Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 484: Wind sound (ten)

A moment later, a fresh Leoni stood in front of Wang Ai and looked down at the man who was sulking after being molested: "I think you are using a handsome man for me."

Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "That's a skill I won't know."

Leoni turned around and sat in a chair: "Why do I have to make money for you during the day and warm your bed at night? Is this your ideal lover? You say I am so smart, Why do such stupid things?"

Wang Ai nodded: "It makes sense, but why do I have such a big company to work for people all day? Are you working as a boss instead?"

Leoni’s slender fingers raised his chin: "I still think I'm too miserable, and it's actually one of the best of all."

Wang Ai deep sympathy: "You can also think the other way round, why not you turn me?"

Leioni laughed, jumped up and jumped on Wang Ai. After a while with Wang Ai, he kept busy: "No, no, no, you have to take a bath. Hurry and talk about the business. "

Wang Ai got up and took two wine glasses to the bathroom and washed them briefly. After returning, he poured two glasses of ice water and took a plate of dried fruits. "I have considered what you said last time. Go or not."

Instructing Leoni to drink water, Wang Ai took a sip and put down the cup: "My status is rising in Chelsea. My salary should become the top salary next season. This treatment is not available to every team. Here My teammates are all familiar, the coordination is also very good, my starting position is also stable, and the climate and environment of London have adapted to me, I don’t know why I want to go."

Lei Nioni quietly listened to Wang Ai’s thoughts, frowned: “We’ve told you the situation analyzed by our brokerage company? Last season’s Chelsea completed the five crowns, and the purpose of Mr. Roman’s investment in Chelsea has been Realized. From a normal investment activity, it is now time for him to tighten his money, at least to maintain the balance of payments. This winter window, Chelsea did not buy a single person, but sold three, this is what evidence."

Wang Ai shrugged: "It's all sold that I can't play a game. What does it have to do with me?"

"The total salary of Chelsea is 1.5 times that of Manchester United, but the income is 5% lower than that of Manchester United. Peter Kenyon envisaged the establishment of the world's largest club in 2014, but he spent so much money in more than two years, and the game even sat down. Distance There is still a big gap between Manchester United and such a situation cannot be sustained for a long time. Roman’s investment has a strong purpose, and now the goal is achieved, it is necessary to start the next stage. And Jose, basically unable to adapt to Chelsea’s next stage . And your salary is 150 million pounds a year, which is too exaggerated.” Leoni exclaimed: “So you see, although your central defender has no stable candidate because of Terry’s injury, it should be purchased, but this time, Mr. Roman did not pay a penny."

Wang Ai frowned: "You mean that he wants to maintain a balance of payments, so he wants to sell superstars?"

Leoni shook his head slightly confused: "This is not good, no one can accurately assess the possible actions of the Russian. When you think he is extremely powerful, he may suddenly collapse, when you think he is extremely weak At that time, he was super powerful again to show you, this is a strange nation."

Wang Ai laughed: "You Germans have a deep memory."

Leoni is fierce: "I am Chinese!"

"Good." Wang Ai raised his hand and surrendered.

Leoni laughed aloud: "Even if he doesn't sell stars, as long as he doesn't continue to buy large amounts of people, then as the costs of other teams come up, his income will slowly balance. But for you this is still Not the main one. This season, the British press has reported three times that he is going to fire Jose?"

Wang Ai was at a loss: "Really? I can always hear similar news anyway, but what about the team or how, everyone loves him very much."

Leoni shakes his head: "The player has almost no say in this respect. Jose has drawn the players very well, but almost no one in the club management likes him. The PR department will be exhausted because of his repeated rhetoric, and the youth department will because he does not I am annoyed to promote my own player. The development department will hate him because of his stubborn ugliness and loss of income. For the boss, these people are closer to the players. His personality should go to a midstream team, like Ferguson to put it He can only sit down steadily if he becomes a giant. But if he doesn’t have such patience, then no one can tolerate him for a long time. He can tolerate a head coach who wants to override the club. Wenger is strong enough. Are you ready to give up your ideals for the club’s strategy?"

Speaking of which, Leoni pointed to Wang Ai: "And you, the Portuguese's number one general, your presence consolidated his position and deepened the club's resentment against him, if last season was not because of you Okay, he may compromise a little, not so strong. And his head coach, who is so loved by players, will be cleaned once he is fired, and you still have problems with Shevchenko. ."

"My two prizes..."

"At the end of 1996, Ronaldo took Mr. World Football and was sold in the summer of 1997. The team seller never looks at whether you have honor, just to see if it needs to be sold."

"Okay, what do I need to prepare?"

Leoni shook his head: "You don't have to think too much in this regard. I will notify you in time if there are new situations. It is enough for me to come forward. I am not like Claus, I know he is your agent, although I am famous It’s bigger, but I also have more work. No one is sure that the meeting with the club owner must be to talk to you, so it’s more convenient. Are there any teams you want to go to? I can talk to you according to your interests.”

Wang Ai shook his head hesitantly, "I didn't even think about the things to go."

Leoni shook his head: "You have to go, the club doesn't sell you, you should go too. Have you not understood the two big prizes this year? Chelsea can't help you at all. You came to Chelsea last summer for Raise the income standard and get a steady playing time. Now that you have finished second with two jackpots, you have completed this goal. Just like Jose will block Chelsea's next stage, Chelsea will also block your next stage, you have to go, Unless you don’t want two jackpots."

Wang Ai nodded silently this time: "What do you mean? Where do I go?"

"You are 20 years old next year, and you are just struggling, but you are also prone to major setbacks, so you need to find a good boss."

"Roman is not good? Give such a high salary?"

"He is ruthless! In the next few years, you need someone who really likes you and gives you full trust." Speaking of which, Leoni sighed: "Ah, Massimo is good!"

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