Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 304: New Year, New Journey (4)

"Can't it?" Ai Xiaoqing said in shock.

"No." Wang Bin nodded: "But the danger is still there. Our country's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, but it has also accumulated many contradictions. For example, the complaints of laid-off workers in Northeast China have continued to this day, and in the future, more than a dozen Years and decades can’t be changed. It’s too tragic. This is only on the left, but on the right? It’s even more fierce, and the roots have not been swept away. A bunch of traitors put poison every day. You said that we learned *** and *** when I was young , *** Ah, tell them to bury it all over, we were angry when we heard it. Then? There are some more..."

Speaking of this, Wang Bin made a gesture to himself: "People like us are very ambitious and want to play with the American gameplay. This, this..."

Wang Bin shook his head repeatedly, and Ai Xiaoqing thought: "The left side is not full, the right side is not full. It is embarrassing enough to jump to the left and right, and to the right and left. But the most feared thing is the confluence of the two sides, right? Followed the one on the right, or sent two spies from the right to the left, and started making trouble with the left..."

The couple looked at each other and realized the danger.

Students are the vanguard and workers are the main force! In the 1980s, it was workers who did not participate, otherwise it would be a disaster!

After a long silence, Wang Bin continued: "As for the public opinion, we are good at keeping the broader market, but some local media have been infiltrated and bought, such as the southern department, and some market-oriented evening papers. . And beyond the border, it’s all aimed at us. People are strong, we are weak, and we have to endure. Then we can only launch a global system and a southern system. This is the situation as a whole, on the left and the right. Not small, a bit small in the middle."

Ai Xiaoqing thought: "Some people inside of us have wrong brains or standpoints. The problems inside and outside here are combined, so these years of mass incidents have always happened, and it's a little bit of a fall."

Wang Bin then analyzed: "We have to talk, but this is hard to say, just like the college entrance examination thing he was muttering today. The cadres in our system should stand up and say, I am afraid that various attacks will discredit or something. When it's over, the people above are unwilling to participate in this kind of debate within the system. But if you don't say anything, the common people may not think it, especially some young people, it is easy to follow the bad wind. This is big on the left and big on the right, and one is missing The loud voice in the middle!"

Wang Bin looked at Ai Xiaoqing: "Especially those that can be aimed at young people, who can be liked, trusted and even admired by young people."

"My son?"

Wang Bin nodded: "Our son has several advantages. One is that he has a very stable position and follows the constitution. After so many years, his superiors have been relieved. The other is that there is something in his stomach. You said he has some things, we know. , But we don’t know that young people don’t know. Some? We haven’t figured it out. Another is that his influence is particularly great. Is football the number one sport? The number of Chinese fans seems to be more than 80 million, which is about the same as party members. There are more sides."

Ai Xiaoqing happily took a blueberry and handed it to Wang Bin. Wang Bin took a sip and said: "Before we were not such a person, influential, not high in thought. Right in high in thought, not influential. Again. Those who are highly thoughtful and influential, often can’t speak, and don’t like to listen. The ones on the left and the right can say anything extreme, just like the opposition in Europe and America, with loud voices in the middle. You can’t tell the wrong things, right? Then you have to use your knowledge to break apart some problems and smash them to talk about them. You have to be reasonable and convince everyone on the left and right. You see, this again involves the amount of knowledge reserves ."

"I remember my son's dream when he was young was to eat well, play football, and hug female classmates by the way." Ai Xiaoqing smiled with memories: "Why did you say he did it like this?"

"Probably it was after he first saw something unpleasant and couldn't help but fire the cannon." Wang Bin thought about it: "He has been interviewed by CCTV for almost a year since 2002, and it is broadcast to the whole country. Gun. The usual small interviews are mainly focused on his football, which is considered to maintain his influence, but the key is to have a shot this year! I remember, the leader never criticized him, do you remember?"

Ai Xiaoqing frowned and shook his head for a long time: "There is some rumors, the Football Association has once again asked him to shut up temporarily, but it is definitely not at the higher level. By the way, I asked someone to ask specifically, the leader will either not express his opinion. , Or say something about young people."

"That's right, that's it." Wang Bin slapped his thigh: "The leader sees that he is in the right position, in the right direction, and in the content. So, oh, there is no encouragement, of course, there is no criticism, just leave him. There is such a seam. Look at the CCTV broadcasts. The superiors don’t acquiesce. How can CCTV have the courage to let him out? Then? He just walked along this seam. He hasn’t walked crooked all these years. Isn’t it going smoother? He’s speaking out for those who can’t speak well. Look, tomorrow’s "China Education News" will publish a press review. He will use his style to take the college entrance examination and test-oriented education. What the accumulating grievances inside are so clear!"

"So, this is also a kind of training?" Ai Xiaoqing said: "Just to show you how to go, if you walk right, you will go on, you walk crooked, I just close the door, that's what it means. Right? Let’s talk about the expansion of our domestic universities. There are more and more educated young people. In the future, there will be some very influential scholars who mainly explain shallow-level problems. They may also be very popular. "

"Doesn't Professor Zhang Zhaozhong have this meaning?" Wang Bin added: "But our son's influence is much greater than that of him. He also understands the young people's ideas better and speaks more appealingly. He is willing to take the initiative to replace him. Other departments are doing work, just like he is in foreign affairs and cultural affairs. This time it is propaganda."

Looking at her husband's happy look, Ai Xiaoqing became worried instead: "Then you say, will our son one day be ambitious, he doesn't know how much he wants, and he even has other ideas?"

"Haha!" Wang Bin snarled in the backyard: "Do you know why I suddenly gave him and Leo Ni a good face today? I suddenly figured it out. He was holding this handle in the superior's hand. And he knew it. It's clear. Once he dared to take a step out of the thunder pool, the superiors only need to turn over the matter... Hehe, what young thinker, young philosopher? What football star? National star? Moral corruption and unsound smell!"

Ai Xiaoqing widened her eyes in disbelief: "You mean..."

Wang Bin nodded and exhaled: "My fucking... we don't have so much heart when we join together?"

Add more tonight!

Thank you for the tips of the two guests, Obsessive Buwu and Golden Badge!

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