Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 213: The stars are dim and the moon rises (3)

"This small package of things has been placed with great hope. Now our country's sanitary napkins are mainly foreign brands, but I can tell you frankly, this is like Adi’s sneakers, I can’t say that there are no real things. , But it’s just that, most of the effects are blown out, and the cost is actually not high. However, its customers are women, and in women’s consumption, this thing is cheap. For example, lipstick , Perfume, cosmetics, how much does it cost?"

Wang Ai broke his finger: "So, sanitary napkins are the'luxury products' in our daily necessities for life and health care. Don't you look down on them, but a pack is more expensive? It just so happens that the living standards of our country are constantly rising. The middle class and well-off families More and more, the demand for this thing has risen. In the past few years, foreign brands have been desperately advertising in the domestic market. This awareness has also increased, and the market has almost matured. It just so happened that our adjustments are almost the same, papermaking The funds are ready over there."

"Then, where do you start?"

"The three provinces of the Northeast should come first, relying on the hometown. It is easy to grasp in all aspects. For example, competitor smearing and spreading rumors will not work in the Northeast! Then, the second step, Sichuan!"

"Sichuan?" Xu Qinglian asked back, "Why Sichuan?"

"Sichuan is a good place." Wang Ai admired: "First, the living standard of Sichuan people is not low, and they love life, and sanitary napkins can be sold well in Sichuan. That's all, the key is that Sichuan's location is great. , The source of the Yangtze River, from this production along the shipping line, the entire middle and lower reaches can be distributed. If you use trucks to go south, you can enter Guangxi, and then take the Pearl River into the Pearl River Delta. These places have the highest living standards and use the most sanitary napkins. Yes, a few provinces to the north of Sichuan is Xinjiang, which produces cotton! We invest in a textile center in Xinjiang to make cotton yarn and cotton cloth, and then go south to Sichuan. In the future, Sichuan may be the core of our national sanitary napkin layout. The Northeast side is rather normal. Of course, the Northeast side is done well, and you can go to Japan and South Korea. The market there is also not small. Also, we and Liaohua are already strategic cooperative units, health We can pick up a small amount of chemical fiber for towels and get a stable supply."

"To put it this way, you, oh, the ultimate goal of the family is the national market?"

"Well, at present, only the national market can satisfy our productivity. By the way, foreign brands can be driven away." Wang Ai arrogantly said: "We want people all over the country to use high-quality and low-cost health care daily necessities to get rid of those What is bragging about is to protect the people's wallets!"

"After protecting it, let's reach in!" Xu Qinglian swore with her fists.

"Eh yes... eh?" Wang Ai shook his head: "You can't say it properly?"

"Hey, aren't you angry?" Xu Qinglian arched Wang Ai's head with her head.

Wang Ai gave her a kiss: "It's long gone. I think our country's financial capital will expand rapidly. In the future, in business circles, their eagerness for quick success will gradually become the mainstream. At this time, we must be stable, just like the North Papermaking has been silent for three years and a blockbuster. Normally, it has been pretending to be dead for a long time, secretly accumulating strength, and choosing the right time to start fiercely. Now North Paper has accumulated more than 3 billion funds for this matter. It is really not good, and you can invest in it in the future. Withdraw funds. Anyway, if you fight for this one, you will kill all your competitors."

"Then, will it cause market turmoil?"

"There must be such a big move and such a big productivity release. It is impossible for the market to fail to respond. But it's okay. We have reported it to the National Development and Reform Commission. Such a big investment is another problem in saving the sunset industry. Let's not talk about the superiors. You can also guess. The next step is not to mention the necessary resources for us, but we can’t see that we get stuck, such as Xinjiang’s cotton, the Yangtze River’s transportation capacity, Sichuan’s land and policies. Now everything is in place. The equipment only owes Dongfeng. The early personnel are already investigating the site selection. As soon as our funds enter the site, it will be operating at high speed. A cotton spinning factory has been demolished at home, and 2,000 workers are still being mobilized to Xinjiang and Sichuan. So don’t look outside. There is no news at all. It was covered by the superiors. Once the factory in Sichuan is opened, our equipment is in place, the debugging is completed and the production starts, and the matter is set!"

"Then, what about my business?" Xu Qinglian asked in a low voice.

"Oh?" Wang Aizheng was talking about. When asked by his girlfriend, he got stuck and replied: "You do it first, go to Taobao to apply for an online store, and then you organize personnel here, and you need resources from Taobao. Tell me, I let the investment fund talk to that side. By the way, how do you set your price?"

"It is 20% higher than the retail price in Italy. We can still have a profit of about 10% after deducting the freight. If we develop well in the future, we can purchase in large quantities, and we have more left."

Wang Ai groaned and nodded: "It's okay, it's just a little bit of a ball. We and Italy have tariffs, but if you take a private package back to your country, only the freight is free of tariffs. If you get it at the airport duty-free shop, it's okay, but look. You look like you plan to get involved a lot, and this is suspected of smuggling, especially when you are going to be big. In this way, you do it first, and I will ask our consul general tomorrow, and ask him to ask how this is done in China. , Your charges are all in RMB, right?"

"Well, many people don't have foreign exchange." Xu Qinglian said cleverly.

Wang Aizhuo pondered: "This may be better. You, a scattered individual, will also make errands. The country may not be too lazy to be as knowledgeable as you, but you have to be bigger, OK, let me ask. That's right. , You receive renminbi and buy Italian things, where do you get foreign exchange?"

Xu Qinglian watched Wang Ai silently.

Wang Ai pointed to his nose: "Me? Are you calculating me again?"

"At the beginning, you must use your foreign exchange turnover, and it will be fine when you get bigger."

Wang Ai finished the product: "Okay, in short, be careful. After you do it, you must be regularized to keep up. If you always step on the line and the superiors can't bear it, then it won't be enough for two slaps. "

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian continued to obediently said: "If you are slapped, you are the one who suffers."

"Huh? Why should I suffer?" Wang Ai shook his girlfriend in his arms: "You do not start a business, I don't know what you girls like?"

"Because you are an investor." Xu Qinglian spread out her hands: "Lend me one million euros for startup funds."

"Oh?" Wang Ai got serious and looked at his girlfriend: "Is it true? Well, then you say, I give you this million, how much do I own?"

"10%..." When Xu Qinglian saw Wang Ai staring, she added slyly: "No dilution...hahaha."

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