Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 496: Shuanglong Winning the Pearl (2)

After a series of blows, Ferreira finally realized that the game had begun! Cochplay's Cech finally sighed in relief, but this breath came out halfway: because Ferreira was okay for a while, Essien had another problem.

In Chelsea's double-back combination, Essien has always played the role of initiator to turn defense into attack. When Makelele smiled and cut off his opponent, he was responsible for driving the ball forward, rushing forty meters, or split The ball is either long shot. This time it was Gerald's cross from the bottom. He intercepted it involuntarily before the interception, but fortunately he immediately realized that he was a defender, so far away from the opponent's goal and the entire court.

So he immediately stopped to score, but his hesitation allowed the alert Pennant to find the opportunity to intercept Essien's point first, and then a beautiful curve ball hit the goal behind Cech. .

At this time the game had just started for 18 minutes.

What are Wang Ai doing in these 18 minutes? Of course, I was not idle. Chelsea also organized many counterattacks, but the Liverpool players performed exceptionally bravely, or the movements were very large. For example, after Wang Ai caught the ball sideways, Fennan and others immediately sent their feet over and said they were right. It’s okay, it’s okay for people, anyway, “This is Anfield!”

Wang Ai has moved his heart, of course, he will not give his opponent a painless yellow card at the cost of his injury, so he stayed patient and prepared to consume the opponent's physical fitness. He didn't expect to leave Terry's central defender so fragile, he remained patient after the first goal, and he knew the matter was serious after the second goal.

But at this time, the "beard man" on the side of the field waved his paws and Liverpool retreated like a tide. Only a two-meter giant Crouch was left in the front court to start playing intensive defense.

Nima, what a shame! You guys look at Liverpool, who are all deflated. How can you fully retire with two goals ahead? What is your pursuit? What about your spirit?

But no matter how shocking Wang Ai was, the Liverpool people still shyly stayed in the half and did not go out. Even Alonso stood decently in front of Wang Ai to play defense. Of course, even if this is the case, Wang Ai is not helpless. He has attracted firepower, and there is another good friend Al Jie? As long as Robben can take the opportunity to open, he can also take advantage of it!

As a result, the good friend really lived up to expectations. In the 21st minute of the game, with a tackle from Gerrard, Robben fell down on the ground, "Old Man" grinned and showed a painful expression: "I am injured, I No, I’m going to end!"

Watching Robben was lifted off the scene, Wang Ai Muran wiped his face: two good "chicken wings", and Nima left me alone! You don’t want to go, old man, so don’t want to sell your energy? After all, compared with Joe Cole's half-kick kick and half-time injury, you played two games and rested twice.

But also, the club's bird-like look is about to explode. Who doesn't want to hurry ashore? Robben, a young man with a bright future, how could he lock himself here? He is not Terry, Lampard, Drogba, Barak, high status, much profit, old age?

Little Wright walked happily and greeted enthusiastically when passing by Wang Ai. Wang Ai replied with a smile, Wright Jr. just didn't have a heart and a heart. The type of "pay today and spend it tonight" type. As for tomorrow, when I say that, I won't be hungry anyway. The club is like this, he is all mixed like this, and he is happy all day long. Wang Ai had never heard him complain, nor had he heard that he wanted to let the wind out.

They are all wingers. What's the difference in life?

The next game was very difficult. Liverpool was originally a **** and courageous team. In other words, it was a duo with great strength. More importantly, Jose is not at ease with his central defender, so even if he is forced into the corner, he must increase his attack, and the back line does not dare to leave people behind.

In this way, the amount of power that can be invested in the attack is really limited. Facing the dense defense of the opponent, especially the large-scale dense defense, there is no good way for Drogba, Lampard or Wang Ai. In the first half, Lampard gave two direct free kicks to Wang Ai, but unfortunately, the position was too poor, and the opponent was very fierce, so one flew, and a Crouch returned to the top.

During the intermission, Jose in the locker room walked around with his mouth closed. Clark, who was facing a crisis after school, stood next to Wang Ai to massage him. Barak and Lampard exchanged ideas in a low voice, and Drogba was tired. Rubbing his shoulders, Wright made a few jokes and no one took it, and he was not interested. The quietest is Shevchenko, who is sitting in a corner in a daze, perhaps missing the style of Milan.

In the second half, Chelsea continued to organize attacks. In the 51st minute, Wang Ai finally got a chance. This time it was Lampard's diagonal pass, Drogba headed the ferry, he grabbed a foot before Agger and volleyed into the near corner with a volley near the penalty spot.

But shortly afterwards, he was hit by a giant's head in the face with Crouch, and his right eye immediately swelled. The team doctor waved his hands to the side of the court, and Jose had no choice but to call Calu Jr. over to replace Wang Ai.

Wang Ai, dressed in ice packs, walked into the dressing room and saw Robben, who was calmly watching TV. The "old man" saw Wang Ai coming in for a while, and Wang Ai was also happy. Everything was silent.

Chelsea is destined to be only one stop of their careers, you give me money, I pay for it.

As for letting me live for you and die for you, I just think too much. Proof of countless times in the history of professional football: loyal people are idiots! Only the savage talent of Batistuta believed in this. Since then, all his loyalty has been bought with money. Otherwise, the superstars who released the news of the transfer every summer will play with the reporters?

The game on TV is still going on, Chelsea is at a loss, forced to do it, Jose sent Sheva to brush his face, and hit the club's face: this is the superstar you bought, I gave Nima a chance to restore him The opportunity of confidence also gives him the opportunity to maintain his state, and also gives him the opportunity to turn the tide!

In the face of Liverpool, which is more fierce than other teams, Sheva has no choice. At the end of the game, she didn't even have a shot. I don't know why.

After losing the game 1:2, Jose maintained his demeanor, shook hands with Benitez, and praised Wright Jr. and Essien.

Chelsea lost, but Ferguson didn't laugh long. At the Emirates Stadium the next day, with Rooney's goal to maintain a 90-minute away draw, but in the 92nd minute, Henry's head took Manchester United's 1 point to fly.

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