hidden news. Wang Ai then pondered.

In fact, as early as 1999, after the love papermaking, Donghai Papermaking and Zhongyuan Papermaking reached a market division agreement, in actual operation, the three companies coordinated and even unified product prices, otherwise the market division became empty talk. In this way, this alliance, which was originally intended to avoid vicious competition, has a monopoly color, and its scientific name is "cartel"!

In the development of the following years, due to the reorganization of northern papermaking, a large number of potential markets have been given, so it has received certain support. The development direction of the enterprise has also changed from explosive production capacity to explosive technology. There are a lot of patents in materials, equipment, chemical industry, etc., and through paid transfer, it has gradually become the head of the organization. In this process, the cooperation within the alliance in all aspects is deepening.

At the same time, in the past few years, the "five smalls" are being comprehensively treated. Water pollution of papermaking enterprises must be equipped with water recycling equipment. As a result, a large number of small and medium-sized civil paper companies have been eliminated because of cost issues. 95%. But paying attention to environmental protection brings another problem, which is raw materials. On the one hand, the old books that I have seen for decades have almost been consumed, and the country is working on paperless offices. On the other hand, returning farmland to forests also makes wood supply in short supply.

As a result, Russian wood pulp and American waste paper have become inevitable solutions.

However, if the three companies talked separately, they would be subject to vicious bids like Chinese steel companies faced with BHP Billiton. So under the proposal of Northern Paper, the three decided to join forces to further expand the alliance and realize the unified purchase of raw materials.

Cheap is accounted for, but the monopoly has evolved from cartel to syndicate!

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