Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 362: Little Sentiment (2)

"Why do other stars have a bad temper, you are always good?" Liu Liang asked curiously when he walked out of the airport.

"Some are swollen, some are too busy, and I can't take care of it." Wang Ai shook his head: "Sometimes they work very fast and they are tired. People, they are easy to get angry when they are under too much pressure."

"And you are tired?" Liu Liang couldn't help but complain.

"I'm all used to it, let's talk about their rhythm of life. When they are busy, they are busy, such as hitting the charts for new songs, and new movies are released. It is one after another. What about the idle time? This rhythm is not good. Either they have been busy, or they have been idle, people must have a bad temper." Wang Ai explained: "Moreover, I am not a good temper, but I rarely meet with ordinary people."

"What's the reason?" Liu Liang walked outside the airport and got into the rented car.

"Freshness. I have little contact with the people, so I have a sense of freshness." Wang Ai also got on the car, and curiously touched this luxurious extension Lincoln, and continued: "In my current situation, you guys Don’t dare to let me out casually, don’t you? Count and count, except for the Italian peasants in the town, it’s the flight attendants, and that’s all the people I can contact.

Wang Ai came back one day earlier than the national team this time, so there was no car from the Football Association to pick him up. Yan Zhu was left by Wang Ai and Zhang Guang continued to defend the Light of Milan, and by the way warmed up the shift plan of Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan.

The wedding date of Yan Zhu and Li Jue has been set, and it will be held in Beijing on July 6. Both of them are from Beijing. According to their discipline, it is best not to invite public figures like Wang Ai, the lower the key, the better. But Wang Ai said, if you dare not invite me, I will let Li Jue laid off!

That's why I chose this date. At that time, Wang Ai had already returned from South Africa.

According to the plan, the two will continue to live in Europe after the marriage, and Yan Zhu will serve as the security general manager, head coach, and Wang Ai's personal security team leader in the overseas branch of the family business. And Li Jue continues to be Huang Xin’s assistant because she is not too young, she will have to have children within one or two years, and she will have to stay in place during the three or two years. It’s best to stay in Europe, and you can gradually take over Huang Xin’s Work gives Huang Xin more energy to command all the branches of the family business in Europe.

And Zhao Dan continues to serve as Wang Ai's personal security manager, security team leader, and family member security manager.

The matter of returning home and staying in Italy has not been cleaned up yet, one of which is the investigation of private investigators. Yan Zhu stayed here to connect with this incident. It is said that the investigation is about to end and the evidence will be solid. Next is the matter of the Milan Police Department. I believe that regardless of the Milan police, Wang Ai will be a satisfied first officer.

The chatting in the car continued, Liu Liang asked enthusiastically: "You have less contact with ordinary people, so you feel fresh, so you have a good attitude? Isn't your quality high? Hey, you are different from other stars. ."

Wang Ai shook his head: "I am a scholar, and academic morality can't tell lies. What's more, what do I pretend to be with you? You even know what color underwear I wear."

In the low laugh in the car, Zhao Dan, who was driving, gave a thumbs up to the rearview mirror with a free hand.

After arriving at the hotel, Wang Ai and his party put down their luggage. As the journey was relatively short, Wang Ai slept on the plane for a while, so he was in good spirits. So the group of people went on a stroll outside in the car, and got an intuitive impression of the island nation.

Of course, I dare not get out of the car. It is not a public security issue, but Wang Ai's star effect, which is the same throughout Asia, if he does not want to fall into the "ocean of people's war".

After a rest night, the national team came, and Chen Tao took the initiative to apply for a room with Wang Ai to chat.

Belleron is 34 years old and can't play for a few years. Now he is increasingly handing over control of the midfield to Chen Tao. Chen Tao also lived up to expectations. In the just-concluded La Liga 0809 season, he played 31 times, scored 11 goals, scored 12 assists, and won the club's best player.

Although Wang Ai’s achievements are still much worse than the original Wang Ai’s achievements, he is still the leading star in Galicia. He has also received many commercial endorsements, and has also met many big people, and firmly guards the status of "Wang Ai Trumpet". Unwavering.

After playing in La Liga for three years, he has been offered an olive branch by other teams and even teams from other countries’ leagues several times. However, due to various reasons, such as the main position, salary, etc., Chen Tao still stayed in Deportivo. This place has the strongest emotion for him.

Of course, there are also the loyalty of friends who "help Wang Ai look after the house", and the ideal life pursuits influenced by Belleron, and so on.

In short, 25-year-old Chen Tao is now facing the same problem as Wang Ai: what to do next.

"Federation Cup, boss, what do you think?" Chen Tao, who put down his luggage and hurriedly washed his face back to the hotel balcony, asked directly.

Wang Ai bowed his head and beckoned: "Come and see."

Chen Tao leaned closer and bent over to take a look. He was immediately happy, the Spanish national team's warm-up match video!

Aiming at Spain, what about the goal? The 2008 European Cup champion is Spain!

The two were watching. As soon as the door opened, Zhao Dan walked in with a pile of materials, and saw that the two were pointing at the game video and hesitated.

Wang Ai turned his head: "What's wrong with Brother Zhao?"

"The security information that the family is going to transfer, can you read it now?" Zhao Dan raised his hand.

"Well, look." Wang Ai nodded and took the information. Chen Tao consciously stood up and packed the luggage that was just put down.

Since Wang Ai didn't intend to carry Chen Tao on his back, Zhao Dan didn't say much. Chen Tao got up and turned around and packed his luggage.

"Name, photo, gender, resume, comment, pretty formal?"

"That is." Wang Ai said without looking up: "Is it okay to be irregular?"

Chen Tao thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, you are too rich, so you don't have to be so troublesome to me. Usually, you can leave alone with your bags."

Wang Ai looked up and sneered: "I was blocking you, without me, you try? Your current achievements are about the same as Yao Ming. You are also a series of champions, the main force of the national team, the main force of the top league, and you have also been selected to the top. The best team in the league, even the Beijing Olympic champion. But I am here, the whole society is staring at me, who can think of you?"

Chen Tao made a scalp, hehehe, he suddenly found out that the New World exclaimed: "Why do you still have political comments on this? This, this is called a political trial, right? You use this when you are a police officer?"

Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "If you don't talk too much, you know, don't you? This is not a political censorship, but because I am a communist, it is a bit like it."

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