Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 478: Wind sound (4)

Objectively speaking, when the capitalist economy develops to a certain stage, there will inevitably be a monopoly phenomenon that touches the sensitive field of social economics. Cartels and Syndicate are not well-known, but they are going to be famous even further-trust!

For example, after the development of Northern Papermaking, Zhongyuan Papermaking and Donghai Papermaking to a certain stage, I suddenly discovered that all three of us have purchased and sold all of them, and the cooperation is quite happy, so why not go further? Will our three companies merge directly? Go! The country's largest, poorly made and the world's largest civilian paper-making enterprise has emerged, not only monopolizing the national civilian paper market, but also occupying a monopoly position in the market around China.

That's really "I say selling more money means selling more money." This is called trust. If China wants to develop a market economy, this aspect is inevitable. For example, in the future, QQ will continue to acquire and squeeze competitors, and eventually become almost the only instant messaging tool. Whether it depends on the particularity of Internet products or not, it is a big trust. Later, because of its expansion into the fields of games and finance, it became the highest form of monopoly capitalism, Konzern!

The key areas of China are all state-owned enterprises, so the monopoly organizations formed by private companies and foreign companies are not so harmful. But we can't wait for it to be taken lightly, because the big business disease does not distinguish between state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises. As long as the external competition pressure is not enough, the same people will float and the same lazy and inefficient, so the country has to find ways to regulate.

Due to the different nature of enterprise ownership, there are also differences in control methods. For state-owned enterprises, whether it is a monopoly or not, no matter how many businesses, executive orders are sufficient.

For example, in the communications field, China Unicom was formed to compete with mobile, and licenses were issued to telecommunications and Tietong to promote competition, but these few companies have been too lazy to fight, want to eat bowls of healthy food, play a price alliance or something. , And then the country said that it would be demolished, and how to demolish it. I was disobedient and even told you directly, you lowered my price!

Then you have to listen, ownership is national.

But private companies and foreign companies can't do this. At least in principle, people can not listen to you. This requires a special law to restrict them.

The legal and ideological circles have been thinking about anti-monopoly law for many years, and they will have it sooner or later. Since the field of civilian paper is not a critical field, and Wang Ai’s chaos has entered, its own development process has suddenly accelerated. When other fields are still in trouble, the three alliances took the lead in forming a huge cartel-Syndicate !

Wang Ai has long heard the wind about antitrust law, but he doesn't care much. One is that although the three companies have a monopoly, the profit of civilian paper is not high. The formation of the monopoly is related to the low price of labor in China. The state has not let foreign companies in. It is really impossible to enter. The second is that there is a light industry federation transformed by the Ministry of Light Industry on top of the three companies, and the three companies, especially the northern paper industry, have been docile and tame. There have been several price cuts across the country, and now all three are marginal. They haven't enjoyed their success and made progress, and no matter how competitive they are, they won't get better. The third is to cut off almost all the small paper for environmental protection. Do you dismantle these three houses again? What did you try so hard before?

Previously, because the three companies had too many goals, the NPC Law Commission and the National Audit Office specially sent an investigation team to the station, interviewing, checking accounts, checking the inventory... and scared the three companies to death. Fortunately, the assessment is quite positive. After all, the antitrust law is for Chinese companies to get out of the comfort zone, healthier and stronger, rather than letting Chinese companies commit suicide.

Therefore, Wang Aiming knew that this matter was about to take shape, and did not care too much, but today's reporter's prompt clearly has something else. After thinking for a while, Wang Ai made sure that there was nothing wrong with his family, and took the last minute to ask him specifically, only to realize that it was the domestic economics and academia who were talking about three more things, and clearly named the name.

This is complicated. It may be that some scholars do not understand the situation well, or it may be that the monopoly enterprises that are about to form in other fields take three as cannon fodder, or it may be that foreign opponents who are not able to enter are secretly doing things.

Wang Ai asked Kang Si to review the summary of policy intelligence in the recent corporate briefing. This is to prevent policy risks. The anti-monopoly law is so big that it is impossible for the three to study it. Sure enough, in a report, the anti-monopoly law was evaluated. The report wrote: "The anti-monopoly law is a preventive measure for the state to control the private economy and foreign companies to monopolize the market. Because the economic field is too complicated, the measure is mainly Be prepared. The image says that in the face of possible problems, the country must have this knife, but it does not mean one size fits all. At this stage, the three alliances have played the role of'inner benefit people, outer imperial country gate', and the country will not destroy the Great Wall by itself. ."

Wang Ai was relieved to see this. Today, the reporters are rude, probably misunderstood, thinking that Wang Ai is going to be out of luck...

"Let's get started?" Xinhua News Agency reporter adjusted his computer and asked Wang Aidao.

"Good!" Wang Ai nodded.

Beijing Xinhuanet immediately updated the news, the live broadcast room was opened, and netizens from all walks of life brushed messages and asked everything.

Wang Ai and the reporter were not in a hurry, waiting for the question to be screened there, and then the two screened for the second time, and then answered.

The reporter looked around at this time. This is Wang Ai's bedroom. A wide bed is in front of a wooden window. There are not very neat quilts and a football on it. To the bed is their current workbench and a desktop computer. Two laptops. There is also a writing desk on the other side. The writing desk is against the wall and above it is a bookshelf, where you can find Dr. Wang Ai's commonly used books. Opposite the writing desk is also the other side of the bed is the wardrobe, below is the shoe cabinet, there are several coats hanging on the door hanger. On the other side of the door was a pair of Adi's sneakers, waiting for the shade to dry.

The house has a wooden floor, a row of heaters next to the window, simple white walls, and no ceiling decoration. In addition to the larger room, it is simpler than the ordinary British room, and it is really not the room of the rich.

"Otherwise, let's take a few pictures and upload them? Is it convenient?" The reporter suddenly wondered.

"Ah?" Wang Aizheng looked at the netizen's message with a smile, and hesitated when he heard the sound: "Alright, I don't have anything to carry anyway, but don't take a picture of the street view. The vast number of supernatural netizens may be able to analyze my home address."

The reporter held up the camera and clicked and said: "I just think you are so simple and you have a role model..."

"What a simple thing, don't guide like that, make people laugh, let alone this big villa, you didn't look at the swimming pool in my backyard?"

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