Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 380: The Oath Master goes out (10)

After talking about this, Zhao Xuri left Kang Si's seat to find someone to play poker, and Wang Ai also read the book again. He just felt a little suddenly at the news, but not unprepared.

The rebellious Liaozu is a good baby in Wang Ai's hands, because this group of three, old and four young are the first individuals to know what "money ability" is. The Liaozu, which was worth up to 10 million yuan that year, was bought by Wang Ai at a premium of 50 times, which is equivalent to a one-time investment of 490 million yuan on the Liaozu.

For this money, all the teams in the Super League, China A, and China B could be packaged and bought back home to start a "Wang Ai Super League" by themselves, and they would be relegated!

In this way, Wang Ai expressed an obvious determination: I love Liaozu, and I am willing to spend a lot of money for it!

Then the opposite of this determination is: Who would dare to hurt my beloved, let me **** him at a premium of 50 times!

As far as this is concerned, the upper and lower Liaozu never said a "no" to Wang Ai. For example, when the Chinese Super League was about to rebel, Wang Ai said, "Don't move." The Liao football team died down. For another example, Wang Ai said that no one was allowed to play cards, and no one played cards; Wang Ai dismissed their low education, and some people reported for self-examination secretly; Wang Ai said that he was not allowed to bribe the referee, and Liaozu’s "head iron" name became famous throughout the country.

In the final analysis, no one in the entire football circle is richer, more famous, more accomplished, more relevant, more eloquent than him, and beyond sports is not a shareholding system!

Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing, the only ones who can hold Wang Ai, have always positioned Liaozu as "the son's big toy"!

Don't say he doesn't fool around, he will fool around, and these "son's playmates" have to pinch their noses to accompany him! To make this uncle happy, the gold ticket dropped greatly. Didn't you look at Bai Guanghai, Luo Tongliang, Zhang Yonghai, Zhao Xuri, Chen Tao and the group of stunned boys now mixed up? Don't you just have a good relationship with him?

Therefore, Wang Ai is still brewing over the Liaoning football team, but it must have been secretly advanced, and finally sensationalized the country and the world in the storm of sweeping football with confidence, the only worry is whether it will be contaminated with the national team. After all, not all his teammates came from Liaozu. He didn't know what the situation of other teams was, whether other teammates participated.

Fortunately, Zhao Xuri's remarks relieved him, too, a bright future is waiting, and who is doing such a low-end thing?

It's just...After Zhao Xuri left, although Wang Ai was still reading, his heart couldn't calm down.

The storm in my memory was mainly due to the poor results of the Beijing Olympic men's football team in the previous year. The superiors had been intolerant of the chaos in the league, so they just stepped in to solve it. And in this time and space, the men's football team won the Olympics. It seems that the superiors have no reason to do it?


Wang Ai suddenly looked up!

After two different lives, Wang Ai finally understood what was about to happen.

Wang Xin was wanted by the Singapore International Criminal Police, which was the fuse of this incident. After he entered, in order to reduce his sentence, he definitely had to shake his arms. This is how the police handle the case, and of course they will follow the vine if they have a clue. Three years ago, the Football Association scanned it internally, but it did not touch the fundamentals. The effect was average. Who could not see the bright "fake B" in the stands?

A good national team's performance does not mean that the league is fine. On the contrary, the problem is very big. For example, in the current national team, there are almost no Chinese Super League players, even though they are still in the Super League. The most problematic old players are overseas players, and more importantly, the leader of this national team, that is, Wang Ai himself, has never played in the Super League in one day.

The national team and the league have been "divided". This national team is equivalent to being cultivated in the domestic youth training and then sent to the five major leagues for further study. It has basically passed the stage of the Super League, even if it is only a few years. This has been the case since the earliest Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang. Coupled with the fact that in the past national team matches, the performance gap between overseas players and the Chinese Super League players was very different, this may have helped the superiors to make up their minds to clean up the league.

Anyway, it will not affect the performance of the national team, and the people have been complaining for a long time, and the cleanup will be good for the national team.

If Wang Ai remembers correctly, this time it is basically aimed at gambling and manipulating games after 2006, which shows that the superiors still acquiesced in cleaning up the 2006 Football Association. On the whole, it was a special period in the past, the environment was not good, and everyone did it. It's hard to ask for full blame, but I will give you a chance. From then on, if you admit your mistakes, you can put down the ones that are not too serious, and you will not be allowed in the future!

If so inferred, this time is a preview of a larger scale in the future.

Kang Ting is wearing headphones and peeking at the men around him from time to time. Men who concentrate on thinking are the most attractive.

After a long while, Wang Ai finished thinking, took out his mobile phone and memorized a few words and then picked up the book again.

It is winter in South Africa, and the teammates instinctively feel a little cool after getting off the plane. The first game was arranged in Johannesburg, against the host South Africa team. Since there are Spain and New Zealand in Group A, the hosts may feel that the Chinese team is "good bully".

After all, the results of Asian teams in international competitions are the same. South Africa's results are even worse, so there is nothing to pick, even though the South African coach Santana said before the game: victory in the first game is expected to qualify.

Everyone will listen to it for fun, and the weak team can only hope for various probabilities, as did the Chinese team in the past.

As for the other group, Brazil, Italy, the United States, and Egypt, Egypt is also looking to be bullied. Unfortunately, Egypt is the champion of Africa and South Africa can't beat it.

We greeted the Chinese and overseas Chinese who picked up the plane. After signing a few names, the whole team boarded the bus, accompanied by the staff of the consulate general, and went to the hotel to rest.

While walking, Wang Ai and others looked at the scenery of Johannesburg curiously. There were many high-rise buildings, but most of them were two or three-story buildings. The people on the street look very good. Looking into the distance, the land is flat and white clouds are drooping. It feels like a foreign country, the corners of the world.

The staff of the consulate in the car introduced the precautions to everyone with a loudspeaker. Generally speaking, it is only a point to remind everyone not to go out to prostitute and beware of AIDS! In addition, do not go out shopping without organization, let alone go out to the streets casually, because the law and order is not good.

The team members nodded frequently. The leaders had warned before they came. Every year there are dozens of shootings against Chinese and overseas Chinese. Everyone who is delicate and expensive will go out and get robbed. As for prostitution, everyone's taste is not that heavy!

When getting out of the car, Wang Ai in the front row stood up and turned around, borrowed a loud speaker from others, and said to the teammates in the car: "I'll say something."

Everyone was stunned. Those with luggage, earphones, and computers were all looking at Wang Ai.

"The great times are surging, and we should be ourselves." Wang Ai said a short message, got out of the car and left.

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