Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 497: Shuanglong Winning the Pearl (3)

In the eyes, only Manchester United and Chelsea, each other and the final champion, were "educated" by the third and fourth teams in the two focus battles of this round. Wenger + Benitez: "We are not dead yet!"

Ferguson and Jose could only say with a frown, "Yah, good job!"

The game lost and there was nothing to say. However, Liverpool are still 8 points away from Chelsea, so Manchester United and Chelsea still regard each other as their main opponent, and will not be distracted by the occasional rise of the third and fourth.

Chelsea should thank this old rival in East London, who resolutely pitted Ferguson to hold back the smile of the Grand Lord. After the game, Ferguson could not conceal his disappointment: "We should have won, I knew that Van Persie could score... Well, the top teams in the list, such as Chelsea, they have a very difficult away game..."

Chelsea, who had escaped the disaster, began to "get together". For the rumor that Fleet Street hyped up to replace Mourinho, the club's solemn statement to the outside world stated: "The club has never had contact with Lippi. Jose’s list of candidates."

Hey, it's like the truth, as if Terry and Drogba's previous public statements were false.

But it is also true that thick-skinned skin is a must-have for a wealthy man.

Since Manchester United and Chelsea are only three points apart, neither Ferguson nor Jose are confident of winning the league. Therefore, the next step of the League Cup and FA Cup gradually became the outpost of the desperate battle between the two sides. .

Anyway, taking a champion home is not only the idea of ​​the two coaches, but also the idea of ​​the two clubs, the two teams and even the fans of both sides.

Therefore, after the unsatisfactory 24 rounds, both sides concentrated on the two major cups, but the disadvantage to Chelsea is that the team of the Grand Lord was eliminated in the League Cup early, so just play a game The fourth lap of the FA Cup is good, and Chelsea will play two games. However, Manchester United’s opponent is the Premier League team Portsmouth. For this team that is currently ranked in the middle, it cannot meet the European War and will not be relegated to the next team. The two big cups are the most willing to work hard, so Manchester United One game may be harder than Chelsea's two games.

Chelsea is the second game of the League Cup semi-final with Wecombe on Wednesday. No matter how dark the opponent is, it is also a fifth-tier team. Chelsea should be a little more serious. The opponent at the weekend is Nottingham Forest. Now playing in the British Championship, his strength is relatively average.

Wang Ai's eyes were re-examined after the game and no problems were found, so he played Wecombe and he was placed on the big list again to deal with emergencies. Although Jose never admits it, in fact, Wang Ai played many substitutes this season and can keep the average number of goals per game close to two. This record, which is harder than diamond, has made Jose slowly psychologically. Dependence on Wang Ai.

Nothing else, anytime you want to score a goal, let him be right! Especially when Jose doesn't want to defend.

However, on Wednesday night, Wang Ai came to Stamford Bridge and proved to be a false alarm. Jose sent a stronger lineup than the previous one and knocked out Weikangbi. 4:0 easily sent the dark horse home. By the way Advance to the League Cup final.

The opponent on the other side is the old friend Wenger, Arsenal do not want to be empty, so they also stared at the League Cup.

On the weekend, Wang Ai once again watched the whole game. Chelsea simply killed Nottingham Forest. Jose still sent out two-thirds of the main line-up and gave a lot of people to Karlo and Mikel, Bridge and others. opportunity. Of course, I voted for Li and let Sheva go up for a while.

Sheva did not want to give up, and struggled for an hour, but the result was still not scoring.

Two days later, the Premier League reopened and the 25th round came. This game Chelsea will face Blackburn, Manchester United will face Watford, these two opponents will not cause trouble, depending on Chelsea and Manchester United who will guilty overturn.

But neither Ferguson nor Jose gave the opponent the opportunity to steal chickens. The 15-minute lead between the Chelsea and Blackburn battle finally won with a goal by Wang Ai, Drogba, Lampard and Wang Ai. opponent. Carvalho's comeback and Essien's team of defenders formed to resist Blackburn's impact. The most dangerous one was Qu Bo's stealing the chicken after the point. Unfortunately, when the football was about to roll across the goal line, Diarra, who was posing as a fullback, quickly caught up and shoveled it out.

Qu Bo was very angry, so he slaughtered Wang Ai that night.

Chelsea had a big victory here, but Manchester United was not willing to be weak. Chelsea had just finished the game. The players immediately watched TV and found that Manchester United had already led 4:0.

After this battle, Manchester United still topped the list with a 3-point advantage, Chelsea 57 points second, Liverpool 49 points third, Arsenal 48 points fourth. In the first half of the league, the Tottenham, Everton, and the like who rushed into the top four were slowly thrown away. In the second half, I started to compare the thickness of a team's lineup. If you don't have a few internationals on the bench, you can't hold this Premier League even during the winter break.

Such a result disappointed the outside world, and there was no breaking point. Chelsea's civil strife has passed, and there is nothing new about it again and again. Manchester United is as stable as an old dog. Ferguson must give the news to the outside world. As for other teams besides the top four, who cares?

Since the team has nothing to say, let's talk about the stars! The two big wins in the past have made the forwards of Chelsea and Manchester United, the two All-Star teams, once again brush the stats. Chelsea's Drogba scored his 15th goal of the season and Lampard scored his 10th. Manchester United's Ronaldo scored 14th and Rooney scored 10th. In the case of a third of the league, this data is definitely worthy of their star status.

Of course, there is also a leading Wang Ai before them, with 28 goals! He scored more goals by himself than Manchester United's two attackers combined, unless a Solskjaer was added!

At present, the Premier League has 34 goals in a single season. In the 13 games remaining, the gap of 6 goals is not easy for many stars. They can score one goal in two games and they can already receive the top salary. He even gets the penalty right from his opponents, but for Wang Ai, it may be two or three games.

Throughout January, Wang Ai scored eight goals on Aston Villa, Wigan Athletic, Liverpool and Black itself! This is the goal pursued by many forwards throughout the season, so although the Premier League has not announced yet, all media have put the "best player of January" hat on Wang Ai's head.

Therefore, when Wang Ai dragged Qu Bo back to the morning exercise the next morning after the game, he accidentally found the TV station's broadcast truck at his doorstep!

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