Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 482: Wind sound (8)

The lively online interview lasted for two hours. Because Wang Ai frequently responded to the comments of the district’s speech, the scheduled rhythm was disrupted, but there were so many questions answered that when the interview ended, Wang Ai’s My fingers are stiff.

Of course, the chat room-like interview method is unrestrained and approachable, and it is also very reluctant, because there are still many questions too late to answer, but the program time is up and you can only look forward to the next time.

Well, it may not be the next time.

After saying goodbye to everyone, reporter Wang Ailiu had a dinner, letting the reporter see for himself how he ate a thousand dollars a day, but it was actually not much. For more than 70 pounds, Wang Ai ate 4 meals a day. The amount of even dishes with meat is quite large, but I didn’t feel much when I was with them. After a question, I was taken aback, and I ate three kilos of beef in one meal. This Wang Ai also said, I was not hungry today without training...

After the interview on this day, Wang Ai has accounted for the two awards this year. At least the media and fans have passed it. As for the sponsor Wang Ai, there is no need to do much. He holds the photo of the trophy, Shi Rapner and Shi Wenjun have both on hand. If a sponsor needs to add a new agreement, they will study again. Anyway, the partners who gave him extra bonuses because of the two grand prizes have all obtained a license agreement to use Wang Aixin's image.

After being busy with this matter, I took another day off and arrived at the last game of 2006, the 21st round of the Premier League against Fulham at home.

Wang Ai was on holiday to prepare for a comfortable year. Leoni brought her assistant Anika, Yan Zhu's object Li Jue and two newly equipped defenders from Germany, and Xu Qinglian also brought two defenders, plus The family of four people in Shang Wang Ai, 12 people, Cobham's villa has never been so lively.

In fact, Wang Ai originally invited Lao Sun, Qu Bo and Dong Fangzhuo, but the three of them were too far away from London and decided to gather together.

London in winter is dark early, it's dusk at four o'clock, Wang Ai is sitting in front of the big TV in the living room, Anika and Kang Si don't know what to play in Kang Si's room, upload from the building Whispering voice. Lei Nioni's two defenders were Chinese and white. It seems that they knew Xu Qinglian's two defenders, and they didn't know where Victory Security was looking for. Several people scattered around the front and back to chat. Yan Zhu and Li Jue whispered in the flower room.

Wang Ai sat on the single sofa, next to Leoni and Xu Qinglian on the double sofa, waiting for the game to start together. After 45 minutes, Wang Ai shook his head, "Eat!"

Everyone in the kitchen worked together, and the meals were ready to be served. Today, there are many people, and the meal system is divided. Each person has a big dinner plate. Those who like to watch the ball sit in the living room to watch, who don’t like to watch what they want to do, they played in the first half. At 1:1, Chelsea was clearly out of shape. It began to rain again in the second half. The winter rain was extremely cold, and the fighting spirit of both sides was wiped out. Chelsea reluctantly overtaken one, and then was equalized again, and finally had to shake hands with 2:2.

In the last ten minutes of the game, Wang Ai has been transferred to the match between Manchester United and Redding. Manchester United led the opponent 3-1. Although they were chased by another goal at the last moment, the spicy Manchester United was still ugly to stick to the end. Ai could only sigh. This time, 5 points behind Manchester United. The only thing worth mentioning is that Drogba has scored again and has scored 13 goals so far. But on the other side, Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United has also scored two goals in two consecutive games. It is now 12, and the scorer is currently ranked second and third.

Fortunately, his truce adjustment period should also be over. The next game is the third day after the New Year. The opponent is the weaker Vera. In the seventh round, Chelsea once defeated the opponent 5:1 at home and Wang Ai staged There is still confidence in hat tricks and Vera.

After the game ended, Wang Ai received a text message from Jose, asking him how he was in health, implying that he would send him to play in the first game of the New Year, and Wang Ai happily returned a "everything is normal". Terry is working on a back surgery in France. Robben flew for 90 minutes and was decisively injured. Jose also had a headache.

Early the next morning, on the last day of 2006, Wang Ai went out for morning practice as usual, but this time a large group of people came out. Wang Ai and his two professional defenders ran, and the others either jogged or simply walked.

Today is the traditional New Year’s Eve in England, because Terry and Joe Cole both have to operate, so no one Zhang Luo went to the bar party this year. At this time last year, Wang Ai just arrived in Chelsea, but also just joined the team, the feeling of the New Year is not deep . Celebrate this year. From the morning, everyone will decorate their homes, hang colored ribbons and light bulbs, and pull up balloons. Constance climbed the ladder to install the rotating lamp in the living room, and came down. Once opened, woo! Like the ballroom, there is going to be a big fight tonight.

The third floor is exclusive to Wang Ai, with two bedrooms, a study room, a utility room, and a large terrace. When the weather is good in summer, Wang Ai once jumped down on the terrace. Below is the swimming pool. When I was young, I went to the diving team. He also practiced the three-meter board. As for the second and first floors, they are now used by others.

I sorted out my graduation thesis in the study room in the morning, knocked on the door of Cobham in the afternoon, and spent the afternoon in the training facility. They were all on vacation. It was very quiet. I wanted to practice how to practice.

At night, a family member had dinner together and watched a "Mission Impossible 3" in the living room, and then watched a "Kung Fu". These are DVDs bought at the audiovisual agency. Although Kung Fu is an "old movie" "But Wang Ai has never had a chance to watch.

After watching the movie, the time is almost up. Everyone went out to drive to the city of London. Those who were afraid of the cold went to Xu Qinglian’s house. They happened to be close to the river. The fireworks show has become a major event.

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the sky is fragrant and jealous.

In the ten-minute performance, accompanied by the roar of the sky and the screams of people around, the old London showed a different kind of gorgeousness, and the dim Thames also seemed a lot clearer against the fireworks.

When we arrived home, it was already a little late in the middle of the night. People were still awake and listening to the laughter and music from the downstairs, Wang Ai turned back from looking out at the city: "Going back tomorrow?"

"Well." Leoni sitting in Wang Ai's chair, put down the cocktail in his hand and stretched out: "It should be back after two days of relaxation. The **** Hartman came back from Berlin to see me, also I don’t know if he is married or lacks money."

"Hartman?" Wang Ai thought doubtfully: "Your father?"

Leoni shrugged and took a sip of the glass, his green eyes deepened.

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