Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 465: ?Advancing through artillery fire (5)

To this question, Wang Ai did not give a clear answer. During the harassing calls, he only explicitly responded to the familiar interviews with Gazzetta dello Sport, Torino Sport, and Italian national television. Among them, the two paper media Wang Ai was still through his press officer Jamie. An impeccable press release was sent.

He didn't want to turn the competition for the highest prize in football into a **** family ethics drama.

In order to avoid the media and the sympathy of his teammates, Wang Aite intentionally asked Jose for a leave and did not go to the base for training. Anyway, the next game will be five days later. Jose also graciously be considerate and joked that he wanted Wang Ai has a good meal at home to treat herself.

Wang Ai did not watch TV, read the newspaper, or even turned on the computer at home. He subconsciously avoided the bombardment of various news and kept his inner peace. So he chose to read a book on the grass in his front yard for an afternoon. I also did a lot of exercises.

Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan accompanied him from left to right, and they were also reading books. At four o'clock in the afternoon, Shi Wenjun and others returned early and brought a lot of ingredients. It seemed that they were really planning to use delicious food to comfort Wang Ai's hurt feelings.

Now this house outside Milan has a subtle atmosphere. Originally Xu Qinglian was a well-deserved hostess, Shi Wenjun belonged to the "guest dwelling" here, but now Xu Qinglian goes away, and Wang Ai does not care about housework, so people including Kang Si and Wang Ai’s security team are all Subconsciously "appointing" Shi Wenjun became a new generation of hostess.

I don't know if Shi Wenjun felt this, anyway, she didn't go upstairs to live in Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian's original bedroom, but in daily behavior, she still took over this authority bit by bit. For example, household expenditure audits, household purchasing decisions, etc., Xu Qinglian can only come to her when she is not there.

Therefore, it is rare for her to cook in person tonight and cook some exquisite Shanghai dishes for Wang Ai, just like her delicate face.

The amount of side dishes is not large, and the meat and vegetables are all available, which is in line with Wang Ai's appetite today.

When it was not light the next day, Wang Ai had already packed up and walked out the door accompanied by Liu Liang. Breathing the cool air and looking at the base where there are still a few cold lights under his feet, Wang Ai moved around, tossed the football in his hand, took a few heads and placed it in the hood behind him, and bowed his head towards The mountains ran away.

"Wang, I'm sorry, it should be you who won the prize." The newsstand boss comforted when Wang Ai came to pick up the newspaper.

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head: "Thank you for your comfort, I'm fine."

"That's right." When Wang Ai was about to leave with a stack of newspapers, the newsstand owner said mysteriously: "Look at the Gazzetta dello Sport published today."

Wang Ai smiled and looked back at him, then nodded.

The home is busy in the early morning, the steam on the kitchen steamer, the wiwi who is meowing to eat in the morning, the lady who is wagging her tail after seeing the owner returning, and the female guard who punches in the backyard and urges Wang Ai to hurry. Shi Wenjun went upstairs to take a shower and eat.

After the two boots landed, Wang Ai's mentality has been adjusted. Knowing that the newspaper today has a big trick, he chose not to read it for the time being. Instead, he joked with his family at the dinner table while eating steamed dumplings. The depression in his mood during this period of time kept the low pressure in the house, and it was time to slow down.

Everyone is working for him and serving him.

Everyone is trying their best to make him happy, so under his leadership, this breakfast is quite enjoyable. Even Liu Dingxiang, who has always faintly regarded himself as a deserter, has become more cheerful.

Oh, that's good!

After the meal, except for the guards on duty, all the group set off. It was only then that Wang Ai unfolded the Gazzetta dello Sport which he left until the end. After breakfast, he had already read various newspapers, and they were almost as expected, and similar to those of previous years. Questions about the Golden Globes are a repertoire of the media. After all, the gap between the candidates every year is not big. Everyone wins has a reason, and everyone loses has grievances.

However, this year's voice of doubt is particularly strong. Messi's talent is visible to people, and Wang Ai's performance is even more visible.

The car moved easily on the masonry road outside Milan. The gradually withered street trees on both sides pulled the sunlight into patches, but the sunlight persistently penetrated the glass and landed on the newspaper cover of the man in the back seat. It was a huge photo with a slightly dark tone. The man in the photo had his head down, his arms stretched out, his palms drooping, his jersey that should have been bright and wrinkled, and there were some grass scraps.

The title of the article is "Jesus"!

What was captured was the moment when Wang Ai scored the fourth goal in the last game, and suddenly heard the audience calling his name and forced his head to control his emotions, even though he lifted up in less than a second. Head, but this moment is a classic.

The content of this article is also very interesting. There is almost no narrative text. Instead, it lists a table, one on the left and one on the right, listing various data about Wang Ai and Messi in the 0809 season for readers to comment on themselves.

The strength of the Gazzetta dello Sport’s report made Wang Ai a little bit unbearable and hypocritical. Although he was a little aggrieved about losing the Golden Globes, he has not yet reached the point of being "misunderstood by the whole world", let alone being suppressed by the power. But no way, the capitalist media likes this kind of exaggeration, and the capitalist people like this tone.

"I'm fine, I'm okay." This sentence was repeated many times by Wang Ai in response to classmates and teachers who had come to comfort him when they knew him or not.

When get out of class was over at noon and ready to go home, Shi Wenjun called: "Jesus?"

"Don't make trouble."

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Wang Ai fell silent: "Sit down and watch Yunjuanyunshu."

"Alright." Shi Wenjun also fell silent: "When we are fully deployed in France next year, we have a certain network relationship..."

"No, no." Wang Ai hurriedly stopped: "You are you, and I am me. Now my career is important, but your career has unlimited hope. I will obey the laws of nature and will retire at that time, but your career will be established. In terms of the structural complementarity between China and Europe, don’t lose out because of small things."

Shi Wenjun chuckled twice and hung up the phone.

Iveco walked through the urban area of ​​Milan in a low-key manner, and slowly returned to the foot of the mountain beside the base of Appiano Town. He unexpectedly found dozens of people waiting at the intersection of Wang Ai's house. When they saw Wang Ai's car coming, they rushed Up, some still hold today's Gazzetta dello Sport.

Surprised Wang Ai sighed, commanded the car to stop, and got out of the car with a good mood.

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