Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 305: New year, new journey (5)

"Will he upset the other units? After all, taking the initiative to do work for others may not necessarily make people like it."

Wang Bin shook his head: "He doesn't want to be here either. He knows that he will not be able to pursue an official career, so his goal should be to continue to promote the correct knowledge, fight against the wrong speech, and then win more and more supporters. He in turn uses support. Donate his money to education, and get more supporters, he just rolls around. But no matter how influential and well-known he is, he has this handle and it is guaranteed to be controlled!"

"In other words, does our son plan to become China's No. 1 star? And plans to do it for a long time?"

"He is here now, and I am afraid it will be for a long time." Wang Bin shook his head when he said, and stood up: "He probably didn't calculate to this point. No matter how high his popularity and appeal, he has no longer. Obviously worth it. After all, he donated 300 million yuan a year or 500 million yuan a year. The difference is not big, it is enough. Doing this, and doing it further, can only be explained by his spiritual pursuit. I think I'm afraid the superiors think so too."

Ai Xiaoqing sighed, "I tried to bury it and told him to make sense."

Wang Bin shook his head: "He shouldn't mean it. He is not so hot and unnecessary. The big deal is to send all of these to Hong Kong. He has both advantages and disadvantages. He needs everything. Just walk. It’s like this now. Okay, let’s leave him alone, in another year or a half, we should all have grandchildren. Let’s think about the next generation. That’s it for him. It’s true that the next generation will Educate you. Oh, yes, what he said yesterday told us to buy a piece of land to build a resort on Hainan Island. What do you think?"

Ai Xiaoqing complained: "He just wants to use it himself!"

Wang Bin said nonchalantly: "How many times can he use it? In the end, it is still used by our workers? The girls bought an island in the Maldives. Isn't that also the case? And Leoni wants to buy a business jet. , It's also considered a piece of filial piety, so by the way, I can make some good for myself."

Ai Xiaoqing nodded: "Perhaps, Northern Light Industry will be involved in the resort business. It will have the most employees and will definitely use it the most. It is okay to have more than one part, half of the family. Anyway, I will send monthly. People go, it's full, I won't let him succeed!"

Wang Bin laughed: "You mother is still so careful, okay, you have the final say."

Ai Xiaoqing also laughed: "By the way, how about the expansion of North Textile?"

"The factory building is almost complete, and everything goes smoothly. The industry we chose is not profitable, and the investment is large, so we are willing to make this hard money. Who really has a way to do this? Isn't it good to do real estate? Is the Internet listing bad? So what's missing is not policy, but investment."

Ai Xiaoqing nodded: "That's OK, I'll go over and take a look another day, and I will stop by Leo Ni to take a look."

"What are you going to do? Let the young man let go."

"She should not be able to pick up fools smoothly. Those fools are not like Transcendence. They are all handles. In recent years, because of the corporate culture, they have become more and more noble, so they can pull them when they are young. Water mill Kungfu. I’m afraid I’m going to be late, and telling the impatient little lion to bite, hurt the foundation of the fool."

Wang Bin thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, the idiots have to do this gang of idiots, replaced by smart people, but it really breaks. By the way, how's your recovery from the hour?"

"Wait a minute." Ai Xiaoqing sighed: "She is helping Qinglian that light of Milan. She has enough experience and enough courage and vision, but this spirit is not strong enough, and it will let her go for a few years. Well, no delay. It just so happens that the Milan Light has many luxury items, which is good for her."

Wang Bin thought for a while and stopped talking. After looking at Ai Xiaoqing, both of them were speechless. What they were most concerned about was the relationship between Shi Wenjun and his son, who was entangled with his son. They didn't listen to what they said, and never listened to them since they were young. And it's not only that he doesn't listen, but the girl doesn't listen.

All of them are full of heads and corners!

The couple said here that Wang Ai in the backyard is still practicing. These days, time and space are reversed. It is easy to catch up with his physical fitness. For fear of the ball feels down, he touches the ball in the backyard. Anyway, he can close his eyes. When I was almost done, I went to the gym and turned around, but Leo Ni, who had just taken a shower, was pulled out.

"Don't practice, your amount of exercise just now is about the same."

Wang Ai heard it, but yes, let's run again tomorrow morning. So Leo Ni pulled back to the bedroom, said to take a shower, and when she came out refreshed, she found Leo Ni was looking at the file at the computer. Wang Ai glanced in the past. It was the production expansion of Stupid Milk. From the following email to Leo Ni, he found that the signature was the person in charge of the milk department.

Seeing that Leo Ni could not finish processing for a while, Wang Ai was quite attentive, so he moved a chair and sat beside Leo Ni to help watching, only then discovered the "mysterious" in it. Leo Ni urged her to quickly implement the new plant and milk source, but the people below disliked her too quickly and repeatedly reminded her that expanding too quickly could easily cause quality and safety issues. Then the two sides became angry, Leo Ni was not very polite, and the people below were not used to her...

Leo Ni suddenly patted the keyboard, frightening Wang Ai.

Looking at Leo Niu angrily at the computer screen, Wang Ai put his arms around her shoulders, and thought to himself: It’s a bit ill-considered to let her take over the stupid one, so she should go to the manufacturing industry for a while and get used to work in different industries. Rhythm. But now, it would be inappropriate for her to retreat, and it hurt her confidence and authority. You have to find a chance to have a good chat with her.

I am angry right now, so forget it. So Wang Ai grabbed Leo Ni to stand up while she was about to drink water: "Well, don't be angry with those idiots, I will scold them another day, come, eat."

Leo Ni drank the water, her green eyes aimed at Wang Ai's lewd smile, she put down the cup and said coldly: "Look for your girlfriend! I'm your executive. I don't have this job."

Wang Ai was taken aback, oh, where is it?

Wanting to understand, Wang Ai stepped forward and put his arms around Leonie's waist, with his forehead to forehead and eyes to eyes: "Student Leoni, didn't Professor Schwartz let you take care of me?"

"Professor Schwartz?" Leoni's gaze was bewildered for two seconds, and then she became clear, and a trace of good memories flowed between the two.

"There are some things, only you and me." Wang Ai held Leo Ni's face.

Leo Ni suddenly broke free and pushed Wang Ai to sit on the side of the bed, squatting down while complaining: "The professor didn't let me take care of you like this."

"Um...hehe, come on!" Sitting Wang Ai grabbed Leo Ni's hands and pulled slightly.

There will be more in a while

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