Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 361: Little sentiment (1)

Milan Light has established a marketing department headed by Kangsi, which is responsible for market development. Conse also invited a few students from the University of A Coruña, who was also Wang Ai's. The same young and beautiful lady also has a certain aristocratic background.

So this time when Wang Ai returned to China, Kang Si finally caught up with the team.

Lin Jiao had recommended several Chinese students from the University of Milan, but Wang Ai thought about it and decided to forget it. He has too many secrets. It is too dangerous to hire an outsider to eat and live with him.

Xu Qinglian and a few others made a booze and asked him to recruit a handsome male assistant back, but Wang Ai sternly refused: Where can I cut my leek field with a sickle? Similarly, he did not dare to ask for female assistants, and the result was that neither men nor women would work, unless it was a dog.

But looking at the lady's stupid look, dogs can't do it either.

It's Conse.

After half a year of training, Wang Ai suddenly realized that on the plane back home, Kang Si was no longer the innocent and silly little girl in the past, and she was organized and timid. It usually took her two hours to get things done, but now it's only 15 minutes.

"Have you figured out where to go next?" In the business class, Wang Ai asked without twisting looking at the game video.

"I haven't figured it out yet." Kang Si said in a brief, fluffy braid.

Wang Ai touched the keyboard of the computer, turned his head and said, "Can you really not shawl your hair? This always looks like a child."

Conscious stroked her own hair and said distressedly: "There is no way, the hair is like this, once you loosen it, it will be covered with hairs, it looks like...Don't laugh!"

"Can you straighten it?"

"No." Kang Si shook her head, stubbornly like her curly hair: "I admire nature!"

Wang Ai grabbed her sleeve, put her hand in front of her nose and smelled it: "Then you shouldn't take a bath."

"Oh!" Kang Si withdrew her hand: "Dogs take a bath!"

After finishing talking, Kang Si asked anxiously: "You said, my hair style is really not suitable or not suitable for tigers?"

Wang Ai has a happy laugh: "It's people who shape positions, not positions that shape people."

Kang Si screamed, and suddenly she lay down on the chair: "I didn't have anything to do all of a sudden, I suddenly felt so tired."

Wang Ai looked at Kang Si affectionately: "Or, I'll give you a vacation? Paid."

Kang Si's body bounced like a fish, then fell down again, and said blankly, "I have nowhere to go on holiday."

"Will you see Seville? Go to Madrid to visit your relatives? How about you go to England to visit your relatives? By the way, I remember the queen's old man is your relative, right?"

Constance's hands were clenched, and the two index fingers were subconsciously facing each other. After thinking about it, she shook her head: "No, I have to fall into Francisco's hands when I go back to Seville. I have to be nagged by him. Madrid. There is nothing important over there and I can't always go. Queen Sophia herself has a lot of troubles. As for Britain, forget it. They don't recognize me, even if they admit it psychologically, they can't recognize it."

"Family affection is really weak." Wang Ai sighed with emotion.

"It's not just this." Kang Si shook her head and said seriously: "After World War II, the aristocratic power is no longer good. Britain used to be so big, but now it's a small one. Even members of the royal family have to go to work, not to mention it. Our family is like this. If you recognize me, you have to give me money."

"Yes." Wang Ai was even more emotional.

"Also say me, don't those relatives in your family do the same?" Kang Si's sudden counterattack made Wang Ai at a loss: "I've heard about it, what the tiger said, those relatives in your family, hum!"

When Wang Ai heard this, he said discouragedly: "What can I do? It is always breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, just for the sake of fame, it can't be done completely.

"How much money does the family give them a year?" Kang Si asked in a low voice, leaning closer.

"A family of four to five million yuan, for the elderly."

Kang Si had the final say, and said in surprise: "In China, this is a lot? Isn't it enough for eating, drinking, Lazard, hospitalization, and traveling?"

Wang Ai shrugged: "This is just a part. The tuition fees for children of immediate family members go to school or something. If you bring the children to your door, you can still say that they are kicked out? The children have no grudges."

"Isn't that endless? Aren't they afraid that they will have more and more?"

"That's why I gave it to the old man." Wang Ai laughed: "If the old man is gone one day, the money will stop. So they have to become good to the old man. The old man only has this money every year. Their minds stop on what makes the elderly "sick" and "traveling" these things, and I don't have to worry about it here."

Kang Si thought for a while, and sighed like a little adult: "It's so complicated. Thinking about it this way, I think I'm pretty happy."

Wang Ai touched Kang Si's head. Kang Si enjoyed two seconds and pushed away Wang Ai's hand in shame: "I am a manager, not a kid anymore."

"Good, good." Wang Ai released his hand as if teasing a child: "Come on, eat candy."

Kang Si ate a piece of alpine vigorously, his mouth bulging like a squirrel: "I tell you, don't underestimate me, I talk about 80% of the company's customers!"


Kang Si ate, reacted, stretched her neck and swallowed the candy, lowered her head and bit into Wang Ai's hand.

"It hurts, turn around and ask you to eat something delicious."


"When I go home, I will invite the chef from the state banquet last time to make a table for you!"

"……woo woo woo woo!"

"...I didn't wash my hands!"

"Wow, bah!"

Passengers in business class, especially flight attendants walking back and forth, are paying attention to the movement of Wang Ai. It has been circulated in the aviation circle that this world-famous star has a reputation for good temper. Even if he is not feeling well, he will not refuse the flight attendant's request, nor will he be angry at some excessive actions, such as putting up two "ears" for him when taking a group photo.

A well-informed flight attendant has never seen such a harmonious relationship with an assistant. It is said that it is not like a couple, but it is like a brother with a little sister; I have never seen a star with a bodyguard in the first class, the fare It's 3 or 4 times worse.

"You're so kind." This is a shy and timid compliment after the flight attendant took a photo with Wang Ai after the plane landed at Bahrain Airport.

"Fell in love with me?" Wang Ai asked with a "surprise" smile.

Several flight attendants laughed, and the one who spoke eagerly defended: "No, I have a boyfriend, I am, I mean you are really good."

Wang Ai leaned his chest and said, "Thank you, my pleasure!"

Then, Wang Ai smirked and stretched out his hand and took out a handful of Alps from his pocket: "I'll treat you to sweets, be good."

The flight attendant, who was several years older than Wang Ai, subconsciously reached out and took the candy, suddenly found the feeling of a child, and suddenly understood Kang Si's feeling.

Men are always boys and women, so why not?

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