Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 466: Advance in artillery fire (6)

"I'm quite afraid of fanatical supporters, although they are a very generous wallet." Wang Ai said with emotion on the third floor of his home, looking at the fans gradually dispersing at the foot of the mountain.

The reporter from the Xinhua News Agency in Europe who was invited to enter Wang Ai's house laughed: "Are they afraid of their extreme actions? Like the fan of Judy Foster who assassinated Reagan, it's really scary."

Wang Ai was taken aback when he heard the sound, then turned around and leaned on the window sill, looking at the reporter who was an old friend: "I didn't expect this level. The main reason is that I was afraid that their desires would be difficult to fill. One day I can't satisfy them..."

"Get revenge on you?"

"I can't talk about it." Wang Ai shook his head: "I still like relatively simple interpersonal relationships. This may be related to my Northeast Chinese? I don't like intrigue. Even though it is inevitable in my career, if I don't like it, I don't like it. I will, I’m good at it and I don’t like it either. So, I can’t bear to see the lost eyes of the fans, even if I will make the decision I should make, but if I can’t bear it, I can’t bear it."

The reporter who had conducted the first online interview with Wang Ai at Wang Ai's house in Cobham finished listening, thought for a moment, and smiled: "Your remarks contain a lot of meaning, do you mind if I read them in detail?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Mind."

The reporter smiled blankly, and didn't force it: "Then we will officially start now?"

"Okay." Wang Ai said, took a piece of bread and ate it in a hurry.

The reporter opened the digital video camera he was carrying, set it up and pointed it at Wang Ai who was sitting behind the desk.

"Are you surprised by the results of the Golden Globe Awards?" The reporter quietly pulled a chair and sat opposite Wang Ai.

"It's kind of." Wang Ai said to the camera: "I was the leader in all previous evaluations."

"Then do you think there was a problem with the selection?"

"No." Wang Ai shook his head: "The selection mechanism is there. If you are willing to participate, you can participate. If you don't want to, you won't participate. If someone evaluates it, you will not accept it. Unless it is given to you, it will be considered unfair. Such an attitude is not advisable. ."

The reporter laughed and said quietly: "Dr. Wang, you are not as honest as you used to be."

Wang Ai also laughed: "Dozens of reporters voted. You can't ask him one by one what his voting criteria are. That's what people think. What can be done? Besides, Messi's performance is really good."

"Then you have nothing to say about the Golden Globes?"

"Yes." Wang Ai smiled: "I am waiting for the explanation of the Golden Globe Awards to the media. You know that many media have questioned the results of the selection these days as in previous years."

"Are you expecting the Golden Globes to be taken back?"

"How is that possible?" Wang Ai haha ​​smiled: "I mean, let me lose and I will understand. I won't know how to fight until next year."

The reporter rolled his eyes concealedly, but still smiled and shook his head: "Well, the next World Footballer's selection will also have the newly established Puskas Prize. What do you think?"

"I think I have a great advantage. Although sometimes I think of this type of problem and silently shout in my heart that it is none other than me, but you know, I can't say that publicly." Wang Ai laughed: "Probably every Athletes at the top of the industry will have similar ideas. Sports is always a heroic industry."

"If you lose again, what will you do?"

"Probably the same as yesterday, without reading the newspaper, watching TV, or going to the Internet, quietly move out of my backlog of textbooks and study hard?"

"Others relieve pressure by playing, you are studying? Dr. Wang, we are acquaintances, and Chinese fans also love you very much. You don't have to be like an idol anytime, anywhere."

Wang Ai shook his head: "I mean, I have been too busy this year, so my courses have fallen a lot. For me, losing a Golden Globe is not a scandal, but if I fail to graduate in time, it’s not a scandal. Forget it. So I'm also very nervous in this regard."

"If the Puskas Prize in the first quarter was your goal, which one of your goals would you choose?"

Hearing this question, Wang Ai's gaze was blank: "This, I really can't say that, I have a lot of wonderful goals every year."

The reporter fixedly looked at Wang Ai, and said with a smile: "I don't count you showing off intentionally."

After speaking, the two laughed loudly, and at the same time raised their tea cups to signal to each other.

"Let's talk about the World Cup. Next year, the Chinese men's football team will go out for the third time." The reporter calmed his mind: "How are your preparations? I heard that you did special training?"

Wang Ai hesitated: "Preparation will never be enough, but there is an upper limit on the power that the country can draw, and there is an upper limit on the time for preparation. We can only do our best in the limited time and limited resources. As for special training, It’s not that much. It’s mainly to hone our will and quality. Our national team has a large number of overseas players. Even the domestic players’ income has grown very fast over the years. Frankly speaking, we Compared with the predecessors, there are indeed certain deficiencies in the quality of will."

After listening to the reporter, he pondered: "Then, I heard that we are preparing to bid for the right to host the World Cup. Can you confirm this?"

"...It's true." Wang Ai thought about it: "In fact, this idea should have been there very early. With the performance of the Chinese team over the years, it has also surfaced. We successfully hosted the Olympic Games. Control a relatively single World Cup. As for the specific progress of the bid, I don’t know much about it. In this regard, you can ask Vice Chairman Yan whether he is willing to accept an interview. Personally, I think the success rate is quite high."

"Do you think the current domestic football crackdown will affect the bid? Will it make international football distrust us?"

"We are also bidding for the right to host it at least eight or even twelve years later, which is far away from what is happening now."

"What effect will the football eradication have on Chinese football?"

"The wind is clean and the efficiency is improved, but it will not immediately strengthen the foundation of Chinese football." Wang Ai immediately replied: "A system that operates efficiently must reduce intermediate links and reduce office costs, and false things are the best. It consumes office costs and makes the input and output disproportionate. The input of Chinese football is mainly manpower input. There is a gap between the country with high level of football. Therefore, this is a good thing. It is a good thing to remove the fake and keep the truth and improve the productivity of football. At the same time, it can also be used. Form a deterrent to wrongdoing and urge all parties to continuously improve the league management mechanism."

"What is the goal of the Chinese team for the World Cup next year?" The reporter suddenly came back.

Wang Ai was stunned and said subconsciously: "Champion."

The reporter's eyes widened suddenly: "Champion?"

"...Yes." Wang Ai hesitated to say the answer, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Yes, we want to take home the Hercules Cup."

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