Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 379: The Oath Master goes out (9)

In Air China's business class, with the gentle voice of the flight attendant leader, everyone unfastened their seat belts. Some people took out their laptops to play games, some turned out books to read novels, and some got together to chat. Although the competition is heady and the goal is ambitious, it can't be overwhelming.

It is a normal attitude to eat and drink. What's more, the leaders had said before.

Wang Ai sat in the front row with his hands on the small table, flipping through the "Introduction to Military Thought." For him, it is both work and rest.

"That one……"

Someone next to him was talking. Wang Ai looked up and saw Zhao Xuri. He bowed his hand at Kang Si who was beside Wang Ai: "Kang interpreter, can you let me sit for a while, I'll talk to the boss."

Kang Si smiled, picked up her coffee cup and small satchel to stand up, and ran to chat with the flight attendant. As the only woman in the delegation, she received a lot of preferential treatment.

"What's the matter?" Wang Ai looked down again and read the book.

"It's okay." Zhao Xuri sat down comfortably, glanced sideways at the book in Wang Ai's hand, and immediately hid subconsciously, which was completely different from what he had imagined. He thought it was a very interesting book, military, the result? It's a textbook!

Listening to Zhao Xuri opening, closing, opening, and closing the curtains bored in his ear, Wang Ai reluctantly put down the book: "What's wrong with you? I have something to say!"

Zhao Xuri looked at no one on the left and right, approached Wang Ai's head and whispered, "Wang Xin, do you know?"

"Who?" Wang Ai frowned: "What's the matter?"

"Hey." Zhao Xuri glanced around again, and whispered: "You always know the Liaoning Guangyuan team? You Liaoqing! Participated in the Singapore League two years ago?"

Wang Ai let out a sigh of relief and nodded: "I know."

"You planned it?"

"No." Wang Ai shook his head: "At that time, there were a lot of people in Liaoqing, and they couldn't play games, and they couldn't sell them at a high price. I just wanted to go to Singapore to participate in the league. So I followed, oh, Leo Ni applied. By the way, Lao Bai knew about this, and Lao Bai Bounced against it, but Leo Ni thought he could try it. I didn't object to reporting to me at the time. But he later, fuck!"

Speaking of this, Wang Ai disliked Zhao Xuri's head being too close, and pushed him: "I can see this. The Chinese society is okay. I'm afraid of jumping back and forth. Favors will cause a lot of bad things. .Why, what did you hear?"

"Do you know the latest news?" Zhao Xuri continued to speak mysteriously.

"What's the latest news?" Wang Ai asked strangely: "It was discovered that people should be gambling in Singapore back then. Those who should go to jail, those who should go back to China, and even the club have been disbanded, what else can happen?"

Zhao Xuri smiled triumphantly: "You don't know this, right? The club was disbanded, and the players were caught and returned, but the manager Wang Xin paid the bail and ran away."

Wang Ai looked at Zhao Xuri suspiciously, and Zhao Xuri explained: "Wang Xin is from Dalian, and we used to play football. We Dalian people play a lot, so...I heard that he was a few months ago. He was arrested and has not been released until now. Also, his business is much older!"

"By the way, there is also Interpol."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xuri turned his head and looked around again, and found that everyone was playing different things, no one paid attention to the whispers they were talking about, so he took out his laptop from his carrying bag, skillfully connected to the Internet, and opened a collection. Interface: "Look, red wanted order, do you see this person's name?"

Wang Ai took a look, sure enough! The inscription is the Singapore Central Bureau of Interpol!

"Boss, I know you are clean, everyone knows you are clean, and everyone who doesn't know also knows. But..."

"Know what you don't know?"

"Hey, you are so rich and donated so much, you can't make it at all? I have heard of Liaozu's style, very hard. Manager Lei is very crazy, so I don't worry about you or her. But after all, Wang Xin went out under the name of Liaozu. There hasn't been any movement for several months. Instead, I think this thing is earth-shaking if it is not done properly. You should be careful not to get involved."


"Oh!" Wang Ai recalled from the trance, and looked at Zhao Xuri: "What's the date today?"

"On the 11th, June."

"June 11, 2009." Wang Ai frowned and murmured. After thinking for a long time, he turned his head and said to Zhao Xuri: "Old Zhao, thank you for your reminder, are you okay?"

"What can I do? I was a young player in China, and I went abroad 4 years ago. I can't find anything about the domestic league. It's mainly the boss, you, the family and the big business. "

Wang Ai sighed, and put his arms around Zhao Xuri's shoulders: "Good brother, thank you. Are we guys all right? What do you think?"

Zhao Xuri smiled and shook his head: "No, what do you think, who are we? We have been champions, champions, and champions since childhood. Who is the one who has the money? Just the money is not the boss? I think, this kind of It’s either the old players, there’s no room for improvement, or the marginal players, which is a good deal. But it’s mainly the management. They are in the bank, and the players can get a lot of money. "

Seeing Wang Ai nodded, Zhao Xuri continued: "Our group of people have high vision and high income. It is definitely not possible to buy it unless you play it. If you can play it, who has you? Back then, for Chen Tao, hehe! Anyway, I listened. Having said that, many people are very afraid of you, so they dare not do anything to us. Besides, they all know that sooner or later they can go abroad with you, who will talk to them?"

Wang Aichang exclaimed: "That's good, as long as the national team is not affected. By the way, did you tell anyone about this matter?"

Zhao Xuri rolled his eyes: "You think I’m stupid? But we came out of Dalian, oh, Lao Zhou must have heard of it. But maybe I don’t know so much, you know his guy, three sticks can’t make one. Flattery, the news is not as good as I am, and maybe I didn’t think so much. Anyway, we all know that we are okay, boss, you are okay, what other people’s love is.

"Well, that's good." When it came to this, Wang Ai looked at Zhao Xuri's eyes: "Don't tell anyone about this from now on, you won't know if you ask, especially your reporter friends."

"What's wrong?" Zhao Xuri whispered curiously: "Boss, what have you heard?"

Wang Ai shook his head, shut up again when he wanted to say something. Seeing that Zhao Xuri was anxious, he had to say: "Aren't you going abroad for more than four years? You don't know whoever asks you, unless it's... the police!"

"Police?" Zhao Xuri's eyes widened.

Wang Ai sighed, picked up the book again, and said in a volume that can only be heard by the two of them: "Something has happened, but they should have something wrong."

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