Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 214: The stars are bleak and the moon rises (4)

Xu Qinglian has some money, and Wang Ai has a rough estimate. In China, there are pockets of spending every month. In the beginning, there are three to two hundred. After entering puberty, they will be thousands. After college, they will increase the fastest. They are four or five thousand a month, so they can have close to one hundred thousand.

After she went to university, the family planned to double her. Wang Ai's salary was 10,000 yuan a day, and there was no pressure at all.

But Xu Qinglian didn't want it. Ai Xiaoqing watched her grow up, and she understood after a little thought. She usually spends a little bit inconspicuous, she has no burden. But if she used Wang's money to create a "Princess Persona" for her, she couldn't bear it.

Besides, it's not a good habit to be generous, so the family is left to her.

In addition, Xu Qinglian should also have some foreign exchange. In the past two years, studying in London can save 50,000 to 60,000 Euros. What do you say about the money, a 21-year-old girl with a net worth of 600,000 to 700,000 yuan is not small. But to be counted as Wang Ai's real girlfriend...Let's put it this way, she is not equipped with luxury goods, let alone doing what she wants to do.

Therefore, she obviously started her business to get rid of personal attachment, but in the end she had to look for Wang Ai with a shy face. If Wang Ai played a big name, she would leave as soon as she wanted to. She wanted to find Shi Wenjun and Huang Xin to work together, and even Leo Ni to borrow it, but she would definitely not ask her family to reach out.

Half of Wang Ai's overseas advertising income is directly remitted to the R fund, a quarter is directly remitted to China, and the other quarter is kept in his hands. Half of the domestic advertising revenue is donated directly, a quarter is put into the Wang Fund, and the other quarter is also intercepted for emergencies. During the earthquake this year, Wang Ai was able to raise supplies on the same day, and the money came from here.

As a girlfriend who lives with Wang Ai, she also knows how much money Wang Ai has in her hands. Anyway, the euro will not be less than 10 million, and the renminbi will not be less than 100 million. She even knows the password!

No matter how she asks for money, of course she chooses the closest person to shame.

Speaking of money, Wang Ai also happily took out his bank card and shook: "Today is late, tomorrow, uh, tomorrow night you go to the stadium to watch the game, after the game, we will go to the bank to pay you. But I can I told you that it’s okay to give you the money. You don’t have to be afraid if you lose it all. I will earn it back in one week. But you are a career and you have to plan carefully. A dollar is also precious. It's a few cents."

Xu Qinglian nodded solemnly: "Well, I know. I must fight for not to lose, even if I lose, I also understand."

Wang Ai sighed and nodded, his girlfriend's grandeur is really grand, but she is not superstitious at all. I haven't done it yet, so I'm ready to pay it all.

"Eh, why do I suddenly feel that I am a bit two? One million euros, right? Ten million yuan, oh, I'm so stupid and generous. Oh, you said I took so much money out, how do you plan to thank me?"

Xu Qinglian smiled and said nothing, just looking at Wang Ai.

Wang Ai drooped his head: "All right, you miser, let alone, I suddenly have confidence in your business."

Xu Qinglian stood up, pursed her lips and looked at Wang Ai, then suddenly leaned over and kissed Wang Ai's mouth: "You are so kind."

Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "I'm so generous!"

"You know what I'm not saying." Xu Qinglian stroked Wang Ai's face with both hands: "You take care of the little willfulness in my heart, but I know what you were going to say, you can't hide from me."

Wang Ai slapped the back of Xu Qinglian's hand with a hehe, "Okay, go back to sleep."

Xu Qinglian straightened her waist and walked out of the door, and she came to the door and listened to her boyfriend saying from behind: "Don't compare with Leonie. Although I firmly believe that your professional achievement will not be lower than her, but my feelings have nothing to do with it. You know."

"I know, I don't think so, I just don't want you to support me in vain."

Xu Qinglian's footsteps disappeared in the corridor, and the door opening of the guest room on the second floor could still be heard. When the sound disappeared, Wang Ai turned off the computer and went to bed. The 1 million euro was gone, and Wang Ai didn't feel anything. In other words, I donated 5 million yuan after knowing a half-old man for a long time. And Wang Ai is sure that what Xu Qinglian said about 10% undilution is a ridicule, and that the company she wants to establish must ultimately be in his name.

This is how people attract and influence each other. Since Wang Ai said that "money is a tool for the poor to survive, and a tool for us to do things", there have been Huang Xin's refusal to share shares, Shi Wenjun's secret donation, Leo Ni's no compensation, Xu Qinglian's The pocket spend is halved, and of course Wang Ai's generous donations that don't even have a reputation.

Those who can stay with Wang Ai all the time must be similar and attracted to each other. When Wang Ai trains and participates in domestic competitions and participates in commercial activities, there are always all kinds of beautiful girls appearing beside him, some of them have a background, but in the end they are also intentional and ruthless.

Going around, there are still so few people. If Wang Ai is required by the standards of a saint, then he is a scum; but if he is required by the standards of a professional player, then he is a saint.

Wang Ai felt that it was dawn, and then he left these things behind. The night is the key derby game. I will talk about it after all the derby games, including billing and consulting Consul General Zhang, or greet the superiors through Consul General Zhang.

For a promising industry, it is not too much to require the state's acquiescence in the initial stage, as long as the scale is established and legalized to keep up with it to ensure the national interest. In other words, the state has fewer policies for Taobao? Wang Ai is nothing at all. As long as the illusion of "I am a genius" does not arise after the scale is up, it will definitely not be drawn.

That's fine.

It was Sunday, but Wang Ai still didn't go to the base in the morning, so he didn't give the club the illusion that "you can come by squeezing in the morning", and he didn't go to read at home. Only in the afternoon did he go to the base to practice with his teammates. As long as he can score a goal, he won't come all day. Jose also has to pinch his nose to recognize. Maybe Moratti can still be very happy.

Naughty children are smart.

There have been countless topics about this derby.

The two Milan’s centuries-old grievances will not be said, and Jose’s first foreign teacher will not be said, just talking about the players.

Inter Milan now has two Golden Balls, one old and one young. Although Figo is old, his fame is still there. Wang Ai is the winner last year. In the summer, he won the legendary pair of golden boots and the Beijing Olympic gold medal. The brave year of fighting.

Similarly, AC Milan is also a cluster of stars, with three world football players, namely Ronaldo, the aging Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, and Kaka who are showing signs of fatigue.

In addition, Shevchenko, who even lost his head coach but still did not understand in the Premier League, is back.

Wang Ai, Jose, and Sheva, the trio who had "fighted" at Stamford Bridge, have reunited.

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