Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 481: Wind sound (7)

At Xu Qinglian’s prompt, Wang Ai subsequently wrote: “With regard to campus football, I would like to say that if you are a professional physical education teacher, for the purpose of loving talent, some students’ talents are discovered and can be developed appropriately. But I think you still have to work hard to supervise his studies and avoid desperation. Because the chance of becoming a football talent is too small. Now everyone is an only child, no matter whether it is me, you, or parents, we can’t take a child’s life Bet."

Speaking of which, Wang Aiyi is still inexhaustible, "I will say a few more words, you may not have an intuitive impression of the gap between our football and developed countries, and you are not aware of the gap. What I must tell you is that sports costs from There are two types of investment and investment perspectives: those that can be commercialized and those that cannot be commercialized. For projects that cannot be commercialized, such as weightlifting, there is almost no gap between us and developed countries, because everyone depends on talent and training, even because of our population base Big, better scores. On the contrary, it can be commercialized, relying on continuous investment of funds. For example, I just said to eat, I stunned beef, you stunned buns, how can your physical ability be comparable to me? There is a big gap between us and the developed countries in commercial projects. This gap is usually not something that we or the family can make up for. For this reason, I suggest that you grasp both hands and practice hard while learning from your interests or talents. . Of course, it’s good to practice, and you won’t be able to practice without delaying future employment. And whether it’s football or other sports, it’s good for your physical and mental health if you engage in it properly during your studies.”

After typing this word, the inside and outside of the screen fell into a strange silence. Even the refresh of the comment area was slower. It seems that people feel the complexity and waves of Wang Ai's emotions across the screen.

"God, 40,000 yuan a month!" At this time, a comment jumped out, and netizens also became active again. "For 40,000 yuan, what did you eat? Do you eat directly?"

"There are only four hundred for one hundred dollars, not enough to eat."

"You can eat one yuan, one yuan!"

"Eating steel plutonium is fuller!"

This is the first time that the vast majority of fans know the cost of living of a star. It's unimaginable to eat 40,000 yuan of food a month!

After a delay, the seventh group of questions was pushed over. This time it was relatively easy. Probably which side did not want to make the atmosphere too heavy. One of the first questions was: "Wang Ai, do you have a girlfriend? What kind of Can a girl become your girlfriend?"

Wang Ai didn't close his mouth when he saw it. After picking this question under the confusion of the reporter, he looked back at Xu Qinglian, and Xu Qinglian gave him a blank look.

Wang Ai shook his head and looked at the text, and then looked at the nonsense of a large number of netizens in the comment area. He turned his head to see Xu Qinglian again, with proud eyes in his eyes, and Xu Qinglian tilted his head and smiled.

Wang Ai started typing: "I know what you mean, depending on whether you want to hear me tell the truth or tell a lie."

Click on it, and the comment area immediately swipes the screen: "Truth, truth!"

"The truth is, you don't have to dream, I... can't be you anyway." Wang Ai laughed after finishing the line.

The comment area exploded, and after reacting with Wang Ai, she had all kinds of reactions. This year's celebrities still habitually hold it. There are so few unscrupulous people like Wang Ai.

After crying and making trouble for a while, someone shouted, "You look down on us!"

"No, no, I don't look down on you. If I know who you are and what you do, I look down on it? Besides, I will kick the ball. What qualification do I have to look down on everyone, no." Wang Ai quickly explained: "In fact, it is mainly caused by the different life and work circles. You think, I don’t know you at all, right? You have your work life circle, I have my circle, we don’t have the intersection at all, so there is no understanding and How can you become a boyfriend and girlfriend in an environment of mutual appreciation? I advise you, don’t think about a true heart, what is Jinshi for, don’t think so. I have never heard of ordinary people chasing stars. There is a successful example. You are just squeezed into the circle of stars. Everyone has no common language due to the growth environment. For example, I, I have experienced, you have not experienced, I am impressed in my life, you Without understanding, how can we know each other and even form a family? Love is great and self-esteem. You can worship a star, and the star may try to do his part to return to you, but the intersection between you is also That's all it is. If you want to give everything to combine with him, or even humble yourself to trample self-esteem into the mud, then you will eventually lose everything, praying for no love, and it is not love that is too low self-esteem, but kidnapping. ."

After Wang Ai's big hit, Xu Qinglian gave Xu Qinglian a slap, and gently expressed his approval. Wang Ai shook his head and touched Xu Qinglian's palm.

The comment area saw Wang Ai's large paragraph of silence for more than ten seconds, and then "too good" and other things came up until a long comment appeared, "I also think that the star's spouse selection standard has no meaning for us. Everyone sees this as nothing but pink illusions in their hearts. But Wang hates to tell us, don’t let the spring go, woo, and want to cry. But I must admit that he is right, we just saw this person through the screen No matter how good he is, he knows your existence, but he doesn’t know who you are, and he can’t say how he feels about you. It’s pitiful to commit suicide for an idol star. We must live with self-respect and love it Your own star also likes her lover in reality."

After seeing this reply in the comment area, it was silent for a few seconds, and then a big vote said yes, and suddenly a jump came out and said: "Wang Ai, your spouse selection criteria have not been said yet!"

"Oh!" Wang Ai hurriedly answered: "This, I will ask you if you want to listen to the truth or falsehood. In fact, the falsehood is best heard. I can say a lot of standards, but if you want to tell the truth, It’s simple, it’s nothing more than smooth eyes. Smooth eyes are shallow, and you can’t feel disgusted, then there is no possibility of further understanding. Smooth hearts are deep, and after further contact, you find that you are comfortable and not tired, then it is very likely That’s right. Most specific spouse selection criteria are temporary thoughts. When you meet the right person, there are not so many rules."

"Do you have a girlfriend? What is she doing?" A large number of similar questions appeared in the comment area.

"I do not know."

"I do not know what that means?"

The one-to-one exchange started again, noisy.

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