Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 485: Fight for yourself (1)

On the first day of 2007, if it was not for the party to end at two in the morning and Leoni’s guard came up on the third floor to find her, she might have slept in Wang Ai’s room. On this day, they said a lot of private words, and on this day, they were more open and intimate. After being interrupted by Kang Si, there was no enthusiasm between them, only the warmth of hugging each other.

In this cruel world, in this rushing long river, they all know that this is the kind of mutual knowledge they will never have.

They are more familiar with each other and more receptive to each other than confidantes.

Leoni when she left was almost asleep, but Wang Ai was getting more and more energetic. Hearing the low-pitched roar of a lion tiger in the next room, Wang Yisuo stood up against the window and looked at the peaceful village under the heavy night and Cobham not far away.

When he left Tubingen, he was full of grief and indignation. When he left Lako, he was full of nostalgia, and at this moment he officially considered leaving Chelsea, but his heart was quiet.

Leoni, who had just picked up the glass, said drunkenly, "You should fight for yourself."

"Although Chelsea does not yet have the name of a giant, it already has the temperament of a giant. It has a ruthless boss and a group of ruthless fans. Such a club is not worth your feelings for them, except for making them laugh at you. In addition, you might even be surprised. Everyone, including Frank and John, speaks for the benefit and money comes first. Have you forgotten the disturbances of last summer? Frank has not renewed his contract until he has raised his salary after that?"

"Even Didier has made threats three times and five times, and every summer must be a time when everyone is going to leave. In Tubingen, we are all united, in Lako, you are united, they are all small people, Not a tycoon. Only a tycoon can hold you high enough to match your strength."

"You have to learn to walk out of the comfort zone and leave the warm cradle. In this immature, turbulent, shaped giant, Chelsea, you should learn all this. From now on, you will not fight for the club, you will only fight for yourself. Fight. You should not think too much about Chinese football, your presence is the greatest help for Chinese football."

"So, fight for yourself, my little giant!"

Countless major games and cheering faces emerged from the depths of Wang Ai's memory, but those who really walked into his heart were always those around him.

They knew that Wang Ai was not a selfish person. He was even more fair and generous than many people in the world. Although this has earned him many friendships, even without these, with his current competitive strength, he can still obtain a status similar to today in Chinese football. Many of his efforts are like Yugong Yishan's move, with large investments and slow results, but perseverance, and the last beneficiary is not him.

Leoni couldn’t forget the feeling of seeing Wang Ai for the first time in Tübingen demonstrating technology. It was a kind of trembling from body to soul, and it was a kind of zeal to see the childhood of great people. But since leaving Tubingen, this legendary color is getting weaker.

Some things, like layers of shackles, slowly enveloped the body of this best football in China, making him less and less space for flashing. His emotions became anxious and his smile became scarce. Although the hard training for many years ensured that his technology was still growing, he slowly lost his childhood surprise. Even if he is still one of the best players in the world, but that is just a low-level version of his basic conditions. If he is not distracted, he will shine even more dazzling.

Lei Ao Ni's advice made it difficult for Wang Ai to fall asleep, listening to the laughs of Lei Ao Ni and Xu Qinglian in the next room, but his heart was reflecting. He did not understand the significance of Leo Ni letting him put his shackles on personal growth. Even if he thought of him, he did not care. If Chinese football can rise to the top of the world, he will have no regrets even if he retires immediately. Even if he is already the second place in the two prizes today, he still has a heart of fans. What he thought of was the current situation in Chelsea, which really required him to be more selfish. For example, his world-renowned direct free kick technique, because Lampard is also a direct free kick master and is the habitual first free thrower, so he is not even a third free thrower, let alone a penalty kick. Too. The fans at Stamford Bridge have forgotten that he is the number one free kick player on the team!

At least last season, if he realized that there was no need for Chelsea and no need to put in feelings, he would score a lot more goals and he would never lose to Henry. Then the two big prizes just passed, at least his score will be higher.

"I am a good person after all." Facing his face on the glass window, Wang Ai laughed at himself: "Well, then be a wicked one, fight for yourself!"

At 6:30 the next morning, Wang Ai woke up with his forehead rubbed and slept too late last night.

Taking the ball out and ran around Cobham, the pace was not as light as in the past, which is also a sequelae of drinking. In desperation, Wang Ai had to end the morning exercise early and returned to his home, but his body felt uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with hangover, just no exercise.

"Teach me to practice martial arts." Wang Ai Rao who sent the ball upstairs and returned to the courtyard looked at Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan with interest.

The two were surprised that Wang Ai had seen it before when they practiced martial arts, but never practiced it, nor did it once. According to him, his body was born for football, and adapting to a sport would become pure. What is happening today?

"Who are you going to practice with us?" Yan Zhu, who was in a posture, asked: "Zhao Zhao practiced Tai Chi, I practiced the praying mantis. Of course we will have something else, big and small, to catch the enemy back and forth."

Wang Ai frowned and thought, "What the **** are you doing?"

Yan Zhu sullenly said: "I'm good at being tough. I take the way of fighting, mantis-based, gossip and eight poles, Sanda boxing, free fighting, and unlimited fighting. I will teach you if you want to learn. But... …"

Speaking of this, Yan Zhu shook his head: "You can't use it, and you really know it. I am afraid that sometimes you can't help it. Zidane is so serious. If you use my..."

"It sounds like I can practice it." Wang Ai laughed: "I'm all 20, how can I practice to your height?"

Yan Zhu grinned and stepped forward casually on Wang Ai's shoulders and squeezed his waist, sighing: "Your foundation is too good. Although it is not the foundation of martial arts, the training is the same. Your individual tendons may be in martial arts. It seems to be weak, such as the length of the upper limb tendon of Dapeng's wings, but the flaws are not concealed. Besides, fighting this kind of thing, after all, talk about being strong and not losing money."

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